Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Between the Stacks

It was the third year of the Civil War, 1863, when President Abraham Lincoln declared that each November there would be a national day of Thanksgiving. It was based on a celebration which first took place in 1621, when the Wampanoag Indians and the Plymouth settlers shared a meal after the fall crops had been harvested. The New World had been a cruel lesson for the pilgrims with only 51 settlers surviving out of 102 original arrivals. Now life was once again hard for a nation at war with itself. Would the long Civil War ever end? It would take until 1865 before Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia would surrender after the Battle of Appomattox Court House. Thankfulness may not have been the first emotion people would feel. Thanksgiving Day continues today to be celebrated this year on November 24. The Library will be closed both the 24 and 25 of November, then reopen for normal hours on Saturday the 26.

If you are interested in history come join the History Book Club on Monday, November 21 at 6:30 to discuss “The Worst Hard Times”. It is a volume of recollections and history about the Great Depression and those who survived the Dust Bowl. We will be reading “In the Garden of the Beast” by Erik Larson for December. It is an historic novel about the life of William E. Dodd, America’s ambassador to Nazi Germany from 1933-1937.

The Friends of the Library met earlier this month and have decided to host an open house during the Christmas Stroll. The Library Open House will be from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm on December 10. Santa will be here, of course, and goodies will abound. If you are interested in becoming a Friend of the Library, just stop by or call 287-3763 for more information.

Robin is hard at work planning a series of adult Christmas Craft classes for December. She is sharing her knowledge of the construction of German Christmas Stars with everyone, as well as Danish Basket ornaments and more. More information will be available about this series soon. If you have a favorite international Christmas ornament or craft you would like to share please let us know. The Computer Classes will begin in January on Tuesday afternoons. If you would like to be included please let the staff know. Classes are filling fast so please sign up before they are full.


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