Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Editorial: Coming together for the best Whitehall

Last Friday afternoon, around 50 local residents traveled to Boulder to attend a hearing in the 5th Judicial Courtroom.

They were attending the continuation of a hearing to determine if a Recall election for five Whitehall elected officials would move forward.

After nearly six hours of testimony, 7th District Court Judge Katherine Bidegaray who presided over the hearing through a video connection from Sidney, did not make a decision whether the recall petitions were invalid as to form, but did publically state she was leaning in that direction. She informed both parties that she would make her final decision sometime this week.

While her final decision has yet to be made, it appears the election will not be moving forward.

This is the perfect time for the Town of Whitehall and its residents to move forward from what has transpired the past eight months with the possibility of a recall election, and to look to the future of our community. It’s also the perfect time for us all to do this in unison, or as closely as possible.

When it comes to government, big or small, people are not going to get along. That is just fine. At the same time, what is most important in the Town of Whitehall is moving forward in a positive direction This is what is best for the residents in this town. That is all that matters.

I think most will say they want what’s best for Whitehall. What is best for Whitehall is putting petty differences aside and working to make this town the best it can be. We need to make this town thrive so future generations can enjoy it as much as those in the past have.

This isn’t about personal agendas. This is about Whitehall and the people who live here. Somehow that got lost.

At the conclusion of the hearing, Judge Bidegaray discussed why she was leaning towards ruling the petitions were invalid as to form, but said the underlying issue of whether an open meeting law violation had taken place at a Council Meeting April 11 still remained.

I’m not a lawyer and have no idea if a violation took place. If the Judge rules against the petition, she stated the whole process could start again. I’m not sure that would be a great idea for our town. If this taught us anything, it is that not everyone is pleased with the direction of the town government. I’m also well aware there are many people who are pleased with the current governing body. I really wish everyone could meet in the middle for the benefit of Whitehall.

I know many readers are sick of reading about recall issues, bickering at Council meetings, and other issues. I’m just as sick of always writing about them. I don’t like to come to work on Thursday waiting for the phone to ring with somebody upset.

I hope the next few months will show why this is such a great place to live, and how we can make it even better.


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