Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana


School is in full swing and there are a couple of areas that you can be of help. Donations for the basketball uniforms for the Cardwell Cougar basketball teams can be made by contacting Savannah Rossiter at 287-3321. Also, needed during the week of September 18 through 23, is housing for the two person team that will be producing and directing Peter and Wendy with the school students. The team is part of the Missoula Children’s Theater which provides opportunities for all of the students to participate and entertain the public. Dates and times of the performances will be announced later. Call Patti Hanley at 431-5993

Change is taking place at the Whitehall Pinochle Club. Long time member, Alice Capp, hosted for the last time since she has decided that she should step out because of failing eye sight. Along with hosting, she also won Pinochle. Guest, Erv Hedegaard placed first; Joyce Held, second; and Patty Strozzi low. Other guests were Evie Ellis and Aileen Shaw. Mary Gustin has signed on as a permanent member, replacing Alice. Judy Simmons will hostess next.

While sorting numerous old papers and photos, a September 21, 1889 reprint of the Jefferson County Sentinel was discovered. and one headline stated: GONE TO DEER LODGE. Beneath that is read - “Departure of seven for the Place where the burglar burglareth not, where the shootist shooteth not, but where the mule thief may bray.” It continued - “Sheriff, Under Sheriff and Jailer, escorted the Jefferson brigade of felons to their new quarters in the Deer Lodge ‘pen’. These persons, the largest number to ever be taken at one time from Jefferson County, have had the distinguished honor of having their hair cropped and their names engraved on the list of honor at that institution. The article goes on to list each one and their crime and length of time incarcerated. One was a 13 year old boy - that’s right a thirteen year old boy! Today, laws and journalism would not allow this kind of article.

Another need at the Cardwell School is someone to take Bonnie Graham’s place as ‘grandmother’. She has taken another position. Contact Patti Hanley at 431-5993 for more information.

Janice Carmody’s family from Billings paid her a visit for the Labor Day holiday. Several of the group hiked to Hollow Top. Low clouds made the trip adventuresome and when they reached the top the blue sky greeted them. The guide was Jim Carmody.

The political scene looks bleak, but don’t pack your bags yet. I’m not sure there is anywhere to go. Being reminded that President Nixon couldn’t account for 18 seconds erased from a tape, which caused his resignation, I thought, “How on earth can a presidential candidate “lose” numerous e-mails, lie several times and still not have any consequences???” And hearing former president Bill Clinton say blatantly that Hillary was the only woman for him. I thought, ‘does he not remember his years in the White House?’ Then I remember: God says in Deuteronomy 31:6 “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.”


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