Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana
With the U-Haul nearly loaded and the yard sale coming to an end, the reality of leaving home and the dream that grew into an amazing facility left raw emotions for Roy Millegan and his family. Caring sons and a daughter made the decision to move to Las Vegas the right thing to do. They are settled into new living arrangements and with Roy’s computer, you can be sure that he will be the ‘Resource’ for the volunteers at the Museum. Catherine Ellerton will keep him busy with answers needed to the questions she receives continually from the Facebook. The Museum is officially closed, but when workers are there, folks take the opportunity to visit. New artifacts continue to be donated.
Martha Hanson placed Second and won Pinochle, too, at the recent afternoon of the Whitehall Pinochle Club. Judy Simmons hosted the afternoon. Gladys Ballard placed High; Renee Webster, Low. Michael Clark will be the host next gathering and Kathy Clark was the only guest.
It is great to see the Fred Hemund house being restored and added onto. It’s really beautiful. Cheryl Becker and Vern Carveth have designed it well. It will be quite a show place when it us finished.
Happy Birthday, Laurie Steel and Chris Huerta! Chuck Swindoll in his Growing strong in the Seasons of Life offers this: “The stronger the winds, the deeper the roots, and the longer the winds, the more beautiful the tree.” “As you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him, and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.” Colossians 2:6 & 7
The South Boulder road has seen less traffic since the season for the Indiana University Geology Field Station has ended. It hosted a variety of students, worldwide. Diana Caldwell served up delicious meals for them.
The annual Pig Roast as a ‘thank you’ to the land owners that allow the students to investigate the rocks and soils on their property, finished the season. The attendance was down a little. The off-time will be spent doing repairs and maintenance to be ready for the 2017 season.
Axon and Dave Parker and their family have been busy hosting company. Dave’s folks, Diane and Greg Gerot, from Pierce, Idaho, spent several days enjoying the grandkids. During their visit the Parkers had some chickens that needed butchering, so grandma and grandpa ‘got’ to help.
Don’t forget the Missoula Children’s Theater this week and the Open House next Wednesday, Sept, 28th from 6 to 7:30 pm at the gym. Sale items will fund the activities of the Primary grades.
There will not be a FYI column next week. If anyone needs information put in the Ledger, contact Jack or Melissa at the paper.
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