Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Principal's Principles

As I look out my window, I see many signs that spring has sprung! More and more people are getting outdoors and exercising, many yards are starting to shape up from the winter months, and an exciting attitude is in the air. Many times we take aspects of life for granted. I am sure all of you are thankful for the warmer weather, but do we really consider the change that is occurring in our environment?

Life is springing out in all aspects of the word. Leaves are budding, grass is growing, and animals are reproducing. It is a stimulating time of year. This excites the students here at the school.

Kids begin wanting to be released into the outdoors and as the days get longer they also want to play outside later. This can have some major benefits on children and as they become more active they will become happier as well.

It is also an important time of year for schools, as we are gearing up to test the students on progress that they have made throughout the year. With everything occurring it is sometimes hard to find the time to rest, trust me, I see it with my own kids as well. Sleep is important and I would encourage all of you to keep to your set schedule to ensure students are getting the rest they need to preform without drowsiness.

So get active and have fun outside, but remember to rest as needed. Thank you for raising productive citizens and students!

Mr. McLean


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