Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana


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  • Dear Editor: Candidate Forum May 26

    BOB SIMS|May 18, 2022

    Dear Editor, We citizens have not done a stellar job in selecting our elected “leaders” in recent years. Most of us vote but few of us make sufficient effort to gain enough knowledge that we can make a truly informed selection. Those that make an effort to develop adequate knowledge are handicapped by the lack of available information. What information is available is filtered by the media and often biased. Add to this the misinformation coming at us from many sources and making a truly informed decision is very difficult. We cannot tot...

  • Dear Editor: In Support of Weed Mill Levy

    DON DRAKE, Jefferson Valley Sportsmans Association|May 18, 2022

    Dear Editor, Jefferson Valley Sportsman’s Association urges all Jefferson County voters to vote for the continuation of the existing three (3) mill levy for the Jefferson County Weed Control District. Unless reauthorized by voters during the June 2022 primary election, the mill levy will sunset on June 30, 2022. This mill levy provides funding for herbicides so county residents can purchase herbicides at a reduced rate. It also funds weed control along county roads and other county properties like the fairground, baseball fields, and rodeo g...

  • Thought Provokers: 5/18/2022

    May 18, 2022

    You never miss the beer you didn’t drink yesterday. Believe it or not, those ads aren’t wrong, there actually are hot singles in your area. The cause of your death may be the end of the world. You’re crazy if you DON’T talk to your dog. Getting older feels kind of like losing superpowers that you never knew you had. Since no one in the restaurant is interested in what’s on your plate, it’s weird that you think anyone on social media might be Crazy to realize how some individuals are richer than entire countries and monarchs combined. A...

  • Go Ask Jo: 5/18/2022

    Jo|May 18, 2022

    Dear Jo, I just want to be me. That does not seem like it should be difficult for someone to accept. I am really fun (just ask me), intelligent, thoughtful and maybe a bit crazy. I like to be outdoors, like art, and exploring. Why is it that people just have to point out what they feel you need to change? We are all unique, thankGod. How do I tell people that I like myself just as I am and do not need any “pointers” on how to live a better or different life in their opinion? Signed, Just Right Dear Right, Two options. First one, tell them to...

  • Connecting Point: Three Strands

    BILL LANES|May 18, 2022

    We all approach life at different speeds and angles, and our philosophy certainly varies. That being said it’s common knowledge that a person can accomplish more in partnership. Yes, relational conflict can impede action plans or goals. However, the fact remains; that there is great strength in numbers. King Solomon understood this principle well, that’s most likely how he accomplished many tasks during his years, teaming people together to achieve a specific goal. He rightly states, “Again I saw something meaningless under the sun: Two are b...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 5/18/2022

    May 18, 2022

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 This week could be a strange time in regard to your finances, Aries. It might be a good idea to get all of your financial affairs in order to figure out where you stand. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Check around the house for any areas that could benefit from a little improvement, Taurus. Some renovations could provide a whole new look and even outlook. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Figure out a way to show support for a valued colleague, Gemini. Sometimes just a kind word can transform someone’s day. Your kindness will be repaid. CANCER J...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 5/11/2022

    May 11, 2022

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Avoid going down the rabbit hole that can be social media, Aries. Put your phone or tablet to the side for a little bit and focus your attention elsewhere. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Try to stay calm and grounded right now, Taurus. Others can learn from your example at work, as you likely will be the voice of reason among your colleagues. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, if you are having trouble figuring out a path this week, try to meditate on a solution. Find a quiet spot and visualize your goals and how you can achieve them....

  • Dear Editor: Thanks to Congressman Rosendale

    TERRY MURPHY|May 11, 2022

    Dear Editor, As a Montana farmer, I am deeply concerned about the anti-natural resource policies of the Biden Administration. Agriculture is the economic backbone of our state, and his policy decisions are causing serious issues for Montana’s agriculture industry. The struggle to pay skyrocketing prices for essentials like fuel and fertilizer, plus inflation and supply chain issues is very serious. I am pleased to see that Congressman Matt Rosendale has signed onto a letter sent to President Biden with concern over these issues. The l...

  • Dear Editor: Support for Dan Hagerty

    ROGER and JAN RICHMOND|May 11, 2022

    Dear Editor & Jefferson County Voters, We have an opportunity to vote for a new county commissioner and we are blessed with four good candidates. Normally, I never get involved with political discussions but feel I need to address and support one candidate, who in my humble opinion, rises above the other three good people in this very important position. My wife and I support Dan Hagerty, who has served Jefferson County for many years as a member of the sheriff’s department and search and rescue. This wonderful man put his life on the line e...

  • Dear Editor: Support for Weed District Mill Levy

    SARAH SALSBURY|May 11, 2022

    Dear Editor, As election/voting time comes upon us again, I encourage everyone to get informed and get out and vote! Voting is an important privilege and way to participate in our community. Another way we participate is by our tax contributions. As frustrating as it is to see how much it costs to survive these days, we are faced with making choices on mill levies in June. For your consideration is the Weed District Mill Levy. Over most of my life I have been learning about land management. Noxious weeds have been an arch-enemy of mine ever...

  • Dear Editor: Support for Jim Buterbaugh

    DAWN LEWTON|May 11, 2022

    Dear Editor, I am writing this letter to the Editor to simply encourage Jefferson County Residents to vote for Jim Buterbaugh for the new Jefferson County Commissioner. As, a Madison County Resident, I will not have that opportunity. What I can do is tell you, what I know, about Jim Buterbaugh. I have known Jim for over 20 years. Jim is a man of strong character. I have seen this trait in action for years as I have worked alongside him in public and private jobs. Jim does not take work and his commitment to it lightly. He does the research,...

  • Dear Editor: Support for Library Levy

    JOHN KREIS|May 11, 2022

    Dear Editor, It is certainly true that individuals and institutions are going through difficult budget stretching times. It is definitely a time to prioritize and support those parts of our lives important to ourselves, our families, and our community. Certainly, the Whitehall Community Library is definitely one of the most essential parts of our community! There are some essential facts that are definitely true about our hometown library: the library and Whitehall Schools have a close, cooperative, friendly, working relationship. The library...

  • Dear Editor: Seeing the inner workings

    JIM BUTERBAUGH, Candidate for Jefferson County Commissioner|May 11, 2022

    Dear Editor For the last two years, I have been following our County Commissioner (Leonard Wortman) around, getting an idea of how the system works and what is being done to Improve our little heaven in the United States. In doing this, I had the pleasure of meeting Lindsey Graham. Not the politician, but a gal working with the Jefferson Local Development Corporation (JLDC). When I visited with her, she told me that they were working to improve the daycare problem in Whitehall and Boulder. Daycare has become a problem nationwide since both...

  • Dear Editor: Save Our Democracy

    May 11, 2022

    Dear Editor, We are living in very difficult times, but they are our times. Times we have helped create and need to help heal. For democracy to work we need a healthy government “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” Dark Money stands between us and the healthy government we need. Maude Barlow served as the senior water advisor to the UN General Assembly promoting water as a human right. In her book, “Still Hope,” she says, “Oxfam and the British social justice organization Global Justice now have documented the rise of transnati...

  • Dear Editor: Support of Rosendale

    DAVID HOWARD|May 11, 2022

    Dear Editor, The recent leaking of the draft opinion surrounding the 1973 Roe V Wade decision by the Supreme Court is unprecedented. It is reprehensible that someone would try to use public pressure in an effort to force our Supreme Court Justices into ruling a certain way. While we won’t know if the final decision reached by the court will match the prematurely released draft for a few more months, and amidst all of the uncertainty and chaos surrounding this decision, it is comforting to know that we have strong a strong Pro-Life voice in R...

  • Thought Provokers: 5/4/2022

    May 4, 2022

    Screaming loudly inside your head is a good way to check for nearby psychics by seeing if anyone flinches. The coldest temperature possible in the universe is -459.67 F. The hottest is theorized as 2,556,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 F. We live within a very small sliver at the very bottom of the spectrum. That’s probably why your wife’s feet are always cold. Laziness has prevented more crime than any law or law enforcement ever will. May is rough because it’s the month you realize it’s not seasonal depression. Nothing says you’re...

  • Dear Editor: Vote for Bertoglio

    Sisi Carroll|May 4, 2022

    Dear Editor, When it comes to choosing our legislator for Jefferson County, there is only one choice – Marta Bertoglio. Marta is a rural Montana native who understands our family values. As an Air Force Academy graduate, military officer, and small business owner, Marta is an engaged community leader who will represent our district with dignity and civility. She will continue to move the needle in Helena in advocating for good-paying jobs in our District. Conversely, her primary opponent Tim M...

  • Dear Editor: Rants and Raves

    DORIE WESTHOVEN|May 4, 2022

    Dear Editor, The town I moved from had an online forum for its citizens to RANT and RAVE, but I believe this platform will suffice for the same purpose. I have both RANTS and RAVES for the Rescuers and Survivors Fair hosted by the Whitehall Community Library last Thursday. First, the RAVES, lest you become so indignant over my RANTS you see red, lose focus, and cannot see your way to the end of this letter, missing the all-important RAVES. Nothing but RAVES to the nine teens who have spent the better part of the last four months preparing for...

  • Dear Editor: Vote for the Weed Levy

    Dean and Roselle Hanson|May 4, 2022

    Dear Editor, It has been said that the first leafy spurge plant seen in the Jefferson Valley was planted on a grave in the Fish Creek Cemetery many years ago. Whether or not this is true, the fact remains that this noxious weed has spread its tentacles throughout rangeland and municipalities, along rivers, canals, roadways, and other areas designated as having public interest. This is only one of many noxious weeds that negatively affect productivity in our county. We are writing in support of the Noxious Weed Control mill levy that will be...

  • Go Ask Jo: 5/4/2022

    Jo|May 4, 2022

    Dear Jo, Well, happy doggone spring! The sun is finally out. There are actually green areas in the grass. Baby calves and lambs are everywhere. People should have that spring smile on their faces....shouldn’t they? But noooooooo, all I seem to encounter are grumpy, disgruntled folks. People seem to be crabby, complaining about silly things, and just generally unhappy. What happened to the smiles, comments on the beautiful sun, excitement about starting gardens, etc...? Signed, In Spring Shock Dear Spring, You get out there and spread spring che...

  • Connecting Point: Injustice for All

    BILL LANES|May 4, 2022

    Some matters are timeless, seen through the generations, and noticeable in every culture. Certainly, the clock ticks forward and we see continuous advances in technology but for the most part, humans are predictable throughout history. We tend to make poor judgment calls. For example, court cases can leave one’s head spinning, unjust outcomes. Due to some technicality, killers may walk freely or blatant criminal acts are overlooked. True victims can watch in dismay with a judicial system that is seriously broken. Sadly there are some cases w...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 5/4/2022

    May 4, 2022

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 A strong urge to be alone arises this week, Aries. If this happens, turn off your phone and put a message that you’re not to be disturbed until you’re ready for some company. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Yours may turn into the party house this week when a lot of uninvited visitors show up and expect to socialize. It’s a good thing you have the energy to spare right now, Taurus. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Errands are not going to complete themselves, Gemini. Schedule time this week to get all of your ducks in a row. You have oblig...

  • Opinion: Ledger & Others Support Library Mill Levy

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Apr 27, 2022

    This voting season brings candidates for County Commissioner and County Sheriff, as well as a variety of mill levies. While some are hotly debated (see Letter to Editor on page 3), others feel needed due to years of unchanged budgets. The Jefferson County Library system has not had a budget increase since 2004. In those eighteen years, so many things have changed in the libraries that it is hard to note them all. The Whitehall Community Library alone receives over 80,000 visits per year;...

  • Dear Editor: Looking Into the Animal Shelter Permanent Mill Levy

    Gary Carlson|Apr 27, 2022

    Dear Editor, Many folks, including the local Animal Shelter & Care Committee (AS&CC), are passionate and have concerns regarding abandoned and abused animals and their related care. Here are a few questions I believe are important for all taxpayers to consider comparing the social benefits and economic costs for the upcoming consideration of the Permanent 9 mill levy ballot issue: • Why 9 mills, as well as why permanent (forever)? • Should the county taxpayers finance a “conceptual” facility (without a specific approved size and plan) that wi...

  • Dear Editor: Support for Janacaro-Hensleigh as Commissioner

    Dave Torgerson|Apr 27, 2022

    Dear Editor, There are four individuals running to replace Leonard Wortman as Jefferson County Commissioner and there are many good things to be said about all of them. Leonard Wortman did an excellent job as Jefferson County Commissioner for quite a few years. I want to thank him for the job he did, but it leaves us with an election and a decision for a new County Commissioner. Mary Janacaro-Hensleigh has served the town of Whitehall as Mayor for several years. She is running for the County Commissioner job and has much experience in local...

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