Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

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Here’s a P.S. to the congratulations for Kaitlyn Lamb. Her other grandmother, Fray Patacini, along with two aunts and one little cousin, were very proud of Kaitlyn and were present at her swearing in ceremony in Helena.

Winners at the Pinochle Club were awarded prizes by hostess, Joyce Held. Guests Erv Hedegaard and Aileen Shaw won High and Second respectfully. Martha Hanson won Low and Pinochle. Gladys Ballard will hostess next time.

Four Thousand miles later, Jim and Lois Frazer were glad to get home. On their ‘bucket list’ was riding their Harleys on Route 66. With plans and a dream, the Frazer’s 40th wedding anniversary, Jim’s 60th birthday and a degree from Montana Tech gave life to the plan. Jim designed and built a trailer to transport needed items for the long ride. It was East and South to Oklahoma to begin Route 66. Museums and Memorials all along the Route - particularly in Oklahoma City - are included in the photos that will find their way into a scrapbook so they can re-call the occasion. A Masonic Temple north of Oklahoma City captured their interest because of its massive size and architecture. Built in 1920, it claims to be the first one built in Oklahoma. Route 66 took them to Kingman, Arizona and then they headed north home. With a stop in Las Vegas, this ‘small town’ couple opted for the bus to get them around. Jim said there were more people in the hotel lobby than in the town of Whitehall! The Harleys will be resting for a while now.

Another Whitehall resident, Chris Googe, joined her Mom and sister in Salt Lake and flew to Baltimore where they were met by another sister and her husband. Chris’s Mom is turning 80 and the Salt Lake sister, 60, so this trip was to honor them.

The days were filled with lots of touring, visiting Amish country, Gettysburg and watching major league baseball! While in Philadelphia, they watched the Phillies and the Dodgers play and ate a philly-steak sandwich at the restaurant that created the sandwich. When Chris’s brother-in-law wasn’t being tour guide, they rode open air buses in order to see the memorials, Arlington, the Capitol and various points of interest. Union Station was where they boarded the buses. Before they headed home, they were given tickets to an Orioles game = box seats, no less! Chris said she didn’t have a ‘bucket list’, but would like to go again, There’s just so much to see!

It’s hunting season and hunting camps are being readied. Scott Seacat from East Helena and his brother-in-law, Jake, from Florida, spent part of the week with John Armstrong getting prepared for that special elk.

Plans for a Carnival on Halloween at the Cardwell Gym are being made by the students and teachers. Parents will add to the festivities with the ‘Trunk or Treat’ fun at the end of the evening. Time for the Carnival is 5:30 to 7:30.

The Jefferson Valley Museum was a most appreciative recipient of a $4,000.00 grant from the Jefferson Valley Community Foundation. The flat files will be ordered and readied for use immediately. It will be exciting to actually make the maps and other artifacts that need a flat surface for preservation accessible.

Lastly, to the person that wrote me such a nice note. Thank you. (It would be nice to know who you are.) I do not support Donald Trump. I was talking about the Platforms of the two parties.

I don’t find either candidate worthy of the office they are seeking. This country is in deep trouble. However, it says in Psalm 118:8 it says, “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.”


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