Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Senior Center a true asset

Last week, a large group gathered at the Whitehall Senior Center for the Red Hat Day Brunch.

The monthly event is just one of the many activities at the center. Last Friday's brunch had 21 in attendance, including two out of town guests visiting family.

Whitehall Senior Center Cook Wanda Levengood said the ladies really enjoy the brunch, and it is the only brunch they do so it makes it special.

The center provides a healthy well-balanced meal for seniors, as well as social activities, and home deliveries. The Rocky Mountain Development Council provides the majority of the food for the center.

For over 40 years, Mary Gustin has been taking care of the senior citizens in Whitehall at the senior center.

"I have had families of three generations that I have cared for." Whitehall Senior Center Director Gustin said.

She also talked about the senior companion program, which allows seniors at least 60 years of age a stipend to go check up on fellow seniors in Whitehall. The center currently has two companions. Gustin says the meal on wheels program helps keep many in the community out of nursing homes. The center also provides a commodity pack for people that are in a tight spot and qualify for help. The pack includes oral hygiene products, food cards, and other needs not normally provided by their services.

Whitehall Senior Center was originally based in the Borden's Building for the first three years it was open, and 40 years ago moved to its current location on Division Street. Almost everything at the location belongs to the Whitehall Senior Center, including the building, and was purchased with donations.

Gustin said donations help keep things running so the center can keep providing the services to the seniors in our community.


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