Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

For Your Information

The FM radio station that provides emergency information also broadcasts Trojan sports when on the road. The Cut Bank vs Whitehall play off game was stream lined through the computer as well as the radio and was an exciting listen. Levi Simon and Cody Haggerty were behind the microphones keeping home bound fans informed of what was going on on the field. It became a nail biter going into overtime! A big thanks to Lee Good for the system that gives not only entertainment, but emergency warnings, etc. If you like country/western music, that is also available.

Joyce Held is back home from her trip south and called with the Pinochle Club results. High went to Patty Strozzi; Second, to Michael Clark; Low to guest, Aileen Shaw and Pinochle to Judy Simmons. Marion Poff is the next hostess.

The November calendar for the Cardwell School has been released. The Lady Cougar’s first basketball game is scheduled next Tuesday at 4pm in Harrison. Later in the week, Thursday, Nov. 10, they will host Harrison, at 4pm. Also, next Thursday, November 10th there will be a special Veteran’s Day Program at 1pm in the Cardwell gym.

It’s been fun to watch the transformation of the ‘cabin’ that Russell and Wanda Munson acquired in Lincoln. They had a vision for the outcome of an unfinished and complete mess that had become theirs. They tackled the inside and hauled away trash and evidence of unwelcome creatures and then scrubbed and cleaned. Outside, trees were cleared away and grass was planted. The latest modernization is electricity and a land line. There is no cell service in that area. Every chance they get, it’s off to Lincoln to continue work and loving the great outdoors.

November 8th is finally here. Jefferson Island Precinct 15 is in the Cardwell Gym. Polls are open from noon until 8pm. This is a Madison County Precinct. Jefferson County votes in Whitehall. There are so many issues on the ballot no one should neglect voting. God has ordained and established three great institutions: The home--”Fill the earth and subdue it.” Genesis 1:28. The Church-- “I will build My church.” Matthew 16:18 and The Government -- “Authorities are God’s servants.” Romans 13:6. From Come before Winter by Chuck Swindoll.


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