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Christmas Confusion

The Blueprint series will continue next week, with Christmas approaching I wanted to share with you some important thoughts regarding why we celebrate Christmas. Have you noticed that there is some confusion about Christmas? Over time the significance of any holiday or special occasion can change. Sometimes specific events lose their luster or the original meaning is overshadowed by something completely different.

In our culture currently what are some of the messages we see regarding Christmas? Marketing, sales, family celebrations, gift giving, Santa Clause, his reindeer, major sporting events, etc. The National Retail Federation reports that consumers spent $655.8 billion in 2015 during the holiday season. Christmas travel in the U.S. according to AAA was approximately 100 million for the first time on record. Did you know that each year Santa Clause receives millions of letters?! There are about 41 NCAA Football bowl games occurring this year. What happens to be a common denominator in these figures? Money!

Please understand that I don’t mean to be the “Grinch.” In fact, my family celebrates Christmas with gifts, decorating a tree and a personal favorite-watching football! YEAH! However, as Christian’s we don’t let the meaning of Christmas get clouded by all of society’s confusion.

There is incredible meaning behind the truth of Christmas, including some of the names or phrases sung in carols and hymns. El Shaddai means God almighty or God of Heaven. Emmanuel is understood as God with us. Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace, Everlasting Father, Mighty God are all words people have used for centuries to describe one person, Jesus. You may have noticed that there are many who ignore Christ when it comes to Christmas or even try to create controversy concerning Christmas being pagan in its origins?

Christians should celebrate Christmas! The single, most important event in all of history occurred when Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Romans 6:23 says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord.” The confusion of Christmas leads us to a serious question- is Jesus Christ your Lord? As we are drawn by the Holy Spirit, through repentance and faith we come to Christ. There is nothing we can do to earn salvation; it is a gift from God. Those gifts under the Christmas tree are meant to be opened. Won’t you be open to Jesus being your savior? Money will not last, that Christmas tree will be tossed out and the decorations put back in their respective boxes. Football season will end and my wife and daughters will rejoice…hmmm?

In all the hustle and bustle, let’s celebrate Christmas for the right reason. When you hear or sing a carol, remember the meaning behind Christmas. Wishing you a Merry Christ-centered Christmas.


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