Sorted by date Results 426 - 450 of 1648
ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Take it easy this week, Aries. You may need to coast for a little bit rather than racing that car around every turn. Enjoy all the simple things you can do and cherish the memories. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, if you cannot be yourself with your friends, then with whom? Let down your defenses and do what you want this week, especially if you are celebrating at a social event. No one will be judging. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, devote some time to planning your vision of the future, rather than just focusing on the work in...
This holiday season, more Montanans will be navigating the annual open enrollment period for health insurance, seeking quality and affordable health insurance plans for their families. Cover Montana has a team of health insurance navigators who can help Montanans make sense of their options during this crucial period, which runs from November 1, 2023, to January 15, 2024. But this year stands out because more than 100,000 Montanans are no longer covered by Medicaid or Healthy Montana Kids...
Dear Editor, The Charles Family would like to sincerely thank everyone who helped, participated in, and attended Donald Charles' funeral. A special acknowledgment to Crystal Charles-Ascheman for the elaborate florals; Autumn and Ralph Jones for the funeral programs they prepared, which were a lovely tribute to this solemn remembrance; Ariane Jones, who patiently filmed this event so all who could not attend were able to view it later and remotely, by going to We want...
They only had to change the word snake to essential to get us to buy these oils again. Google Maps must have saved a lot of marriages. You know it’s a great vacation when the most stressful part is getting ready to leave. Explaining a problem you are having is not the same as complaining about it - but way too many people think it is. 2075 to 2150 seems a lot longer than 1905 to 1980. Every eyebrow looks weird if you look at it for 5 seconds. Garlic and onion, arguably the two most important and widely used ingredients in all of cooking, are g...
Have you heard the songs in the air? Radio, television, Internet, and stores are currently playing Christmas music, ‘tis the season. Soon carolers will be strolling, children will be performing at school concerts and choirs will be singing their hearts out. One tradition we held for numerous years as a family was some version of the “12 Days of Christmas,” little notes or small gifts leading up to December 25th. Our children loved the special gifts from grandma and grandpa or us making each day special. I’m certain you’re familiar with the...
ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, if you work or spend time with an introvert, reach out to him or her and strike up a conversation. This person may only need a little nudge to become a good friend. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, a friendly competition that may have started out lighthearted is now starting to transform into something a bit more competitive. Dial it back a bit. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, things are starting to slow down in your life, and your to-do list has gotten shorter. Expect things to ramp up again soon enough, but enjoy the...
Dear Editor, Was the Town Council meeting town business or NFL night? I just returned from the Whitehall Town Council meeting. The mayor was watching the Chiefs game on the TV in the council chambers – the TV that usually shows what the TSS video recorder is viewing. Not tonight – the mayor told the audience and council that she hoped the meeting would be over soon, as she wanted to watch the Chiefs game!!! Mayor, you were not elected to watch football or be otherwise distracted during mon...
Dear Editor, I was pleased and a bit surprised to read the opinion piece from Pam Hanna on the front page of last week's Ledger. Pleased that she focused so heavily on the natural strength of the human immune system and the various ways - clean diet, regular exercise, reducing stress, and good sleep - that we can aid, or at least stop undermining, those systems. Surprised because, at least from the top down, at the levels of national government and media, we rarely see such focus, and are...
Dear Editor, The cost of living is increasing! We see this almost everywhere, but probably more noticeably as Winter threatens. I don't keep a real close eye on it myself (probably because I drive an EV), but apparently, the price of gasoline has recently fallen, so hopefully, that's a good sign! Speaking of Winter, though, many families get hit with a double whammy around this time of year; not only has the cost of living increased across the board, with its increased heating costs, but many fi...
Dear Editor, The Friends of the Boulder Community Library would like to thank all the businesses and individuals who donated to our First Annual Fall Fest. It was such a fun and successful day! Thank you for the prizes for the children's activities and for the Auction items. There was laughter by all! The children had exceptional fun bidding on their favorite toys or candy! We truly appreciate your help, we couldn't have done it without your care and support! DEBBIE GABSE Boulder,...
Given that Earth is 70% water, we are lucky it isn’t just a bunch of far-apart small islands. We may be 2-3 generations away from not having digital records of our ancestors. The fake workers for the Wendy’s commercials are paid significantly better than their real workers. We’re nice to old people who are moving slowly but only if they’re walking... not if they’re driving slowly. Technically all cars in video games are electric. Somewhere in the world, the first trillionaire is out there. The thing crime shows don’t show is the mountains of pa...
For many reasons, I am writing this letter. It truly has been the toughest tax season in my experience as Jefferson County Treasurer. The cost of inflation on our everyday items, gas to get to work, rents and more have just continued to rise. Now so have taxes. Our assessments of our homes, homes that some of us have lived in for more than twenty years, have skyrocketed during the last reappraisal cycle. Higher assessments lead most government agencies to lower the mills so as not to collect...
I run a small solo medical practice in Kalispell, Montana. Being of the old-school opinion that quality care requires quality time spent, my patients have time to share with me their many concerns. That sharing periodically includes exorbitant medical bills received from a hospital visit or outpatient specialist visit. The billing is usually the same format because these specialists almost all work for the local hospital, and many hospitals and clinics have merged into one entity that serves...
Themes and professions are interwoven throughout the Bible, certainly “shepherd” is one of the prominent terms from Genesis to Revelation. Abraham, Moses, David, and a litany of others were shepherds simply since this was the common way of life or providing food. Shepherds are referenced as spiritual leaders in both the Old and New Testaments. More importantly, the imagery and language regarding Jesus as the “Great Shepherd” is fitting. Luke is the only New Testament writer who brings up the shepherds at the time of Christ’s birth. We must k...
ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 You may have difficulty reaching people this week, Aries. Whether it’s difficulty getting attention or tech issues affecting communication, use the situation as an opportunity to relax. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, a challenging project may lead you to throw yourself into work even more than usual over the course of the week. Remember to take time to exhale. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Visit someone in person if you are looking to catch up or have a meaningful conversation, Gemini. Skip impersonal text messages or social media p...
Dear Editor, Thanksgiving is this Thursday already, I have been busy recuperating from an accident and an infection in my knee. In August I slipped on some water on ceramic tile. At 69 years old, it is not a good thing to do the splits, especially without warming up. I suffered a torn hamstring on my left leg and had to go by ambulance to hospital as we questioned a fractured hip. I thought I was recovering well from this spill until I ended up with a staph infection in my right knee, which had...
Most animals have never burned the inside of their mouth. Your phone is the only computer you own that you’d expect to work after being dropped so many times. Your teeth are the only part of your skeleton that you can clean. One of the biggest problems with good people is they don’t understand how evil bad people can be. A lot of people think they like history but they actually like historical propaganda that confirms whatever they already believe. Farts are food ghosts. People in the past weren’t dumber, they just knew about fewer thing...
Georgia, I have a question, Could I call the cops on my neighbors? They have a newborn baby who cries ALL THE TIME. The baby disrupts my sleep. The crying is annoying and makes me angry. Should I call the cops? Annoyed by Baby Annoyed, Yes, by all means, call the cops and have them arrest that baby! With love, Georgia Georgia, I have a question, There’s an error on the screen that says I need to restart to complete the update. I don’t have the time or the money to get a tech person involved, so thought I’d ask you. What should I do? Tech Unsav...
History has a seemingly countless record of rulers, dating back to ancient times to the present. We use terms for heads of state like presidents, prime ministers, kings, queens, sultans, chancellors, supreme leader, premier, Fuhrer, and more. Some leaders rule for long periods of time and others short, some in their earlier years and others in their latter years. Governing styles can include a republic, democracy, monarchy, communism, dictatorship, totalitarianism, and oligarchy to name several. Understanding the difference between actual...
ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 It’s important to pay attention to your physical health this week, Aries. It’s key to give your body plenty of rest and healthy foods to strengthen your immune system. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Something out of the ordinary may happen to you this week, Taurus. You don’t know what to expect, but be aware of your surroundings and the people you meet. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 This is a perfect time to review your goals or to-do list, Gemini. If you don’t have things jotted down, brainstorm with friends on what you may want to accompl...
We’re now less than a year out from one of the biggest elections in Montana history. Next November, our ballots will be stacked with candidates for president, U.S. Senate, two congressional seats, governor, attorney general, secretary of state, superintendent of public instruction, state auditor, and two supreme court seats (including chief justice), to say nothing of regional and local offices and any potential ballot initiatives. Ahead of such a jam-packed election cycle that is sure to produce high voter turnout and its share of c...
The older generations often criticize the youth for being lazy and unmotivated, yet they have created infinite barriers in professions and hobbies, making it almost impossible for younger people to succeed without their approval. Somebody on earth is close to 100% compatible with you but the probability you’ll meet that person is close to 0%. Insurance is a lottery that everyone plays, but only the unlucky wins. We universally agreed that up symbolizes good and down symbolizes bad. Most people who work in high-end luxury hotels can’t aff...
Georgia, I have a question, How does a Thermos know when to keep something hot and when to keep something cold? I’ve been trying to trick my Thermos into making my hot coffee and iced coffee, but it isn’t working. Is there a trick I don’t know about? Want It Cold Dear Cold, When you put a liquid in a Thermos, it will keep the temperature as close to the temperature it entered doesn’t decide which to make it. Though I suppose if you put hot coffee in, then a bunch of ice cubes, it could potentially get cold enough to be deemed “iced”. G...
ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, you may see the details of a situation a little differently this week. While you may have been sticking to one way of doing things for some time, a new way may mean a breakthrough. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, your passion for a long-forgotten project is renewed. Dust off what you started, and see it through to completion. The results may surprise you. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Are you ready to communicate, Gemini? It’s time to have an important conversation with someone close to you. It may not always be comfortable, b...
Do you ever sit back and just watch people? I often do but please understand this practice doesn’t make me creepy. Observing people is common for all of us in one way or another. Certainly, we refrain from being critical of those around us, none of us deserves such criticism. Some individuals wish to be the center of attention while others like to simply blend into the crowd and remain unnoticed. Those who garner everyone’s attention are loud and possibly obnoxious, they are the individuals I sit back and watch. As I’ve been reading about...