Hi Folks,
At our meeting Tuesday morning, we met with our new Event Coordinator, Bruce Binkowski. He has been very busy talking with a lot of people. He has commitments from several groups that do events in Jefferson County, but have never acknowledged us, to include information about Jefferson County in the future. Some of the groups agreeing to put a link to the Jefferson County Website on their Websites are Country Jam, Butte 100 Cycle Race, Elkhorn Endurance Run, Wulfman CDT (14K trail race), and Tizer Garden. Some of the groups will also include the county logo on their tee shirts. Bruce was able to get six portable basketball hoops donated from San Diego. We will pay for the shipping costs and they will be available for any communities or groups to use. Bruce is looking to create some brochures and fliers, and promote and help upgrade the seven DES radio stations.
During the regular meeting we renewed our Audit Services Contract. We awarded the bid for the Jefferson Slough Modification Project to Missouri River Contractors from Helena for $455,555.00. We did have one contractor that submitted a lower bid, but they didn’t go through the pre-qualification process that was required for this project.
Commission Chair Cory Kirsch ordered that the notice for the Referendum on the creation of the Ambulance District will be published on March 15, 2017. In addition, letters will be sent that same day to every property owner in the proposed district. This will open a sixty (60) day protest period. He also set a Public Hearing to be held on May 16, 2017 at 6:30 pm in Bordon’s in Whitehall.
FYI: Alexander Hamilton (1755 – 1804), first Secretary of the Treasury; “Foreign influence is truly the Grecian Horse to a Republic. We cannot be too careful to exclude its influence.”
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