Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Crowd comes out on Earth Day

Caverns Cleanup

It was a beautiful spring morning last Saturday as a large crowd descended upon Lewis and Clark Caverns State Park near Cardwell.

The group from around Southwest Montana was on hand for a special Earth Day Trails Cleanup event. Those in attendance spent the day doing maintenance work on trails, as well as removing noxious weeds from the popular state park.

Shortly before heading out to lead a group to help eradicate weeds, Brian Turner with the Montana State AmeriCorps was super pleased with the turnout.

"I am blown away," Turner said.

In the past, he said there has not been this type of attendance for similar cleanups, adding it was so nice to see Boy Scouts and other younger people who were on hand.

Turner stressed the importance of days like this, adding it is super important to not only educate residents about noxious weeds, but also how to get rid of them.

Jefferson County Weed Coordinator Jill Allen was also leading a team of volunteers at the cleanup , and spent several minutes displaying the noxious weeds they would be looking for.

She stressed the dangers of the noxious weeds and how they can outcompete native species. Allen said some of the weeds they would be looking for Saturday were Houndstongue, Spotted Knapweed, Toadflaxes and Cheatgrass.


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