Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Head Start Open House next week

The RMDC Head Start will be hosting an open house next Tuesday, April 18 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at 405 West Legion in Whitehall.

RMDC Head Start has been In the Whitehall community for 20 years. It is an important community program that needs community support to continue. We would like to invite everyone to come and see our site to understand who we are and what we offer for children and families.

Head Start is a federally-funded program that has proven successful and effective for children and families. It provides free, comprehensive child development and educational programs, as well as support services for children from three to five years old and their families. The program includes a developmentally-appropriate curriculum that emphasizes language and cognitive development, social skills, and creativity, while offering their parents support- services to enhance their productivity and self-sufficiency.

The classroom is arranged by learning center, with specific areas for dramatic play, science, art, sensory exploration, library, writing, and blocks. In addition to providing a variety of learning experiences, these centers build children’s self-confidence, enable them to express feelings and ideas, and help them develop social skills. The daily schedule includes a balance of large group, small group, and individual play time, as well as outdoor activities, mealtimes, and personal hygiene.

The staff is dedicated to providing the best possible care and education for children. It is our belief that parents make the real difference in their children’s health and development. After all, parents are their children’s first and most important teacher. Some of the ways parents can be involved in their children’s program include assisting teachers in developing their child’s learning plan; working with their children at home to extend the children’s learning experience; volunteering or visiting children in the classroom; and participating In parent education workshops.

Head Start is a free preschool. The program is from 8 am to Noon, Monday through Thursday.

It includes breakfast and lunch. To enroll a child, call and get an application appointment. To make an appointment, call 287-2215. If no one is in the office, leave a message and we will return your call.


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