Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Editorial: Something for everyone at Whitehall Library

While the heart of a library will always be the books, they can also provide a place for the community to gather for a variety of events.

This is certainly the case at the Whitehall Community Library.

I would really like to encourage residents who have not been the library in a while or at all, to come check out some of the interesting things going on. Some of the the many happenings currently scheduled at the library are computer classes, a writer’s group, book clubs, origami, adult water coloring and Tai Chi.

There is truly something for everyone and things are never boring. This really makes the library an asset to the community and the local board, the Friends of the Whitehall Library, the Library Board of Directors, and Librarian Jeannie Ferriss and staff should be commended for the hard work they do to give everyone a community gathering point.

There certainly is a lot do at the Whitehall Library, and of course you cannot forget story time for the kids and an amazing summer reading program.

The library also rents DVD’s, which is a cheap way for some good entertainment.

When Ferriss first started in the position, she really wanted to know what people would like to see at the library as well as what hours would be convenient. She is working hard to accommodate both.

She writes a weekly column in the Ledger called “Between the Stacks”. If you are every curious to what might be going on or is new at the Library, this would be a good start to figuring that out.



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