To begin with, I wanna offer a HUGE shoutout to those who labor for the good of our community, not just for their private interests and agendas; it is these unselfish labors that have made Whitehall the town it is! We, including the greater Jefferson Valley around Whitehall, are very blessed to have access to so many resources, both natural and human.
All the complaints and negativity that we have been experiencing of late seem to have put somewhat of a damper on these blessings, but I believe we can say with all surety that these resources are still there, in all their glorious abundance!
Whitehall, like any town, maybe especially small towns, has its problem; you can’t get away from that, but working together, in the spirit of love & community, we can work through those problems, even strengthen those bonds through these issues. Everyone has issues with our mayor: as the saying goes, ‘you can please some of the people some of the time but you can’t please all the people all the time’; maybe our current mayor could do a better job in certain areas, but then again, maybe he couldn’t.
This is a fairly small town, as towns go, even the greater community is not all that large, but many probably don’t often stop to think of all that’s involved in keeping a town running smoothly. It’s not an easy job and I, for one, don’t envy the position! I do know, however, that, ‘if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself’. Okay, so that was a bit ‘tongue-in-cheek’, but seriously, rather than complaining about our mayor or even council-members, let’s see those people step up to the plate and prove that they can do a better job! I apologize for the length of this ‘letter’, but if matters keep escalating the way they have been, there’s going to be a big blowup and it won’t be pretty! Let’s work together and make Whitehall a town we can really be proud of!
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