This has been a quiet week. According to the Daily Bread reading for the first day of Spring, Jesus said to his disciples in Mark 6:31, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” Sounds pretty nice to me, especially if it means a drive up the South Boulder.
Kathy Clark, Aileen Shaw and Erv Hedegaard were guests with the Whitehall Pinochle Club. Host, Michael Clark gave prizes to Florence Weyer for High; Gladys Ballard for Second - she also had 1,000 aces; Low went to Joyce Held and Pinochle to Mary Gustin.
Randy and Laurie Steel have had their return to Paraguay plans postponed for several months. Medical issues were solved during the time prior to Christmas. Blessings come from delays and having plans changed. Some of Laurie’s family, (mom and dad, a sister and brother-in-law with their children) live in Billings. This meant some quality time. Christmas in Cardwell with extended family and having snow was a delight. Following a cross country trip to supporting churches, the Steels were able to be a part of their son Derek’s wedding. He and Renee Mannen from Florida were married at the Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs, Colorado on March 11, 2017. While here, Laurie took an on-line college course and Randy kept up with his many responsibilities from the mission field. This Sunday will be their last time here for another 4 or 5 years.
Hard to believe that the third quarter of the school year is over this Friday. Remember that the Jr. High is having their dance/labor auction to raise funds for the end of the year trip. Folks should be turning in the ‘box tops for education’ so the school can redeem them. Dawn Lewton’s position as Clerk of the School Board is coming to an end as she runs to fill the position of Mike Mastel on the Cardwell School Board. A new clerk has been hired and more about that to come.
Bill Powell was a surprised honored guest during the weekly time with the Cardwell Youth Group. It was a real ‘kids’ celebration. Party hats, balloons, games and food kept the teens, as well as the Powells energized. From the pictures that I saw, it looked like it was a crazy, but fun evening.
Aileen Shaw called this morning and told me to take an egg and set it flat side down, on the sidewalk and it would stay balanced all day. It lasted until the wind took over. The balancing has something to do with the Spring equinox. It’s too complicated for me.
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