I was not in the right mind for any shenanigans.
I was in a foul mood last Thursday and things were not going my way at work. I decided to get out of the office and run some errands. I wanted to enjoy the fresh air, so I walked to the bank and post office, but decided to drive to Liberty Place to drop off some things I had printed for them. I was driving near the Corner Store going the speed limit when someone nearly drove right into the side of me. Rather than mouth the world sorry or look away embarrassed he flipped me off and was so mad that he was red. I was driving down the street 25 miles an hour. He had run through a stop sign, yet was mad at me. Perfect. I thought, this could end badly and his tailgating made me a tad nervous. What was he going to do if I pulled over? Want to fight because he was driving like an idiot? Were we going to arm wrestle? Was it going to be a dance off, because I didn't have the right type of shoes to bust a move?
I soon pulled into Liberty Place and was on my way back to the office when it almost happened again. Someone not paying attention to the road almost smacked into the side of my vehicle. I thought at least this time they won't be mad. That was not the case. I could literally read the words coming out of their mouth and let's just say it was not pretty. It was filthy. It was darn near barbaric. At this point I had enough so I just gave them a big smile and wave.
I was already frustrated from the first time, but I figured if I acted like them, I would be stooping to their level and I wasn't about that. I wanted to kill them with kindness. I think that may be my new motto in life. If someone yells at me, I will tell them they are pretty or have a terrific outfit.
If someone is super upset about a story in the Ledger, I'll tell them how their shirt really compliments their eyes or they have a sharp looking truck.
I think one of two things will happen. I'll either shock them into not knowing what to do or how to react, or I'll get punched. Either way, it could be very interesting.
The crazy drivers would not be the end of my shenanigans.
The same day we were going to do laundry at the Laundromat, and that could make even the sanest person a little crazy. Sure we could have done it at home, but why do that when you can let the laundry of five build up for two weeks and be forced to do it all at one time. The girls were told to get their laundry ready before school, but I had to go in their rooms and get it.
Every room smelled like the inside of a shoe and in a few hours they are going to be picking up their mess and making it smell like a hospital.
I was trying to get back to the office quickly and cram all the laundry in the trunk rather than put a little in the back seat.
I ended up whacking my head so hard on the trunk it drew blood. I may have spouted off some words, perhaps some a bit barbaric. But I wasn't mad at strangers, I was mad at myself and when the trunk would not shut, I slammed it hard.
Boy was that a stupid idea. When I got to the Laundromat the trunk would not open. I was already a little frustrated by people getting frustrated, and when I hit my head it sent me over the line.
Luckily the trunk did eventually open and there is no longer dirty laundry.
Hopefully the rooms will be clean by the time this us published and tomorrow has less crazy.
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