Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

GUEST EDITORIAL: Is The Ambulance Tax District A Good Idea For Our Community? Part 2

(Note from the publisher: This is the second part of a guest editorial submitted last week.)

On the 17th of January, 2017, the Jefferson County Commission created Resolution No. 04-2017; a resolution of intent to create Jefferson Valley Regional EMS & Rescue Ambulance District. What is the significance of this resolution? First, since the 16th of July 2016, this is the seventh resolution written for forming this service tax district. Resolutions were made, then rescinded for lack of content or incorrect procedure. Our county officials apparently do not know procedure for forming a service district. The second point of interest is this is a resolution of intent. A resolution of intent comes prior to a resolution for a referendum (see rescinded resolutions 24-2016, 37-2016 & 38-2016). A resolution of intent is basically a memorandum of understanding; spelling out expectations (intent), terms and most important, commitment to the action. This also provides a place of ‘study’ on a decision to resolve a problem. In part, this is why the ‘study’ comes prior to the referendum.

A referendum is a general vote by the electorate on a single political question that has been referred to the commission for a direct decision. This reflects the Commission’s desire to ‘resolve’ this dispute by vote. One question the electorate needs to be asking is how much is this going to cost Jefferson County? Our friends, neighbors and family who live in Jefferson County, who are not part of the proposed district, are paying for this process, too. The creation of a referendum is more a reflection of weak government going to the people, and in

this instance, who have been insufficiently informed, for a transient whim rather than a careful deliberation. The commission appears to be deflecting their involvement onto the residents of the proposed district; they do not want to be held accountable.

Over the course of this last year, one big change in our county is that Jefferson County District No. 1 no longer has representation. Commissioner Wortman has refused to come to Whitehall and rather than communicating with town representatives, he has relied on opinion to formulate his decisions. It is important to note that Commissioner Wortman does not reside in the proposed ambulance tax district; no commissioner does. An interesting point with Commissioner Wortman is that he has been informing local ranchers that when the mine closes, their property taxes will be going up. The mine will eventually close; it is the nature of an extraction business. When it does, all prope1iy taxes will match property values, not just for the ranchers. Why would people want to be taxed for a business that is capable of self-sufficiency when we know taxes will be going up?

Let us say that the district is well supported and passes; will the district be let out to bid? Which ambulance service will the Commission ‘choose’; the one to be supported by tax dollars or the one that is self-sufficient? Will the ambulance service that receives the bid from the County become a public entity or remain a private business? The County Commission has not reflected impartiality in the process, so far, by protecting a private business, over any other private or public business, to the point of threating legal prosecution. This might be due to the fact that political influence and familiarity can buy immunity or privileged treatment. Whatever happened to the enforcement of laws without favor?

As people are being chosen to run for the ambulance tax district board, we assume that the directors will represent ‘the public’ and run the organization in the public interest. Under what conditions will managers be more likely to act in the public’s interest? Neither public nor private managers will always act in the best interest of the public. Conclusively, the form of business ownership is not near as important as managerial accountability.

Which brings into question whose business will this be?

Mayor for the town of Whitehall

Jefferson Valley webpage Jefferson County Commissioners 287-3036 or 225-4025

How are people to educate themselves if the information available on the County website is not current or accurate?


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