Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Column: Glad it's over

At an early age, I learned that when people start talking politics, things could get ugly in a heartbeat. This happens more and more as the United States inches closer to a Presidential Election. I've seen what started out as a polite and thoughtful discussion turn sour and get to the point where I thought it was going to escalate into a Pro Wrestling match and people would start whacking each other with folding chairs.

Citizens from across the nation went to the polls yesterday, and came together in the evening to watch the results of the election. I love the Democratic Process, but I have to readily admit I'm glad this election is over. This election there was justifiable passion, indifference, and people who took things a little too far. I would read comments from people on Facebook and other social media sites that made me cringe. One of the great things about this Country is we have the right to vote and to voice our opinion, I just like when people can do it without calling somebody horrific names. It's often times funny because know matter what a person says in response, even backed by 100 percent truth, they can be made to fill about the size of a thumb tack. They probably feel like they sat on one too.

Last Sunday, I was excited to watch my team the Denver Broncos square off in a heated rivalry game with the Oakland Raiders. It was a prime time game with first place in the division on the line.

The results of the game did not make me happy, but I can live with that. What truly made it an awful experience was that every commercial break belonged to the candidates for President of the United States and the Governor of Montana. One negative ad would be followed by another negative ad by the opposing candidate. They were ugly and when they ran back to back, it just seemed silly. I'm sure on Sunday night there were plenty of people who had yet to make a decision who they would vote for, but I don't understand how a last minute negative ad would sway anything. I just wanted to watch football, not see some ridiculous ads.

Luckily I have a mute button so at least I wasn't able to hear the negativity. At one point I looked up and saw a commercial that was a cartoon and thought to myself, wow this is how you sway the undecided. The follow up by the opposing candidate wasn't much better.

One of the announcers of the game was Chris Collinsworth. Usually when he is in the booth I already have the mute button ready to go. His voice makes nails on a chalkboard sound like Beethoven at his finest. I actually couldn't wait for the game to get back on so I could hear him talk. Anything would have been better than these commercials.

There will be plenty of people today who are upset at the results in the election. Know matter what people feel, it will is time to move forward. The results are in and I hope the nation can come together.

I read numerous stories about famous people saying they would move to Canada or somewhere else abroad if a certain candidate won the election. All I can say is don't let the door hit you in the behind.

Our nation will be just fine. It's the hard working people that form the backbone of the United States and they will continue to do the same.


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