Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

JVCF awards 2016 grants

A large crowd made their way to the Borden's Building last Thursday for the annual Jefferson Valley Community Foundation Celebrate Community Grant Awards event.

Co-Chair Millie Baycroft told those in attendance that the JVCF is a permanent endowment fund for the area, and discussed the importance of foundations like this in Montana.

"This is a permanent fund for this community. Every time you give to the JVCF, you are giving a gift to yourself," she said.

The $2,500 Barrick Golden Sunlight Mine grant was awarded to PULSE.

Trent Biggers said PULSE will be using the money to purchase a power load cot system for the JVEMS.

The Jefferson Valley Museum was awarded a $4,000 grant. Museum Board member Arcylle Shaw said they will be using the money to buy flat file case to display maps and other art.

The Whitehall Community Library also received a $4,000 grant from the JVCF. Librarian Jennie Ferriss said the money would be used to purchase laptops for upcoming computer classes.

"The classes will be progressive in nature and cover subjects such as social media, email, Internet basics, different programs, trouble shooting, word processing, reference searching, and more," she said.

The Whitehall Community Center also received a grant. The $2,000 will be used to upgrade lighting at the center.

The 2016 event also included a "Mystery Grant" given to a non-profit organization in attendance. The winner of the $1,000 grant was Reed's Rescue and Rehabilitation.


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