Sorted by date Results 5 - 29 of 770
BUTTE CYCLOPS WRESTLING TOURNEY RESULTS: (above, from left, clockwise) Cale Hoover (1st place in 16U 145 bracket); JC Raty (1st place in 16U 182/195 bracket); Braxton Walker (1st place in 19U 200 bracket); Jerrett Miotke (2nd place in 16U 220 bracket); and Colt McLean (3rd in 16U 285 bracket and 2nd at Mining City Tourney). Not pictured: Joey Beebout (2nd place in 19U 160 bracket), Halle Downey (now wrestling for Three Forks) 3rd place in Girls 16U 106/113....
At the Billings Metra over the weekend, hundreds of wrestlers grappled on the mats for state placements. Two Whitehall Trojans, brothers Cody Fuller and Levi Fuller, were the only Trojans to place out of the ten sent to the competition. "So proud they were able to accomplish their goal of being state placers, especially together, and it being Cody's senior!" Melissa Fuller said in an email with photos taken for the Whitehall Ledger. 103 Boys: QUADE SKOGEN (0-5) place is unknown and scored 0.0...
2/6/2025 Round Two - Team Mint #2: 164 wins, 74 losses K-Bar #1: 163 wins, 75 losses Mint #4: 121 wins, 117 losses K-Bar #2: 120 wins, 118 losses Mint #1: 119 wins, 119 losses Two Bit #2: 106 wins, 132 losses Two Bit #1: 91 wins, 147 losses Mint #3: 68 wins, 170 losses 2/6/2025 Round Two - Individual Rick Kelley: 46 wins, 10 losses Chuckie Dirkson: 45 wins, 11 losses Dwayne McClanahan: 41 wins, 15 losses Will Bowen: 38 wins, 14 losses Leslie Dyson: 33 wins, 23 losses Jay VonBergen: 32 wins, 16 losses Colt Smith: 32 wins, 24 losses Jeremy...
TEAM Mint #4: 13 wins, 4 losses K-Bar #1: 12 wins, 5 losses Mint #2: 9 wins, 8 losses Two Bit #2: 9 wins, 8 losses MEN 4 wins, 0 losses: Dwayne McClanahan, Fred LeProwse, Caleb Powers 3 wins, 1 loss: Jared Dorvall, Mike Wall, Chuckie Dirkson, Will Bowen, Gordon Lyons, Terry VanVictor, Tyler Blair, Terry Spenser, Michael Clark WOMEN 2 wins, 2 losses: Deanna Wall, Leslie Dyson, Elena Wagner...
The Whitehall High School wrestling team brought home medals and 10 wrestlers fought their way to State competition in Billings this weekend. After conquering the competition at Divisionals in Butte over February 6-8, those attending State competition include: 8th: eighth grader Quade Skogen (103) 5th: junior Cassidy Collins (115) 6th: eighth grader Halle Downey (115) 6th: freshman Cale Hoover (132) 3rd: senior Cody Fuller (144) 7th: sophomore Joey Beebout (157) 3rd: sophomore Levi Fuller (165)...
TEAM Mint #4: 12 wins, 5 losses K-Bar #1: 12 wins, 5 losses Mint #2: 11 wins, 6 losses K-Bar #2: 10 wins, 7 losses MEN 4 wins, 0 losses: Dwayne McClanahan, Chuckie Dirkson, 3 wins, 1 loss: Colt Smith, Jeremy Jensen, Camden Sacry, Gordon Lyons, Terry VanVictor, Mike Wall, Caleb Powers, Fred LeProwse WOMEN 3 wins, 1 loss: Deanna Wall, Leslie Dyson...
SKIJORRING THE BIG ROCK: The Whitehall Ledger once again had the opportunity to volunteer at Boulder's skijoring event, held January 31 - February 2 at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds. If you haven't experienced skijoring first hand, what are you waiting for?...
TEAM Mint #2: 14 wins, 3 losses K-Bar #2: 12 wins, 5 losses K-Bar #1: 10 wins, 7 losses Mint #4: 10 wins, 7 losses MEN 4 wins, 0 losses: Jay VonBergen, Dwayne McClanahan, Rick Kelley, Jeremy Jensen 3 wins, 1 loss: Chuckie Dirkson, Ken Breining, Tyson Thompson, Tyler Babcock, Will Bowen, Gordon Lyons, Todd Choquette WOMEN 4 wins, 0 losses: Deanna Wall 2 wins, 2 losses: Shawna Amidon, Leslie Dyson, Terry Chadwick...
WEEK OF 1/23/2025 TEAM Mint #1: 12 wins, 5 losses Mint #2: 12 wins, 5 losses Two Bit #2: 12 wins, 5 losses Mint #4: 10 wins, 7 losses MEN 4 wins, 0 losses: Ken Breining, Rick Kelley, Todd Choquette, Camden Sacry 3 wins, 1 loss: Brian Hartford, Dwayne McClanahan, Chuckie Dirkson, Michael Clark, Mike Wall, Caleb Powers WOMEN 3 wins, 1 loss: Shawna Amidon 2 wins, 2 losses: Elena Wagner, Jeanette Bird...
Trojan wrestlers took on the Choteau Class Tournament over the weekend with several bringing home wins. Cale Hoover placed fifth in the 136 lb weight class, Cody Fuller third in the 144 lb, and Jack Raty (left) took fifth in the 175 lb bracket. Whitehall Trojan ladies brought home first place with Cassidy Collins's win in the 115 lb bracket, as well as Halle Downey's fourth-place win in the same bracket....
WEEK OF 1/16/2025 TEAM K-Bar #2: 15 wins, 2 losses K-Bar #1: 12 wins, 5 losses Mint #2: 12 wins, 5 losses Mint #4: 10 wins, 7 losses MEN 4 wins, 0 losses: Will Bowen, Dwayne McClanahan, Tyler Babcock, Jeremy Jensen 3 wins, 1 loss: Chuckie Dirkson, Terry VanVictor, Jeremy McGilvray, Kenton Keener, Tyson Thompson, Terry Spenser, Mike Wall, Fred LeProwse WOMEN 2 wins, 2 losses: Leslie Dyson 1 wins, 3 losses: Mystee Jackson, Crystal Arndt...
Congratulations to the six Whitehall Trojan wrestlers who placed at the Cut Bank Tournament over the January 10th weekend. Eighth-grader Halle Downey conquered and brought home the first place trophy in her 115 lb. girls weight class. Junior Cody Fuller placed sixth in the 144 lb. boys weight class. Sophomore Joey Beebout brought home fifth place in the 157 lb. boys weight class. Sophomore Levi Fuller took third place in his 165 lb. bracket, while sophomore J.C. Raty came home with fifth place...
WEEK OF 1/9/2025 TEAM K-Bar #1: 13 wins, 4 losses Mint #2: 13 wins, 4 losses Two Bit #2: 11 wins, 6 losses Two Bit #1: 10 wins, 7 losses MEN 4 wins, 0 losses: Ernie Smith, Rick Kelley, Chuckie Dirkson 3 wins, 1 loss: Tim Hubbard, Dwayne McClanahan, Jay VonBergen, Tyler Blair, Brian Hartford, Gordon Lyons, Will Bowen WOMEN 3 wins, 1 loss: Shawna Amidon, Leslie Dyson 2 wins, 2 losses: Terry Chadwick, Elena Wagner, Jeannette Bird WEEK OF 1/2/2025 TEAM K-Bar #1: 17 wins, 0 losses Mint #1: 12 wins, 5 losses Mint #2: 9 wins, 8 losses K-Bar #2: 9...
WHITEHALL DUELS BRING THE CROWDS: WHS held its annual Wrestling Duels over the weekend. Final results were not released by print time. (Above left) Sophomore Joey Beebout clutches his opponent. (Above) Eighth grader Halle Downey goes for the pin. (Left) Senior Cody Fuller works his opponent into position. (Below) Senior Ethan Wock works over his competition....
WEEK OF 12/12/2024 TEAM K-Bar #1: 16 wins, 1 losses Mint #1: 10 wins, 7 losses Mint #2: 10 wins, 7 losses Two Bit #1: 10 wins, 7 losses MEN 4 wins, 0 losses: Jay VonBergen, Danny White, Jimbo Forrest, Terry VanVictor 3 wins, 1 loss: JB Engler, Ken Breining, Rick Kelley, Chuckie Dirkson, Tyler Blair, Fred LeProwse WOMEN 3 wins, 1 loss: Deanna Wall 2 wins, 2 losses: Robin Hartford...
The Whitehall High School Wrestling team competed in the Badger Invitational in Cascade over the weekend of December 7th. Team Whitehall racked up 127.5 team points, placing them fifth overall out of 20 teams competing. Silver medals were won in the championship round by sophomores Joey Beebout in the 157 weight class (far left), Levi Fuller in the weight class 165 (left), and Jack Raty in the weight class 175 (below, left). Senior Ethan Wock also took third place in the heavyweight class,...
SEASON OPENER The Whitehall Trojans Boys Basketball team took on the White Sulphur Springs Hornets in their first games of the season on Trojan home turf....
SEASON OPENER: The Whitehall Trojan wrestlers will travel to Cascade this Friday and Saturday to compete in their season’s first meet. Go, Trojans!...
STAR ATHLETE: Whitehall High School senior Ethan Wock was recognized as a top player for Western B All Conference/All State in Class B Football. Ethan was named to 2nd Team Offensive Line and 2nd Team Defensive Line....
WEEK OF 11/21/2024 TEAM Mint #1: 12 wins, 5 losses Two Bit #2: 11 wins, 6 losses Mint #2: 10 wins, 7 losses Mint #4: 9 wins, 8 losses MEN 4 wins, 0 losses: Tyler Blair, Rick Kelley, Michael Clark, Mike Wall 3 wins, 1 loss: Kenton Keener, Terry Spenser, Dwayne McClanahan, Jay VonBergen, JB Engler, Ken Breining, Colt Smith WOMEN 2 wins, 2 losses: Deanna Wall, Mystee Jackson...
WEEK OF 11/14/2024 TEAM Mint #4: 14 wins, 3 losses Mint #2: 13 wins, 4 losses K-Bar #2: 11 wins, 6 losses K-Bar #1: 10 wins, 7 losses MEN 4 wins, 0 losses: Jay VonBergen, Caleb Powers 3 wins, 1 loss: Camden Sacry, Kenton Keener, Mike Wall, Fred LeProwse, Chuckie Dirkson, Will Bowen, Colt Smith, Dwayne McClanahan, Rick Kelley WOMEN 3 wins, 1 loss: Deanna Wall, Leslie Dyson 2 wins, 2 losses: Elena Wagner...
After two years of searching, waiting, missing, and praying, Bret Pullman finally landed his "unicorn." The Whitehall Ledger Editor is quite happy she is no longer a hunting widow, and her husband finally has his trophy in hand. And what a trophy it is! Currently scoring over 200, Pullman will have to wait a minimum 60-day drying period before he can have it officially scored. Could we have a new state record on our hands - we shall see! Congrats, Bret!...
WEEK OF 11/7/2024 TEAM K-Bar #1: 12 wins, 5 losses Two Bit #1: 11 wins, 6 losses Mint #2: 10 wins, 7 losses Mint #1: 9 wins, 8 losses MEN 4 wins, 0 losses: Chuckie Dirkson, Will Bowen 3 wins, 1 loss: Michael Clark, Ken | Breining, Jay VonBergen, Jeremy Jensen, Tyler Blair, Brian Hartford, Curtis Chadwick WOMEN 3 wins, 1 loss: Misty Jackson 2 wins, 2 losses: Shawna Amidon, Leslie Dyson...
WEEK OF 10/31/2024 TEAM K-Bar #2: 13 wins, 4 losses Mint #2: 12 wins, 5 losses Mint #1: 11 wins, 6 losses K-Bar #1: 10 wins, 7 losses MEN 4 wins, 0 losses: Ken Breining, Colt Smith, Dwayne McClanahan, Chuck Dirkson, Jeremy Jensen, Kenton Keener 3 wins, 1 loss: Rick Kelley, Terry VanVictor, Tyler Blair, Tyson Thompson WOMEN 3 wins, 1 loss: Leslie Dyson 2 wins, 2 losses: Shawna Amidon...