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  • WMS Football & Cross Country Complete 2022 Seasons

    Oct 19, 2022

  • Trojans Win Senior Night

    Oct 12, 2022

    The Whitehall Trojans took on the Sweet Grass Herders on October 7th for Senior Night. Final score was Whitehall 35, Sweet Grass 6. Senior Miles Hoerauf (#9) was 12/22 passing for 261 yards and 3tds. He ran the ball 13 times for 55 yards and another touchdown, and also returned an interception for a touchdown. Junior Parker Wagner (#2) had 8 catches for 174 yards and 3 touchdowns. Seniors Leo Scafani (#75) and Nick Denny (#3), and junior Gavin Hokanson (#52) all had interceptions. Senior Kyle...

  • First 2022 Pool Tournament October 8

    DOROTHY GRIFFITH, Whitehall Pool League|Oct 5, 2022

    The Whitehall Independent Pool league will have its Beginning of the Year Tournament on October 8, 2022. Sign-up is at the Mint Bar at 10 AM. Everyone is welcome to play! $5.00 entry with $200 added payout! Four (4) more players are needed for league play, and we are always looking for substitutes. For questions, or to sign up, contact the League Secretary at 706-627-7299....

  • Trojan XC Strong Showing at Headwaters Invite

    Oct 5, 2022

    The Whitehall Trojan middle school and high school Cross Country Team ran hard at the Headwaters Invitational on Friday, September 30 in Three Forks. MEN Varsity 5,000 Meters: 32nd sophomore Ethan Valov 20:37; 34th eighth grader Cooper Montgomery 20:49; 35th freshman Miles McLean 21:05; 36th freshman Jordan Mercer 21:34. WOMEN Varsity 5,000 meters: 20th sophomore Aletheia Martin 24:04; 26th freshman Lexi Stratton 25:01. MEN 2 Mile: 12th seventh grader Max Fernstrom 14:44. WOMEN 2 Mile: 30th...

  • Trojan Football Victorious for Homecoming, Ladies Fall to Wolves

    Sep 28, 2022

    The Whitehall/Harrison Trojan varsity football team won Friday's homecoming game against the Manhattan Tigers by a score of 24-6. Senior Miles Hoerauf (#9) ran for 128 yards and 2 touchdowns and a pass for 208 and another touchdown. Junior Parker Wagner (#2) led the way with 7 catches for 131 yards and a touchdown. Defensively the team combined for 4 sacks on the day and two interceptions one by Parker Wagner and the other by senior Sage Buus (#33). Buus also led the team with 14 tackles...

  • Lady Trojans Bring in the Wins Against the Lady Herders

    Sep 21, 2022

    The Lady Trojans competed against the Big Timber Lady Herders on Thursday, September 15....

  • Trojans Trounce Wolves of Three Forks

    Sep 21, 2022

    The Whitehall/Harrison Trojans took on the Three Forks Wolves over the weekend, giving them a beating of 42-14.'s player of the game was senior Miles Hoerauf (#9), who passed for 357 yards and ran for 123 yards, had six touchdowns, eight tackles, and an interception. The Trojans are currently 3-1, and ranked 5th in the South-B division. Other highlights included: • Junior Parker Wagner (#2) had three catches for 119 yards and a touchdown. • Sophomore Blake Becker (#4) had a 57 yar...

  • Trojan Football Defeated by Jefferson

    Sep 14, 2022

    The Whitehall/Harrison Trojan football team took on the Jefferson High School Panthers on Friday, September 9th on the Trojan home field. Unfortunately, the Trojans couldn’t bring in a win and were defeated by the Panthers 42-7. Coach Dan Lacey said that highlights included Blake Becker (sophomore) running 82 yards and a touchdown. Also, Leo Scafani (senior) led the team with 12 tackles. The next Trojan football outing is Friday, September 16 against the Three Forks Wolves in Three Forks....

  • Trojans Win First Varsity Outing

    Sep 7, 2022

    The Whitehall/Harrison Coop took on the Fairfield/Augusta Coop on this first Varsity outing of the 2022-2023 football season. The Trojans, playing on their home field, brought the win 17-14. WHS junior Sage Buus (#33) led the team with nine tackles. Seniors Leo Scafani and Miles Hoerauf (#9) each brought in seven tackles. Junior Parker Wagner (#2) had two interceptions. Senior Kyle Denny had two sacks and freshman Dawson McDonald had one sack. Junior Cy Tebay (#32) hit a 30-yard field goal to...

  • Trojans XC Race Belgrade Invitational

    Sep 7, 2022

    Whitehall Varsity Cross Country competed at the Belgrade Invitational on September 2, 2022. Junior Wesley Biggers took 47th place with a time of 19:18. 8th grader Cooper Montgomery took 83rd with a time of 22:41. Freshman Jordan Mercer took 87th with a time of 23:33. Freshman Lexi Stratton brought home 59th place with a time of 26:45. Sophomore Aletheia Martin placed 62nd with 28:05....

  • Gallatin Valley 11U Baseball Team Wins State Title

    HEIDI DONNELLY, Gallatin Valley All-Stars|Jul 13, 2022

    After making history last summer as the first team of Gallatin Valley All-Stars to win the state tournament, this group of boys and their coaches returned to the baseball field this summer and did it again. With all the players and coaches from the championship team returning, plus a few additions, the team felt some momentum going into this season. They played five tournaments in six weeks, winning only the Wood Bat tournament in Belgrade before the state tournament in Helena. "We wanted to...

  • Wood Bat Winners!

    Jun 29, 2022

    Gallatin Valley All Stars 11u won the Belgrade Wood Bat Tournament! Whitehall members include Tommy Edwards, Wyatt Tebay, and Tyse Wilkinson....

  • Whitehall High School Letterman's Banquet

    Jun 1, 2022

    AWARDS & SMILES: Whitehall High School honored its athletes on Tuesday, May 24 at the Letterman's Banquet. The Whitehall Booster Club provided a delicious feast while coaches for football and track (Dan Lacey), volleyball (Madison Richtmeyer), cross-country (Tamara Kidwell), academic all-state (Kurtis Koenig), girls basketball (Mecklen Davis), boys basketball (Tanner Neumann), cheer (Shea McDaniel), and golf (Julie Kieckbusch) awarded their athletes. Wrestling awards were presented in...

  • CORRECTION to 5/18/2022 Edition

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|May 25, 2022

    In the 5/18/2022 edition of the Ledger it was stated that WHS Senior Brendan Wagner broke the triple jump school record with a jump of 37’8”, The school record is still held by Michael Welch with his 1999 jump of 45’6”....

  • Personal Records Galore at Belgrade District Track

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|May 18, 2022

    At the 5B District Track Meet in Belgrade, held this past weekend, the Whitehall Trojan Track and Field Team brought home several personal records. Senior Brendan Wagner also placed a new school record in the triple jump with a leap of 37-08.50. Divisional Track For the men, personal records included: • Gavin Watson: 100 meters and javelin • Kyle Denny: 100 meters • Brendan Wagner: 400 meters • Lane Wagner: javelin and long jump • Nick Denny: triple jump MEN’S RESULTS: 100 Meters Varsity: Nick Denny (junior) 12th place 12.43a; Gavin Watso...

  • Pool Shark Report: Week of 3/31/2022

    DOROTHY GRIFFIN, Whitehall Pool League|Apr 6, 2022

    Week of 3-31-2022 TEAM Mint #2: 14 wins, 3 losses MEN - 4 wins, no losses Brad Babb, Derek Bingham, Will Bowen, Dwayne McClanahan, Jay Von Bergen, Mike Wall WOMEN Terry Chadwick: 3 wins, 1 loss Leslie Dyson: 3 wins, 1 loss...

  • Pool Shark Report: Week of 3/23/2022

    DOROTHY GRIFFIN, Whitehall Pool League|Mar 30, 2022

    Week of 3/23/2022 MEN: Will Bowen: 4 wins, 0 lost Jeremy Jensen: 4 wins, 0 lost Rick Kelley: 4 wins, 0 lost Gordy Lyons: 4 wins, 0 lost Caleb Powers: 4 wins, 0 lost Cliff Rickey: 4 wins, 0 lost WOMEN: Elena Wagner: 3 wins, 1 lost Leslie Dyson: 2 wins, 2 lost...

  • Baseball Field Clean-Up This Weekend

    Mar 23, 2022

    Let's work together! The Whitehall Baseball League will be holding a field clean-up day on March 26, 2022, at 9 AM. Please arrive ready to get a little dirty at the Whitehall Baseball Fields. Bring your rakes and shovels! The Whitehall Baseball League is currently hiring for umpires. Anyone interested may message the Whitehall Baseball League on their Facebook page. Also, the League is also seeking sponsors for each team....

  • Little Trojans Place at State

    Mar 23, 2022

    Whitehall Trojans wrestlers competed at the State level this past weekend. (Above) Ryan Raty placed second in his Novice 100 division. Also placing were Dustin Hansen, third place (beginner 53), Caedan Lacey, first place (beginner 56), Westen Wock, third place (beginner 100), Corbyn Wright, second place (novice 90), Tyse Wilkinson, second place (middle 95)....

  • Pool Shark Report: Week of 3/3/2022

    DOROTHY GRIFFITH, Whitehall Pool League|Mar 9, 2022

    Week of 3-3-2022 TEAM K Bar #2: 15 wins, 2 losses Mint #4: 13 wins, 4 losses MEN Derek Bingham: 4 wins, 0 lost Tyler Blair: 4 wins, 0 lost Ken Breining: 4 wins, 0 lost Jeremy Jensen: 4 wins, 0 lost Kenton Keener: 4 wins, 0 lost Gordy Lyons: 4 wins, 0 lost WOMEN Deanna Wall: 3 wins, 1 lost Shawna Amidon: 2 wins, 2 lost Terry Chadwick: 2 wins, 2 lost Martina Nelson: 2 wins, 2 lost...

  • WMS Trojans Take First in Dillon

    Mar 9, 2022

    Congratulations to the Trojan MS Wrestlers and coaches for their Small Team First place finish at the Dillon Tournament this weekend. Whitehall will host the Little Guy Wrestling Divisionals Saturday, March 12th in the Whitehall Varsity Gym. Admission is $5/adults and $3 for children five and older. THANK YOU: The parents of the Whitehall middle school wrestlers wish to recognize the time and effort put forth by director and head coach Duane Wock. Wock and his wife, Jari, have been volunteering...

  • Pool Shark Report: Week of 2/24/2022

    DOROTHY GRIFFITH, Whitehall Pool League|Mar 2, 2022

    Week of 2-24-2022 TEAM K Bar #1: 11 wins, 6 lost MEN Brad Babb: 4 wins, 0 lost Todd Choquette: 4 wins, 0 lost Jay VonBergen: 4 wins, 0 lost WOMEN Shawna Amidon: 2 won, 2 lost Dorothy Griffith: 2 won, 2 lost Deanna Wall: 2 won, 2 lost...

  • LADIES AT DISTRICTS: Trojans VS Wolves, Then Tigers

    Feb 23, 2022

    The Lady Trojan Basketball team faced off against the Three Forks Wolves on Thursday, February 17th. The Ladies were defeated 38-29 and moved into the consolation bracket of the tournament (above) playing the Manhattan Tigers on Saturday, the 19th. The Tigers defeated the Trojans 54-34....

  • TROJANS AT DISTRICTS: Trojans VS Tigers, then Wolves

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Feb 23, 2022

    Trojans played the Manhattan Tigers for their first round of District play on Thursday, February 17. They were defeated 52-39 and moved into the consolation bracket against Three Forks, played Saturday, February 19. The Trojan's season ended with a loss to the Wolves, 64-40....

  • Hoerauf & Scafani Place at State

    STEVE SACRY, Whitehall Trojan Wrestling Coach|Feb 16, 2022

    Whitehall High School Wrestlers finished their season with outstanding performances at the All-Class tournament in Billings. Isaac Skogen, Wesley Biggers, Michael Reiff, Miles Hoerauf, Kyle Denny, and Leo Scafani represented Whitehall well. Whitehall Trojan junior Miles Hoerauf topped his season off with impressive matches. Hoerauf’s 160-pound weight class was full of competent wrestlers. His quest for the finals started with a match against Jessie Brawley of Baker. Miles started with an early t...

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