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High school play next week

Next week Whitehall High School students will be taking local residents on a trip to the backwoods of the American Bible Belt, where things are rarely tidy and always done with a sense of humor.

The high school drama department will be performance of "Dearly Departed" is scheduled to take place Thursday, April 6 and Friday, April 7 in the multi purpose room. Both of the performances will begin at 7 p.m.

According to Drama Director Cheri Shaw, the play is something really different than what they have done in the past, but the community should enjoy it.

A total of 13 Whitehall students will be performing in the play, and Monica Sepulveda and Bailee Hess will be serving as the stage crew.

The cast includes Brandon Gipson as Bud Turpin, Maggie Whitehurst as Raynelle, Erik Reinschmidt as Ray-Bud, Rachel Smith as Lucille, Garrison Shaw as Junior, Dorothy Mastel as Marguerite, Bryn Welker as Suzanne, Hunter Flynn as Royce, Jack Racicot as Reverend Hooker and Norval, Allee Scafani as Vera/Clyde, Madison Lombardi as Nadine, Ann Russell as Delightful and Katie Smith as Juanita.

The play was written by David Bottrell and Jessie Jones, and brings together the Trupin family for their father's funeral.

Shaw added the cast really seems to love the show and that it is a really funny production.

Shaw said all but five of the cast members are seniors and the graduating class has been fantastic to work with.

"They are a stellar group of kids," she said.


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