Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana


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  • Dear Editor: Patriotism

    DAVE TORGERSON|Dec 15, 2021

    Dear Editor, As a kid raised on a farm in northern Minnesota, I attended the last one-room schoolhouse of all eight grades. Graduating eighth grade and starting high school I recognized how privileged I was at Sunnyside school where I listened to classes for all eight grades. First graders were partnered with older students and given the privilege of raising and lowering the flag. We were taught respect for the flag, by making sure it never touched the ground and folding it properly until raised the following day. By listening to the lessons...

  • Thought Provokers: 12/15/2021

    Dec 15, 2021

    If Wile E. Coyote could afford all of that high-end gear, why didn’t he just go buy dinner? Most modern adults are less equipped to survive in the wilderness alone than average 10-year-olds from 200 years ago. It’s not the roof of your mouth, it’s the ceiling. As you climb up the social ladder, people become less and less funny. Wealthy people have a poorer sense of humor, while poorer people are usually hilarious. The truest genius in MENSA is the one who convinced people to pay a recurring fee to be labeled a genius. Cheesecake has no charact...

  • Dear Jo: 12/15/2021

    Jo|Dec 15, 2021

    Dear Jo, I am just sick of ugly sweaters! I have actually seen some of my own sweaters on people at these dumb parties!! What the hell?! It is literally insulting. I wore one of my best, favorite sweaters just to show people how dumb this ugly sweater idea is and they gave me the award for the ugliest sweater! I am furious. How do I let my friends know that I was insulted at the party and am determined not to go again? Signed, No Ugly Sweater Dear Sweater, If you can’t beat ‘em, (and you can’t), join ‘em. You just wear your not ugly sweater and...

  • Connecting Point: Joy for a Weary World

    BILL LANES|Dec 15, 2021

    ‘Tis the season for joy. In the last couple of years, I’ve been sincerely questioned if I truly have felt this way, and I have concluded that in these times people are feeling more stressed than in the past. I’m not pretending to ignore current difficulties; however, I have a different perspective due to my faith in Jesus Christ. I purposely choose joy over woe, and not just because it’s the “Christmas” season. By now you’ve heard the familiar sounds of Christmas songs either over the radio or other forms of media. Communities are preparing for...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 12/15/2021

    Dec 15, 2021

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Relationships will be easy for you this week, Aries. You will be in tune with the vibe of the people with whom you interact on a daily basis and can push interactions further. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Remember to take lessons from those who have blazed trails before you. Taurus. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Explore some tried and true strategies. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, your desire to remodel or redecorate your home could come to the forefront this week. Be careful to set a budget; otherwise, you run the risk of o...

  • Thought Provokers: 12/8/2021

    Dec 8, 2021

    Someone’s mom has probably used you as a bad example to their kid. Even the most literate beings can’t describe a color. One reason why parents try to achieve their own dreams through their children is that they gave up on their own dreams trying to raise the child. Millions of people wake up at the exact same second from using their cell phone as an alarm clock. The human population is so large that no matter what casual hobby you have, there is likely someone who is an expert at it. Gen Z might be the last generation to learn about WWII while...

  • Dear Editor: Reporting in the Field

    TONY REED|Dec 8, 2021

    Dear Editor, I wholeheartedly agree with your editorial, not as a reader, but as a career reporter who also just happened to grow up in Whitehall. There’s a time and place for everything and a small rural paper is neither when it comes to graphic photographs of tragic events. I’ve been a beat reporter in northern California, covering police, fire and emergency news since 1999. My camera never leaves my side, my scanner is always on, and there are images in my head I wish I could replace with just the text. As reporters and photographers, we...

  • Dear Editor: No Sex, Lots of Lies, and Plenty of Video Tape...

    JIM BUTERBAUGH|Dec 8, 2021

    No sex, lots of lies and plenty of video tape... “The judge. The jury. The defendant. It’s white supremacy in action. This system isn’t built to hold white supremacists accountable. It’s why Black and brown folks are brutalized and put in cages while white supremacist murderers walk free. I’m hurt. I’m angry. I’m heartbroken,” said Cori Bush, Congresswoman for the state of Missouri, after the Rittenhouse not guilty verdict was delivered. I have learned to never take any news report or talking points from any talking head at face value. Nat...

  • Dear Editor: Seatbelts in Buses!

    TOM SALVAGNI|Dec 8, 2021

    Dear Editor, I write concerning the van versus bus accident in our area recently. Upon reading the editorial in the Whitehall Ledger on 12/01/2021, page 5, concerning photos of these accidents, especially an accident where there has been a fatality, I totally agree. In my life I have had the unfortunate experience to come on to scenes where there were fatalities, prior to first responders arriving. I totally agree with no photos; forgetting what one sees in person is hard enough as it is. This is not the purpose of this letter. There is an...

  • The Interface

    TOFORD KROSHUS, Montanas Man of Mystery|Dec 8, 2021

    “Hello. I’m Chip. How may I help you?” “Good morning Chip.” (Wow, is he hot!) “I’m here for my job interview.” “Your name please?” “Kinky. Kinky Kroshus.” “Please have a seat Ms. Kroshus. You will be interfaced shortly,” said Chip. “Don’t you mean interviewed?” “Oh. All our job interviews are conducted by humatrons Ms. Kroshus. We refer to it as interfacing. We find artificial intelligence superior to human judgement,” Chip responded. “But you hire humans?” “Yes. But only for positions w...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 12/8/2021

    Dec 8, 2021

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Dig deep into matters of the heart this week, Aries. Explore ways to nurture a relationship or push it to the next level. Don’t hold back on love. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 You may rediscover your love for a good book this week, Taurus. Ask others what they’re into and peruse the best-sellers lists for even more inspiration. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, you often trust your instincts regarding money, but this week you’ll be even more in tune with your finances. Your income could increase soon. CANCER Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, some...

  • Connecting Point: God's Greatest Gift

    BILL LANES|Dec 8, 2021

    Christmas will be here before we know it. Time marches forward at the same pace every day. Doesn’t it seem time gets away from us? In all the hustle and bustle of life, it is vital that we slow down. A consequence of not being contemplative is the possibility of missing the truth of Christmas. On the very first Christmas, at the birth of Jesus Christ, there was a diabolic plot which was intended to disrupt the very plans of God. Humanity often has seen the likes of this. Thwarting the sovereignty of the Almighty wasn’t to be. News spread reg...

  • Thought Provokers: 12/1/2021

    Dec 1, 2021

    Cookbooks are still not obsolete because recipe websites are terrible. The grinch gets a bad rap. He never hated Christmas, he just hated people. The social acceptability of farting versus peeing yourself swaps when you’re in a body of water. Some people believe that secret societies of wealthy people run everything and use us all as pawns, but that’s really just society. They aren’t even secret about it. If you sleep 7 instead of 8 hours a day you’ll technically live 3 years longer. Deer don’t connect headlights with danger because the sun h...

  • Dear Editor: Freedom House

    DON LEPINSKY|Dec 1, 2021

    Dear Editor, Freedom House, a non-profit NGO conducting research and advocacy on democracy, political freedom, and human rights, recently reported that US democracy is in decline and has been for the last decade. They urgently recommend reforms to reverse this nefarious trend toward authoritarian rule. They listed several reasons for our decline, which, in my opinion, can be summed up to the extreme forces in play on both ends of the political spectrum. The far-left liberals and the ultra-right-wing conservatives, neither of whom understand...

  • Dear Editor: Corn!

    Charles Haddon Shank|Dec 1, 2021

    Dear Editor, Let me start by saying that corn used to be my most favored vegetable when it came to canned veggies, anyway. When I had good teeth, I would devour corn-on-the-cob like it was going out of style back in the day. Even to this day, I like my cornbread made guessed it...creamed corn. But here’s where we come to the crux of the matter. It’s no big secret that corn, the delicious vegetable that saved our Pilgrim forefathers from starvation, has little to no nutritional value! Furthermore, studies have shown that the ind...

  • Editorial: What You Will, and Will Not, See in the Ledger

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Dec 1, 2021

    I had an experience on Monday while covering the horrific bus vs van accident. The incident is something I cannot ignore and is what spurred this editorial. In February 2009, Dallice Smith was killed in a car accident on Highway 69. She was a friend, a former teammate on softball leagues, and someone the majority of our community knew by sight. At the time of her death, I worked at the Ledger. When news of her accident broke, the former owner and Editor of the Ledger chose to run photos of the scene. I disagreed with his decision, but I was...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 12/1/2021

    Dec 1, 2021

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, when life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade. Take that to heart and try to see the silver lining when an obstacle gets in your way. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 It’s one thing to stand by your views, Taurus. It’s another to stubbornly refuse to listen to others when they make good points. Be open-minded this week. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 You may be juggling too much at one time, Gemini. If you’re finding it difficult to manage your time, reach out to a friend or colleague for help. They’re ready and willing. CANCER Jun...

  • Thought Provokers: 11/24/2021

    Nov 24, 2021

    To avoid a piece of paper from folding, you put it in a folder. We laugh at animals for having funny mating rituals but humans probably have the most complex and frustrating mating rituals of all. We could be waking up in the body of a different person every day with their memories and all and we would have no way of knowing that. Han Solo and Shrek dress the same. The modern version of ‘if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around, does it make a sound’ is ‘if a good deed happens and no one is around to film it, did it happen?’ If you...

  • Dear Editor: Thankful for Vets Programs

    JOHNE TUTHILL|Nov 24, 2021

    Dear Editor, On November 10th and 11th, Cardwell and the Whitehall Schools presented the military Veterans of the surrounding area with multiple patriotic programs that were a salute to the military Veterans’ service. These patriotic presentations were incredible in their content and preparation! The children at Cardwell School were well-rehearsed and enthusiastic in their songs and poetry! The Veterans, parents, and families that were present were treated to a typical “Panther” show! At the end of the program, all the children presented the V...

  • Dear Editor: COVID-19 Vaccines and Our Kids


    Dear Editor, I realize that this is a rather touchy and perhaps even volatile issue, but it needs to be addressed if only to further educate people. This letter is in response to last week’s Letter to the Editor, co-authored by Timothy Bennett and Sally Erickson, regarding both the safety and wisdom of the push to vaccinate our children. Before I go too far, though, I DO want to reiterate that I don’t disagree with much of what they wrote. Maybe they could have exhibited a bit more kindness and understanding, however, although I ack...

  • Dear Editor: Clean Up After Yourselves!

    DANA BRUNET|Nov 24, 2021

    Dear Editor, We’ve lived in Whitehall for over 17 years. It has been a sweet little town to raise our girls in! People caring about one another, neighbors watching out for neighbors, very few litterbugs or people breaking the law. However, it saddens my heart to see, these last few weeks, the amount of garbage thrown on the side of the road. And this isn’t just outside of town, but right on Legion Avenue. This is a blatant disrespect to our community. Along the same lines, the illegal use of garbage dumpsters that don’t belong to the dumpe...

  • Dear Jo: 11/24/2021

    Jo|Nov 24, 2021

    Dear Jo, Are you competitive? I am!!! There is going to be a local Christmas light display contest and I want to win. Actually, I MUST win!!!! I find myself driving around town checking on who is decorating, and thinking to myself, “I will buy more lights, more tinsel, more yard displays and more, more, more!!!!” How can I stop before I put myself into debt or worse? Signed, Ready to Self Destruct! Dear Self Destruct, First, DO NOT self-destruct, or do anything that will be worse. You need to settle the heck down, take a few deep breaths and...

  • Thanksgiving Thanks

    KRISTINE ERINN, Whitehall Ledger|Nov 24, 2021

    Hello readers! Please accept my apologies for another week without a Name to a Face article. This has been a very active little town this past week, and I am so blessed and honored to be a part of all of it. Since this is the week of Thanksgiving, I wanted to take some time to tell you all how thankful I am for all of you, this article, and the opportunity that Liz has given me with the Ledger. I am so blessed to be able to interview you and present such articles for you. This article is meant...

  • Connecting Point: Leftovers

    BILL LANES|Nov 24, 2021

    In conversation last week, many people in two different states shared worries of pending economic trouble. Uncertainty might be the keyword; Montana might be more secure than other parts of the country. I don’t like doomsday talk at Thanksgiving. We’ll have turkey and all the trimmings; you may as well. For those of us who have been blessed with an abundance, I cannot get away from this virtue: thankfulness. Believe that God desires for us to continually grow in thanksgiving. When our hearts are full of His love, thankfulness is as well. Ove...

  • Horoscope: Week of 10/24/2021

    Nov 24, 2021

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, family tops your list of priorities. You are likely to spend considerable time with loved ones in the days to come. Relish all the opportunities to enjoy one another. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 You may feel uneasy or worried for unknown reasons, Taurus. Trust your gut in this instance and steer clear of trouble should it try to find you. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, focus on keeping your cool even if others are trying to provoke you. Be the bigger person in all of your interactions. You have great control of your emotions....

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