Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Editorial: Be mindful of pets in summer heat

Much like 2015, this has been a hot summer in Southwest Montana.

The past week temperatures have cracked 90 degrees and are inching close to triple digits. Over the past several days, I have noticed one disturbing trend at various stops throughout town.

I have driven into parking lots and seen dogs inside of vehicles with the window not rolled down or barely cracked at all. This is just wrong. I’m well aware most people know this, but it happens more than it should.

I would like everyone who does this to spend about 20 minutes inside of a car in 90 degree heat with no source of air. It’s not pretty. I have done this before just to experience what an animal or small child would go through, and it made me lose a little faith in humanity. How can people do this?

If it’s rough on a human, imagine how a dog must feel. I really wish more people would consider just how dangerous this is. I saw a dog that looked so thirsty the other day and if I had not seen the owner of the car walking towards the vehicle, I was considering breaking the window and giving the dog some air and water. It’s not like the poor dog had a choice on the matter.

I know how much I love my pet, and I’m sure most people feel the same. I just really wish people would use more common sense. Even a 15-minute trip into the store might be too much for a dog or animal to handle.

Summer is a great time of year, but it can be really dangerous for pets.

Same goes for leaving them outside. They need shade and lots of water. Sounds pretty simple, but it still happens more than it should and that is sad to see.



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