Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Looking Back 25 Years

From the archives of the Jefferson Valley Museum

March 25, 1992

Three WHS Juniors were chosen to attend Montana Boys State. They are Matt Reiff, son of Dr. and Mrs. Terry Reiff; Jeff Robenstein, son of Sue Robenstein, Brent Sears, son of Ron and Janet Sears; and alternate Cory Tebay, son of Norman and Michelle Tebay.

Whitehall residents were treated to a showing of the more than 80 Science Fair projects of Whitehall’s fifth and sixth grade students. First place winners were: sixth grade – John Loomis, “Acid Rain and Its Effects on Rocks and Plants;” sixth grade – Joe Chiovaro, “Elasticity and What It Is.” Honorable mention went to Heidi Hemund for her erosion project. Fifth grade winners were: Jenny Bowers with her project on tides and Nicole Robbins with her project, “Trees Are Plants Too.”

More than 35 Cardwell students recently took part in the American Heart Assoc.’s “Jump Rope for Hearts.” It was reported the school collected $1,296.04, with all proceeds going to the American Heart Assoc.

For the past ten weeks a group of young people from the Whitehall area have been taking a dog obedience class. Their instructor was Lynn Benedict from Butte. Parents and friends enjoyed watching as the contestants showed their dogs in areas of showmanship, obedience and tricks which were learned in the basic care and training portion of the class.


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