Hi Folks,
At our regular meeting last week we opened bids to replace the culverts on Kountz Road across Pipestone Creek with a bridge. The low bidder was Tamietti Construction for $213,730.50. We are going over the bid documents and will award the bid at our meeting this week.
We held a Public Hearing and adopted Resolution 28-2016 to create the Mockel Road Rural Maintenance District near Montana City. We adopted Resolution 29-2016 Declaring October Breast Cancer Awareness Month in Jefferson County.
The resolution encourages all County employees to show their support by wearing pink on Tuesdays. We also approved Resolution 30-2016 which orders the abandonment of a little piece of Henry Street in the Montana City Town site.
We agreed to have SMA Architects evaluate several buildings at the fairgrounds and come up with some ideas and costs about renovating them for use in a fair.
We also agreed to ask Confluence Consulting to look for planning grants with the intention of doing a study on the Renova diversion.
We also decided to support the results of a speed study over Homestake Pass that would reduce the speed to 65 MPH for most of the pass.
It would also look at increasing the truck speed limit coming down the east side. They haven’t decided what that speed should actually be, but they do think it should be increased somewhat.
FYI: Ayn Rand (1905 – 1982), Russian-born American writer and philosopher: “There is no difference between communism and socialism, except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end; communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism by vote. It is merely the difference between murder and suicide.”
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