Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana
Sorted by date Results 932 - 956 of 1585
ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, you keep looking inward to realize your goals and you’re making very good progress in that regard. Communication is a key to success, so keep dialogues open. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Lately you seem to radiate success in all you do, Taurus. Others naturally want to flock to where you are and spend more time with you. Enjoy the spotlight while it lasts. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 If communication with family members has been difficult lately, you may find that things change in the next few days, Gemini. This is a welcome c...
This Friday I turn the big 4-0. Yep, four decades of rotating around the sun. And still, at 40, I sometimes forget how to spell forty. I mean, seriously, why isn’t it fourty? But...whatever. I am more comfortable in my own skin than I ever was in my 20s and 30s...though my health could be better and I definitely weigh more than I did in either of those decades. I enjoyed this weekend’s SuperBowl half-time show much more than most people ten years older, or ten years younger, than me - and I’m ok with that. THAT was my jam back in the day and i...
A person can survive with half a liver, one lung, no stomach, and no large intestine. Or in some situations, cut in half. We are much more stronger than we think we are. A boomerang is a frisbee for lonely people. If we are killing the spiders we find, then by natural selection we are breeding the ones that know how to hide. Success is wiping a cat hair off your iPad screen without disrupting the video. Considering the earth is always moving (solar system too) we are space travelers in an organic spaceship. It won’t be long before people use ‘t...
Dear Editor, I am glad we have people in Jefferson County that are willing to spend their time and effort working with stray and unwanted animals. Many people donate funds to” not for profits” that do this work and I hope they continue. Based on what was reported in the Boulder Monitor on February 2, 2022, our County Commission is planning to place on the ballot a levy to fund a” not for profit” to the tune of $265,365 per year for the services the County is currently getting for almost no cost. This levy will pay $6634 dollars for each of...
Dear Editor, I just learned that Jim Buterbaugh filed his papers to run for County Commissioner. Jim is well-grounded in conservative values and will represent our county honestly and be well-informed. I have known him for several years and offer my full support for him in the next election. We who live in southern Jefferson County need a man like Jim to represent us. Carmi Wells Whitehall, Montana...
Dear Editor, I am writing to support Jim Butterbaugh who has filed to run for County Commissioner. Jim has been a very active member of our community and I believe he has a very good understanding of what our community needs going forward. He has spent many hours talking with our friends and neighbors and would be a great supporter of the issues that face Whitehall. He has a common-sense approach and I feel he is very educated on current issues. He is always willing to get out and talk with anybody who would share their insights with him. I...
Dear Jo, I used to be one of those people who kept their house so clean. Like, really REALLY clean. Everything in its place, floors swept daily, etc. Now, I can put up with a mess until I realize someone else is going to see it. Then, it’s like a light goes on in my head, I realize how bad it looks, and I wonder what the HECK I have been doing! What is going on?! How can I motivate myself to get back to my old self? I WANT to do better. I love when my house is all clean, but I feel unmotivated. UGH! Signed, Dusty Dear Dusty, Girl, the only t...
Most of us assume our decisions are mostly based on wisdom rather than foolishness, right? We can be our best cheerleader, maybe even pat ourselves on the back. In our search for wisdom, it is imperative that we too evaluate our lives often, and look to God and His Word for wisdom. Proverbs 13:20 implores us: “Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.” If you think of a spectrum line with “Fool” on the left and “Wise” on the right, we probably put ourselves somewhere in the middle, probably more toward wisdom. N...
ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, you may be feeling romantic lately, but there will be little time to act upon it. Bide your time for a week or two until you can spend time with a special someone. TAURUSÐ Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, craft an eclectic guest list for an upcoming party you’re hosting. The more points of view you can hear, the more engaging the event will be. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, a loved one needs you and you’re the right person for the job. Find a way you can lend a hand. Your efforts won’t go unnoticed and pitching in will prove...
Dear Editor, The Salt Lake Tribune recently published a letter to the editor by a young Republican who stated that an overwhelming majority of young, college-age Republicans are in favor of conservative leadership on climate issues. He is a proponent of legislation that will expand electric vehicle charging infrastructure and promote clean energy technologies, like carbon capture. Access this letter at Well of course young men and women are for mitigating the climate crisis....
White shoes go well with everything except outside. It’s crazy to think how incredibly easy it is to ruin your life while it’s considerably harder to manage your life as it is. If you’ve ever stood up on a bus, you’ve effectively made it a 25,000 lb skateboard. History says dinosaurs laid eggs and evolution gave us chickens from dinosaurs, so logically the egg did come first and not the chicken. The fuller your phone battery is by the end of the day, the better your day was. Everyone hates being used, but no one wants to be useless. The kit...
Dear Jo, I need your thoughts about a good friend who, at the end of the month of my birthday or the first week of the next one, hits me with a birthday card. Then she says she doesn’t know my exact birth date but at least she remembers the month and, therefore, I should be thankful. Four years later, I am tempted to tell her if it’s not important enough to remember the day, then why bother? Am I wrong for feeling this way, or should I just be thankful she at least remembers the month? Sincerely, Birthday Girl Dear Birthday Girl, A little fin...
The self-serving slogans “Make America Great Again” and “Build Back Better” contrast with the wisdom of the Bible’s Ecclesiastes. Most Americans find a purpose for living beyond daily living. The great poet Robert Frost said, “Most Americans are deeply spiritual,” and I agree. Today, again studying Ecclesiastes, I hope you’ll find inspiration. Solomon explores the topic of life’s purpose throughout the entirety of Ecclesiastes. The maturing Solomon found that wisdom and pleasure in and of themselves were meaningless. In the process, he exami...
ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 It is time to slow down a little, Aries. Even you cannot keep up a hectic pace for very long. Invest time in relaxing pursuits like yoga or reading to unwind your brain. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, you may feel it necessary to prove your point at all costs. Stubbornness will get you nowhere right now. Listen to what others have to say. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 There are two sides to every story, Gemini. It is best not to attach yourself to one version of the tale just yet. Hear everyone out and then come to an informed...
White-collar workers often recognize the value of blue-collar workers, but not the opposite way around. If we could normalize first dates where we run errands together so that if there’s no chemistry at least we’ve picked up our dry cleaning and got our lightbulbs. We are already in the 2020s, but if someone says 20s, it is implied that they are talking about the 1920s. ‘We need to talk’ is one of the scariest sentences in the English language. These past few years have probably been the happiest ever for the average house pet. An actor p...
Dear Editor, Dan Haggerty for County Commissioner! We as concerned citizens are always looking for honest, conscientious representation. People who want to be involved in public service and want to do it truly for public service are few and far between. Dan Haggerty is that person. Dan represented and protected all of Jefferson County for years and established a reputation as a person who really cared about the people he served and protected. Dan served for years in a dangerous and thankless job; a job whereas Deputy Sheriff obviously he did...
Dear Editor, Yes, Virginia, federally speaking, cannabis/marijuana is STILL illegal! However, that being said, there are at least 16 states in this Union that have legalized marijuana for recreational use, including our own beloved Montana and (GASP!) Washington, DC, the ONLY truly Federal District in this Union! It should be noted that, even though cannabis has been legalized for medical use in a majority of states, the main reason is that said states have begun to realize how lucrative it is! That being said, I would like to get into the...
Dear Jo, People always say follow your dreams. Well, how do you know what your dream is? How can people be so confident about what they want to do and have? Am I the only one who still (in my fifties) is not 100% sure of what my dream is? Signed, Dreamin’ Dear Dreamin’, You cannot look at what others do and apply it to yourself. Your journey is, well, yours. Embrace your life, your experiences, all that is uniquely you. Signed, Jo Dear Jo, I keep hearing that this is the end of times. The world is entering the period of Revelation. After the...
Pleasure seeking isn’t anything new, but isn’t part of the turmoil of our age due to plain old generational conflict? Aren’t millennials rightly concerned that the baby-boom generation is going to bankrupt the nation? Don’t older people talk sensibly about out-of-control sexuality? We’ve been turning to the book of Ecclesiastes for inspiration. Known for the phrase, “There’s nothing new under the sun,” King Solomon put things into perspective. We may point out that America is highly sexualized and driven by consumerism. However, this i...
ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Your affection for someone could affect your impression of a certain situation, Aries. You need to take a step back or remove yourself from the situation. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Someone in a position of authority may want to invest in your future, Taurus. Even though you may be flattered by the interest, you have to weigh all of your options. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 You may learn something about a person if you’re willing to get involved in deep conversation, Gemini. Have a talk with someone you’re eager to get to know. CAN...
Dear Editor, Your paper recently published an editorial by Chuck Denowh discussing American Prairie’s recent purchase of the 73 Ranch. Some of the statements made by Mr. Denowh can lead the reader to the conclusion that American Prairie doesn’t pay taxes and doesn’t contribute to Montana’s economy. I have prepared a response to Mr. Denowh. American Prairie does more than pay taxes. Those claiming to be property rights advocates are once again saying charitable organizations should not be allowed to own land. The recent purchase of the histori...
If you run 26 miles, it’s because you’re an athlete. If you walk 26 miles, it’s because you can’t afford a car. Poems only rhyme in the language they were written in. A microwave can show you how clean someone really is. You have to wait until you’re 36 to date someone half your age. Given how long your bones stick around after death, you really only get to use some parts of your body for a fraction of their existence. Ventriloquists probably have better conversations than most at the dentist. Gold digging was just a normal relations...
Dear Jo, I have heard a lot of people complaining and/or asking about what to do about receiving thank-you acknowledgments. Here is the other side of that dilemma. What does one do when receiving gifts that for whatever reason are unfortunate picks for the receiver? I feel as if I’m lying when I say “thank you.” I’ve tried not sending a thank you, but that felt icky and did not work. Signed, You Shouldn’t Have Dear Shouldn’t Have, Always be gracious and kind. Send the thank you, it really is the thought that counts. Signed, Jo Dear Jo, I am tr...
The desire to be “top of your game” or “top of the world” is a near-universal want. For centuries, people have aspired to great heights, achieving some of life’s “greatest” passions. Individuals like Tom Brady, Serena Williams, Usain Bolt, Oprah Winfrey, or even Henry Ford are known as individuals who sought to be better and better. In ancient times, Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, and Alexander the Great excelled at both political and military power. We’ve been focusing on King Solomon lately, reading through Ecclesiastes, from the Old Testament....
The older you get, the more you appreciate a good pair of socks. When you are a teenager you hide things like sex or drinking from your parents. When you are a parent you hide things like sex or drinking from your kids. The fact biting your tongue when you’re just casually chewing is so painful gives perspective on how strong even human jaws really are. All meat is plant-based meat. You have done things for strangers that you don’t even remember but it might have become a special memory for them. From an extraterrestrial viewpoint, all the spac...