Hi Folks,
At last week’s meeting we reviewed claims at 9:30 and talked with the County Sanitarian, Megan Bullock about water and sewer issues in Clancy. Megan has contracted with Montana Tech to do water sampling and testing within the Town site of Clancy because of some test results that showed high levels of Nitrates in the well water.
Road Supervisor, Rory Parsons updated us on what is going on in the Road Department. Kip Harris from the Boulder shop has left to take another job. We are currently advertising for that position.
County Treasurer, Teri Kunz met with us to bring us up to date with the County financials. Teri has done an excellent job getting the Treasurer’s Office running smoothly and efficiently.
We also met with County Attorney, Steve Haddon. Steve has hired a new Deputy that will concentrate on the criminal side, mostly with felonies. That will allow Steve to concentrate mainly on the County and civil side. It has been very difficult trying to keep up with all of the County stuff, as well as prosecuting the felonies.
We awarded the Sugar Beet Row Sewer Project to Missouri River Contractors. Our Pre Construction Conference is set for 9:00 a.m. Monday, March 13th. We also approved Resolution 07-2017 to appoint a Special Deputy County Attorney to prosecute a particular case when a potential conflict arose. We opened the bids for the Jefferson Slough Channel Modification Project. We plan to award the bid at our meeting this week.
We held our Pre Construction Conference for the bridge across Pipestone Creek on Kountz Road on Thursday morning. They plan to start the project on March 13th, so Kountz Road will be closed from March 13th through May 1st.
FYI: Mark Twain said, “Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.”
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