Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Chamber plans business lunch

Next week local business owners and managers will get the chance to learn more about wrongful termination and employee manuals at a luncheon hosted by the Whitehall Chamber of Commerce.

The business luncheon will take place Wednesday, July 13 at the Borden’s Building, with check in starting at 11:30 a.m.

Chamber Vice President and lawyer Ed Guza will go over the Montana Wrongful Termination Act, which he said is very specific to the state.

The luncheon will go over topics such as exemptions from the Wrongful Discharge Act, definitions and constructive discharge, what constitutes a wrongful discharge, written personnel manuals, probationary periods, good cause, employee manuals, punitive damages, remedies and arbitration.

The cost to attend the event is $30 for Chamber members and $35 for non-members.

Guza said the money made from the event would go into the Chamber funds.

Interested parties can reserve their seat by going online to or by calling 406-586-2228.


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