Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Column: Plenty of positive

I had someone tell me the other day I complain a lot in my columns.

I just had to smile because I knew it was true. At the same time, if I didn’t have somewhere to vent I would probably go a little bit crazy.

I’m probably just a few more years till I will be peering out the window every time I hear a little noise, waiting to catch some young hooligans on my lawn.

After the conversation, I decided I would make this column very positive and would not complain about anything. As hard as it may be to do, I am going to sit here and share a few things that I do enjoy. Hopefully people will see I’m not always a Grinch.

I’m a huge fan of college basketball and the first four days of the NCAA Tournament is my favorite sporting event of the year. I’m trying really hard to get a lot of stuff done at work so I can watch as much as possible. If I could pick only one sporting event to watch all year this would be it. Professional sports don’t seem to have as much passion. It is just people doing a job. This isn’t the case with the tournament. I could literally put on some pajamas, grab a bunch of snacks, and spend four straight days on the couch. I’d probably have to send someone else from the house to get refills of snacks because people get a little crazy if they see someone in their pajamas at the store. I personally don’t care what people look like when they go to the store -- as long as they have some sort of clothes on.

Since it is March, it is also getting closer to summer. This is my favorite season of the year. I love to get off work, go home, and just sit on the front porch for hours. I don’t need hours of conversation either. I can just sit and look at the mountains till the sun goes down without a care in the world. A lot of people need the stimulation of conversation, but I’ve never been that way. Sometimes I strike up a little conversation with myself and this makes me look really strange when someone witnesses it. I’ve traveled a little in my life, but would like to explore a lot more places. One thing I can say is that I really doubt there are many places more beautiful than Montana in the summer.

One of my favorite things is how enjoyable a pet can make life. There are certainly the people who will say, “it’s just a dog” or “it’s just a cat”. That is not me. I cringe when I hear that. I love my cat Peaches pretty much more than most humans I’ve ever met. This is the type of love that is unconditional.

Every time I pull up to the house my cat goes to the window to greet me. He doesn’t care about anything other than seeing me, and he always brings a smile to my face. I’ve never seen a human so excited to see me when I come home. Usually when I get home from work the first thing I’m greeted with is “what’s for dinner?”

I was really surprised I could stay this positive throughout an entire column. Maybe it’s the new me. I seriously doubt that is the case, but I’ll take a week of happy.


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