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Trojans shine at Cascade Tournament

A young, but talented Whitehall High School wrestling team opened the season in impressive fashion with a second place finish out of 25 teams at last week's Cascade Tournament.

Clancy Russell (103 pounds), Riley Forcella (126), Braxtyn Armstong (154) and Dawson Hoerauf (285), all finished in first place for Whitehall.

"This first tournament at Cascade always is a bit of an unknown. We had confidence that they would try hard, but had the kids been working hard enough in practice? Have they learned enough technique? Is their mind still on the school's football successes? How are the other teams doing?" coach Steve Sacry said. "We were pleased as some of the unknowns were answered. The team has good camaraderie and good leadership in captains Armstrong, Hoerauf, and Connor Johnson."

Sacry said that while Russell had wrestled a little bit in middle school, he is relatively new to the sport.

"While he is very athletic, and we know he will do well this year, we weren't sure if he was ready this weekend or not. His first match he showed emotional poise and effort and came away with the win. This started a trend that he built on. He ended the weekend with a perfect 4-0 record and first place finish," Sacry said.

Freshman Mike Wilkinson competed at 120 pounds, and finished in fifth-place with a 4-2 record. Sacry said Wilkinson had some success in middle school, but as a freshman wasn't sure how he would do against high school competition.

"Those concerns were quickly alleviated as he won his first match with smart, aggressive wrestling. He lost his next match which put him in the consolation bracket," Sacry said.

Forcella, also a freshman, won first place at his first high school tournament.

"He has good technique and stamina, but had several well experienced, competent wrestlers, including state competitors and placers, in his weight class. Riley showed great wrestling and mental composure as he beat the powerhouses. He ended the weekend with a perfect 4-0 record, including an exciting 4-3 championship win in double overtime," Sacry said.

Sophomore Connor Johnson finished in second place for the Trojans at 132 pounds. He had a 3-1 record over the two-day tournament.

"As a returning state placer, we knew Connor would be one to lead the team. He didn't disappoint. After solid wrestling all weekend, he fell just short losing his championship match in double overtime 14-17," Sacry said.

Wyatt Powers competed for Whitehall at 145 pounds. Sacry said Powers came into the tournament injured, and wasn't able to perform to his potential.

"He had two tough matches Friday, but because of the injuries wasn't able to compete Saturday. I have no doubt he will be back soon and make up for lost time," Sacry said.

Armstrong, the lone senior on the 2016-17 team, wrestled his way to a 4-0 record and first place finish.

"He learned a lot last year and worked hard in the off season. He was eager to test his skills and make a statement this weekend. His hard work paid off and he had a perfect 4-0 record including a 8-7 hard fought championship win," Sacry said.

Wyatt Scheller was able to pickup the first win of his career at 170 pounds.

"Wyatt is completely new to wrestling. He has been learning fast and ready to compete. He lost his three matches on Friday, learning and improving with each. Saturday he had a rematch against one of his previous matches. He took what he had learned, came up with a strategy and was able to win with a pin," Sacry said.

Kayden Howser finished in fourth place for Whitehall at 205 pounds.

"Kayden showed great improvement last year. With some state experience and a successful football season, he was ready to compete. He showed the benefit of hard work and focus with his 4-2 record and fourth place finish," he said.

Junior Dawson Hoerauf ran through the competition for a first place finish at 285 pounds.

"Dawson took on the big boys at this tournament. He has a new level of confidence and expertise this year. There was no doubt that Dawson was there to win. He had a perfect weekend, 3-0 record including pinning his opponent in the championship match," Sacry said.

Looking towards the season, Sacry said he and coach Mark Nelson are pleased with the team they have.

"It is young, with one senior, two juniors, five sophomores and two freshman. All the kids, new and experienced are working hard and eagerly learning the techniques. They definitely have their eyes set on a successful state tournament, and realize their step-wise efforts during the season is what will get them there," he said.


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