Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

County Fair starts Thursday

The Jefferson County Fair and Rodeo, "A Fair of the Heart," kicks off this Thursday, August 25, in Boulder.

The fair and rodeo runs Thursday through Sunday, August 28, at the Jefferson County Recreation Park one-half mile south of Boulder.

Mike Korn presents "Keeping the West Wild: 149 years of conservation in Montana" at 6:30 pm, Thursday, August 25. His talk spans the time when fish were dynamited and deer and elk were sparse, to current times with damage hunts necessary to manage elk in the Boulder Valley. With Korn's wry sense of humor, numerous photos and entertaining stories from a long career at Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks, the presentation is a great way to start fair weekend. The event is at the volunteer hall, free and open to the public.

Organizers make children's activities a high priority as they plan the fair. Friday, August 26, features a kids' horse show and rodeo plus a kids' parade at noon in Boulder. Kids and adults are encouraged to enter exhibits ranging from coloring sheets to zucchini creations, with a ribbon guaranteed to all entries. The fair book, with the fair schedule and how to enter the fair, is in local businesses and on the county web site at

Large inflatable games, laser tag and the Boulder River Carousel keep kids entertained Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday, August 28, the kids' stick horse rodeo is a crowd favorite, with tiny cowboys and cowgirls competing in bucking stick horse, steer un-decorating and the hotly contested stick horse race. About noon on Sunday, a wild and wooly kids' treasure hunt in the hay gives youngsters the chance to search for hundreds of prizes in a heap of hay. Later Sunday, Toni Persons professional puppet show will dazzle kids of all ages.

The Jefferson County Rodeo Association organizes rodeo events throughout the weekend. The wrangler roundup in-county rodeo is Friday, August 26, starting at 4 pm in the arena. Events feature Jefferson County contestants in events like team branding and team penning, events most closely resembling skills needed by working ranchers. All Friday's events are free admission.

The rodeo parade goes down Boulder's Main Street at 1 on Saturday, August 27. The Boulder Car Show is held Saturday in Boulder. The top quality, fast moving Boulder Rodeo is at 5 on Saturday, August 27, and 1 on Sunday, August 28. Admission is just $6 for adults and $3 for children.

Other unique events include a food auction on Saturday, August 27, at 7:30, with a real auctioneer keeping it lively and fun. The local 4-H club, the Boulder Outlaws, puts on a beef barbecue from 3-6 pm. From 8-11 pm Saturday, the Insufficient Funds Band plays in the huge white barn, a family friendly, real barn dance with an admission fee of just $1.

Free grounds admission with $2 per car parking, live music in the park, fair breakfasts and food, vendors and displays, exhibits including livestock, and beautiful barns make the Jefferson County Fair & Rodeo a weekend that is affordable and fun for all ages.

For a schedule of events, go to


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