Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana


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  • Dear Editor: Support for Hensleigh

    DAVE STROHMAEIR, Missoula County Commissioner|Nov 2, 2022

    Dear Editor, Serving as an effective county commissioner requires at least three attributes: collaboration, a can-do attitude, and vision. Whitehall Mayor Mary Hensleigh exemplifies all these (and more), which is why I enthusiastically endorse her for Jefferson County commissioner. I’ve seen too many county commissions across the state paralyzed by the grinding of personal axes, partisan bickering, and an inability to focus on the big picture. In the words of one of my colleagues, it’s hard to roll up your sleeves when you’re wringing your...

  • Dear Editor: Support of Tranel

    BLAKELY HAY|Nov 2, 2022

    Dear Editor, Throughout Montana’s modern history we’ve consistently had a mix of republican and democratic leadership, with one party as governor and always a mix in congress. When I was a kid, our governor was Ted Schwinden (D), followed by Stevens (R), Racicot (R), Martz (R), Schweitzer (D), Bullock (D), and Gianforte (R). If you keep looking back, you’ll see a surprisingly balanced “purple” trend in the office with 9 republicans and 15 democrats. Our congressional delegation has exemplified a similar trajectory, currently with senators...

  • Thought Provokers: 11/2/2022

    Nov 2, 2022

    Because some trees take so long to grow, it’s possible the average piece of paper is technically older than the average person. Alphabet soup in Japan must be wild. The last thing a conspiracy theorist wants is for everyone to agree with them. The fact that Google automatically completes our searches shows how unoriginal we all are. Sand is the only material you need to make an hourglass. Considering how short our attention spam has become, even a 5-second ad is torture. You’re always eating your own snot but it’s only considered gross if you t...

  • CONNECTING POINT: Exemplary Character

    BILL LANES|Nov 2, 2022

    Certain people leave lasting impressions on us, don’t they? I have been taking some time to research the character quality of grace from the Bible’s perspective, and I have been recalling personal examples. The exercise has been off and on for over a month. We are inspired by those who are positive, often aiming our life in the same direction. Likewise, we also watch those who display negative attributes, affirming that such a quality is something we do not want to emulate. Who is it that inspires you? The late preacher Billy Graham said, “When...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 11/2/2022

    Nov 2, 2022

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, you’re normally content acting on a whim, but this week you may want to plan your schedule with a bit more detail. Think about what to accomplish. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 When considering a situation, remember there is more than meets the Taurus. Dig a little deeper and you may uncover the truth. Remember to ask the right questions. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, you have an entire team rallying in your corner this week. You can use a little extra support. All you need to do is speak up and others will come to your aid. C...

  • Thought Provokers: 10/26/2022

    Oct 26, 2022

    The taller the person the more freaked out they are by people taller than themselves. Spiderman can only operate in a small number of Earth’s cities. In most of them, he’d be virtually useless. Many people are choosing to live their own version of the Truman Show by voluntarily sharing all aspects of their lives on social media. Most people that you know have a memory of you that you have no memory of. Being considered cute to humans is probably the single best evolutionary strategy. Sometime in your 40s, you are likely to hit the halfway mar...

  • Dear Editor: Read the Voters Pamphlet

    ARCYLLE SHAW|Oct 26, 2022

    Dear Editor, It’s less than two weeks until the mid-term elections. I would encourage each of us to become well-informed voters. This means some research, and that takes time. Who can you trust? Follow the money and find some trustworthy people to answer questions. Read thoroughly the ‘Voter’s Pamphlet’ from the Sec. of State. Thomas Jefferson said, “If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed.” That includes city, county, state, and federal offices. Remember it’s a priv...

  • Dear Editor: Oh, Pie!

    LORIE STEERMAN|Oct 26, 2022

    Dear Editor, I would like to commend the Whitehall Garden Club on their pie event during the Fall Festival last weekend. This enthusiastic crew donned festive pie hats and put on a fun event in the Star Theatre. Whole pies were auctioned off at a silent auction to benefit many non-profits, and slices of pie were sold individually. (Yes, I sampled my fair share). Thank you for hosting the pie auction, and for your cheerful atmosphere! Pie, pie hats, it doesn’t get any more fun than this! Lorie Steerman Whitehall, Montana...

  • Dear Editor: Shop Local


    Dear Editor, I am not perfect by any means, particularly when it comes to the subject of this letter. At the danger of retracing our steps in what’s probably familiar territory, I again wanted to bring up the subject of Shop Local. I totally understand sometimes it just makes better sense, financially speaking, to shop over the hill in Butte, a bit further in the opposite direction in Bozeman. or up the pass in Helena. Sometimes, if I’m going to be in one of these cities for whatever reason, I might end up doing my shopping at Walmart or som...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 10/26/2022

    Oct 26, 2022

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 This should be a very interesting week, Aries. Money matters will be at the heart of it. Figure out what you want to do with the extra cash that you have accumulated. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Treat everyone with a bit of caution, Taurus. Some person in your circle may need a little extra support this week, and your calm and even approach could be just what’s needed. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, this week has the potential for a few bumps in the road that could be avoided if you simply slow down a bit. Think things through or y...

  • Thought Provokers: 10/19/2022

    Oct 19, 2022

    It’s fascinating that we still have people alive who once in their life spoke with someone born in 1850. To the first people to fly above the clouds, it must have seemed like a miracle. Unless you live to 100, every year you live is more than 1% of your life. Average looking is actually above average. In the morning, your alarm clock wakes you up while you basically tell it to go back to sleep. Erasers slowly sacrifice their lives because of your mistakes. Spiderman wouldn’t have as much mobility if he lived in the suburbs. Deodorant is act...

  • Dear Editor: In Support of Mary Hensleigh

    DAN BUCKS|Oct 19, 2022

    Dear Editor, Mary Hensleigh is a proven leader with the talent and skills to be an excellent Commissioner for Jefferson County. “Mary the Mayor” is respected statewide for her ability to get the public’s work done in effective and common-sense ways. As a Jefferson County representative to the Big Sky Passenger Rail Authority—a 19 county Montana transportation district—she is known for her hard work, ability to get to the heart of any matter, and sound judgment. Mary is a practical problem solver who brings a positive approach and a spirit of...

  • Dear Editor: Apologies to Bob Sims

    RUTH LOTT|Oct 19, 2022

    Dear Editor, My sincerest apologies to Bob Sims for misdirecting my response to a letter written by Bob Wagner, challenging a woman’s right to choose in last week’s Ledger. I am especially grateful for Bob Sim’s graciousness when he called to inform me of my mistake. God bless a gentleman. Ruth Lott Cardwell, Montana...

  • Dear Editor: My View on Abortion

    BOB SIMS|Oct 19, 2022

    Dear Editor, In last week’s Whitehall Ledger, I read that Ruth Lott respectfully disagreed with my position on a woman’s right to choose. I was shocked. I did not think this was possible since I have never articulated my position on this subject (see the previous Letter to the Editor). But since Ruth brought it up, I will try to outline my position here. I am conflicted about a woman’s right to choose an abortion. I do not think it is right to force a woman to give birth if she does not want to. I have seen enough births to conclude that givin...

  • Dear Editor: In Support of Dan Hagerty

    Mark Wood|Oct 19, 2022

    Dear Editor, Isn’t it absurd what politicians expect us to believe these days? At the federal level, we hear things like the border is secure, and that the Inflation Reduction Act’s new $369 billion in spending will reduce inflation – currently at 8.2%. Here’s a local whopper for you: Commissioner candidate Mary Hensleigh’s claim in the Ledger that restoring passenger rail travel to southwest Montana will benefit all Montanans. Here are some facts: • Passenger rail is the most expensive mode of transport to build, operate, and maintain. ...

  • Dear Editor: The Dangers of Halloween

    JIM BUTERBAUGH|Oct 19, 2022

    Dear Editor, The Dangers of Halloween: Halloween. Boy, oh boy. What great memories. As a child of the 60s (the 1960s) my brother Bob and I spent the days before Halloween planning what to be. Of course, I had been a Cowboy, Ghost, Soldier, and Cop. These are the ones I can remember. As an older kid, I went as a girl. The norm back then. Going door to door as a kid to get a variety of little candies seemed awesome. The best were the people that made popcorn balls, brownies, and caramel apples. I remember my mom having to check the homemade...


    BILL LANES|Oct 19, 2022

    Life is often likened to a long-distance race. The high school and college activity of “track and field” dates to the ancient Greeks. In Montana, the high school athletic association added cross country, a totally different type of athletic event, that caught on quickly and is extremely popular. Saint Paul told a great deal about human nature, comparing life to a race. Maybe his main point was “pace yourself accordingly.” It would be a mistake to view our faith as a short race or sprint. Life challenges face us all, and I’d say right now anxie...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 10/19/2022

    Oct 19, 2022

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, maintain your alignment with your dreams and tap into your warrior instinct if you come up against a significant obstacle later in the week. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, you’re naturally good at juggling many different tasks simultaneously. Don’t be surprised if someone recognizes this and give you a few projects to handle. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 The theme of this week is opposites for you, Gemini. If you’re a normally tidy person, you’ll leave a mess behind. If you are prompt, you will arrive late. It could be refresh...

  • Thought Provokers 10/12/2022

    Oct 12, 2022

    Which name came first? The fruit orange, or the color orange? Did the chicken come first or the egg? How many chickens and eggs came first? Who came up with the expression “ it’s raining cats and dogs”? How is it relevant to the weather? Despite all the colors depicted on screens, there are only three colored pixels. If air and water are both clear, why can we see water and not air? If a tomato is a fruit, is ketchup a smoothie? Does a straw have one hole or two? Did dinosaurs have hair? Hair doesn’t preserve so we would never know if dinosau...

  • Dear Editor: Supporting Gary Buchanan

    TOM HARRINGTON|Oct 12, 2022

    Dear Editor, Election day is fast approaching and will bring in new leaders to help make decisions that will guide our future direction. The divide and turmoil in our country today erode the values and unity that have been a cornerstone of this nation. There is a need for our elected leaders to get back to the basics of representing and making decisions in the best interests of the people without the shackles of partisanship. Gary Buchanan is running for the eastern district house seat for the U.S. House of Representatives as an independent...

  • Dear Editor: String Quartet was Great

    DONNA WELDON|Oct 12, 2022

    Dear Editor, A big thank you to Gold Junction Presents (Ruth Lott, Bill Pullman, Colton Anderson, and Liz Pullman) and all who were instrumental in the string quartet concert at the Star Theater. It was beautiful music. I was engulfed in endorphins. Some people think classical music is boring. It isn’t. This was short and sweet and had a variety of terrific music. Hopefully, it will happen again and I encourage all to attend and support Gold Junction Presents. Appreciatively yours, Donna Weldon...

  • Dear Editor: Disagree with Bob Wagner

    RUTH LOTT|Oct 12, 2022

    Dear Editor, I respectfully disagree with Bob Wagner’s position on a woman’s right to choose. I offer Saturday’s blog from Seth Godin in response. “The closer we look at what other people believe and do, the more clear it is that our view of the world doesn’t precisely match theirs. “It never has, but now it’s magnified. The things we thought were a given, aren’t. No one believes what I believe, not exactly. “How is it possible, we wonder, that people like us don’t believe what we believe or do what we do? Not just people we don’t know, but...

  • Dear Editor: Attend the Candidate Forum

    BOB SIMS|Oct 12, 2022

    Dear Editor, A government of, by, and for the people only works when the people put forth enough effort to select people that have the skills, ability, and desire to operate a government of, by, and for the people. We, the people, have not done a real good job of doing this in recent years. Ask yourself how many people in the elected office you would hire to run your business, sort cows, or even go to the store for you. However, the fact that your perfect candidate is not on the ballot does not relieve you of your duty to vote for the best...

  • Dear Editor: Wake Up, Women!

    CHRIS WAGNER|Oct 12, 2022

    Dear Editor, Wake up, women! For over 100 years you have fought for equality. Recently, with the stroke of a pen, the Democratic Party, led by Joe Biden, has erased that equality by allowing biological males, “not men,” to compete in women’s sports. They are trying to destroy your family by encouraging you to kill your children. They are stripping you of your right, and duty, to educate and regulate your children. You can stop this madness. Remove them from office this November. Chris Wagner Cardwell, Montana...

  • Connecting Point: On Your Mark

    BILL LANES|Oct 12, 2022

    Picture yourself settled in your favorite living room chair watching one of the longest races at the Olympics. You have caught some of the athletes warming up. Now, they are in the blocks. They seem to stop breathing as the starter calls out, “Runner’s on your mark…Get set...” BANG, he starts them. Do you realize our conversations with others can start off with a bang or a thud? If we start with a demand, a negative assertion, or assertions, what can we expect? Probably failure. We can do better. The Bible teaches us to be filled with grace....

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