Sorted by date Results 885 - 909 of 1646
Garbage collectors probably constantly help cover crimes without knowing it. Toothpaste is the only detergent that we care about its taste. Water is not often thought of as being a chemical. The world is actually a simulator and nearsighted people are low spec users with upscaling turned on. People can be more raw, honest, and vulnerable with strangers on the internet. Buzz Lightyear could potentially be a very strong character with his ability to go beyond infinity. We only match our clothes in the visible light spectrum, to other animals we...
Dear Editor, I apologize beforehand for the relative touchiness of the subject at hand. However, here we go again! The most recent school shooting has anti-gun, or at least stricter gun law advocates, in an uproar. I realize we’ve been here before, but guns are not the issue. History tells us stricter regulations or just outright gun bans simply make the average citizen easier prey for those who would unrighteously try to control us. No, the issue, the problem, if you will, is human nature! Society in general plays a part in this drama as w...
Dear Editor, I went to Whitehall’s Jefferson County Candidate’s meeting on 5/26/2022. It was my first time attending a town meeting. I had many questions, regarding the candidates but was mostly concerned about how monies were and are spent! I can’t say I got satisfactory answers. I have a right as a citizen of this wonderful town to voice my concerns! We said the Pledge of Allegiance and believe that to be an excellent way to start a very important meeting. I was and am proud to be an American! As a member of this community, I believe we sh...
Dear Editor, The Madison County, Jefferson Island Precinct #15 polling place is the Cardwell Pavilion next to Kipp and Dawn Huckaba’s home on Highway 2 East. Registered voters can vote there between the hours of 12 noon and 8 PM. Only those who requested an absentee ballot received their ballot in the mail. The “all mail” balloting two years ago has caused some confusion, so if you did not ask for nor receive an absentee ballot, you must vote in person. Call the Clerk and Recorder’s Office in Virginia City at 406-843-4270 if you have questio...
Dear Editor, Commissioner Bob Mullen is a wealth of information when it comes to mental health. He worked for the State for 15 years at the Addiction and Mental Health Department. He has helped to bring mental health training to county employees. I sat with him to see what was going on in mental healthcare at the county level. The State has started the Regional Community Mental Health Centers. So far, they are in Great Falls, Missoula, Billings, and Miles City with plans to expand. The Montana Association of Counties offers health and human...
Coming from a family which has been involved in every war from World War 1 to Vietnam, holidays honoring our military and civilian personnel during wartime past and present have always had a special place in my mind and heart. But none more than Memorial Day. It has been my honor for the past few years to stand with my fellow Whitehall area Veterans within the American Legion, and Veterans of Foreign Wars Honor Guard, at funerals and functions. This year as we stood on a windy, rainy, cold Monday, in line behind the graves of the fallen, my...
Dear Jo, Ugh! My sister is so protective of all of her things! She literally hates it when I snag a couple of pieces of popcorn! You are not allowed to touch her cards during a game and don’t even dream of taking a drink of anything that is hers! I, on the other hand, have very few protective instincts. It can cause some issues. How do I get my sister to relax her boundaries just a hair? Signed, Loves Sharing Dear Sharing, Leave your sister’s stuff alone! If I was her, I would have to give you a good butt-kicking! Signed, Jo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dea...
“Naked a man comes from his mother’s womb, and as he comes, so he departs,” Ecclesiastes 5:15. Throughout history our common heritage shares these two most common experiences: birth and death. Modern medical advances have allowed for some changes in regard to fertilization and conception, but a woman’s womb is still the standard home for a baby up to the point of childbirth. Now some would argue that we seldom experience death “naked,” but their argument is empty. Solomon’s point is fundamentally true; we are born with nothing and take noth...
KEEPING: Two weeks ago I can honestly say I thought there would be no newspaper for the week. I was on my deathbed. Actually, I was on the floor of the Ledger office, with my screens angled to the floor, hoping I could get the paper laid out before the next wave of nausea and gut bombs overcame me. All I could think was, “I wanna go home!” But in the back of my mind I kept asking myself, are you really going to be the reason that, for the first time in 39 years of publishing, there is no Ledger this week? And I said NO! Influenza A be dam...
The Whitehall Ledger will be recognized as a 2022 Better Newspaper Contest award winner at the 137th Annual Montana Newspaper Convention in Glendive, June 17-18. The 2022 contest was judged by volunteer members of the North Dakota Press Association. The Ledger has placed in the following categories: • Best Portrait Photo • Best Editorial • Best Front Page • Best Sports Page Layout/Design • Best Ad to Sell or Promote Services color • Best Ad to Sell or Promote Merchandise color • Best Ad to Sell or Promote Services black & white • Best Newspa...
Dear Editor, There is always a lot of talk about wanting younger/new people to participate in politics, but it doesn’t happen very often. This year, there will be a new name in the contest for Jefferson County Commissioner. I am writing to introduce Jon Goff, who is running for Commissioner and who has been my neighbor for about six years. While we often disagree politically, I know Jon to be a man of character and integrity who is willing and able to discuss issues, and does it respectfully. I consider Jon worthy of consideration, and I h...
Dear Editor, We need to support Jim Brown for our state Supreme Court. It is common among Montana’s most liberal supreme court justices to accept large campaign donations from the same lawyers whose law firms are litigating cases before those very same justices. This underscores just how blatantly and unapologetically political the majority of current justices are. Not only do these politicians-in-black-robes make decisions without allowing evidentiary hearings or due process, but those decisions consistently overrule the initiative process a...
Dear Editor, I’m voicing support for Mary Janacaro-Hensleigh for Jefferson County Commissioner, District 1. As Whitehall’s Town Attorney since 2015, I’ve had the pleasure of working with Mayor Hensleigh since she took office in 2018. Under her leadership, bitterness and fighting have dropped considerably. As a result, my time pursuing and defending legal matters for the Town has been cut dramatically. Savings to the Town have been significant, not only in legal fees but staff are able to focus on making Whitehall a better place to live. That is...
Dear Editor and Jefferson County Voters, As you mark your ballots for Jefferson County Commissioner if you are uncertain which candidate to vote for, please consider the following: · Dan Hagerty is a Veteran. · Dan Hagerty has served his community selflessly in community service. · Dan Hagerty has an original agenda of intelligent items that will benefit the county in sincere thoughtful ways. · Dan Hagerty is and has only been interested in being a County Commissioner. He understands the importance of the commissioner’s role and has not sough...
If someone lived to be 80 years old and had 1 photo of their life taken every hour. That entire person’s life could be assembled at 24 frames per second into the duration of a single season television show. About eight, one hour long episodes. Humans didn’t exactly evolve past living in caves, we just gained the desire and ability to build much nicer caves. Plastic-eating bacteria are hailed as a solution to plastic pollution, but they will most likely doom our civilization due to plastic rot. Seeing how even low-level administrators can som...
Dear Jo, What do you do when someone comments on the job you are doing while knowing nothing of the work and effort that goes into it? I do sales and there is always someone who feels the need to comment on my prices, my advertising, and how I handle the sale. It is never the person who does similar selling, but the person who knows nothing about your business and yet feels entitled to comment on how you run it. What is the best way to respond? Signed, Tired and Frustrated Dear Tired, No matter what you do, whether good or bad, there will...
Worship takes on several meanings in a wide range of contexts. As Christians, we need to focus on the Biblical understanding of worship; nothing more and nothing less. Our culture is inundated by “worship” experiences that embrace entertainment rather than reverence or wonder of God. Instead, we opt for a concert-like setting where we rely on the band to put us in awe of the music itself or the performers. Additionally, there are unrealistic expectations intertwined throughout our society where people wish to be blown away by the music, pre...
ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 You may be questioning some of your relationships this week, Aries. Periodic reflection is good for your long-term well-being but move ahead with caution. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, finding a balance between your professional life and your home life may be challenging this week. Try not to hurry through your decision-making process. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Typical routines just aren’t fulfilling you lately, Gemini. Avoid succumbing to frustration and dissatisfaction by trying a new hobby or brainstorming ways you can c...
Dear Editor and my friends throughout Jefferson County, After a six-year term as a County Commissioner for you folks and nearly five years as your Undersheriff, I write to wholeheartedly endorse Mary Janacaro-Hensleigh for County Commissioner for the Whitehall district. I grew up in Whitehall in Pleasant Valley on a small farm. Mary and much of her family grew up “just over the hill.” I have known Mary and her family for well over fifty years. I went to school with many of them. I served my commissioner term with Mary’s mother Joyce, who was o...
Dear Editor, We citizens have not done a stellar job in selecting our elected “leaders” in recent years. Most of us vote but few of us make sufficient effort to gain enough knowledge that we can make a truly informed selection. Those that make an effort to develop adequate knowledge are handicapped by the lack of available information. What information is available is filtered by the media and often biased. Add to this the misinformation coming at us from many sources and making a truly informed decision is very difficult. We cannot tot...
Dear Editor, Jefferson Valley Sportsman’s Association urges all Jefferson County voters to vote for the continuation of the existing three (3) mill levy for the Jefferson County Weed Control District. Unless reauthorized by voters during the June 2022 primary election, the mill levy will sunset on June 30, 2022. This mill levy provides funding for herbicides so county residents can purchase herbicides at a reduced rate. It also funds weed control along county roads and other county properties like the fairground, baseball fields, and rodeo g...
You never miss the beer you didn’t drink yesterday. Believe it or not, those ads aren’t wrong, there actually are hot singles in your area. The cause of your death may be the end of the world. You’re crazy if you DON’T talk to your dog. Getting older feels kind of like losing superpowers that you never knew you had. Since no one in the restaurant is interested in what’s on your plate, it’s weird that you think anyone on social media might be Crazy to realize how some individuals are richer than entire countries and monarchs combined. A...
Dear Jo, I just want to be me. That does not seem like it should be difficult for someone to accept. I am really fun (just ask me), intelligent, thoughtful and maybe a bit crazy. I like to be outdoors, like art, and exploring. Why is it that people just have to point out what they feel you need to change? We are all unique, thankGod. How do I tell people that I like myself just as I am and do not need any “pointers” on how to live a better or different life in their opinion? Signed, Just Right Dear Right, Two options. First one, tell them to...
We all approach life at different speeds and angles, and our philosophy certainly varies. That being said it’s common knowledge that a person can accomplish more in partnership. Yes, relational conflict can impede action plans or goals. However, the fact remains; that there is great strength in numbers. King Solomon understood this principle well, that’s most likely how he accomplished many tasks during his years, teaming people together to achieve a specific goal. He rightly states, “Again I saw something meaningless under the sun: Two are b...
ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 This week could be a strange time in regard to your finances, Aries. It might be a good idea to get all of your financial affairs in order to figure out where you stand. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Check around the house for any areas that could benefit from a little improvement, Taurus. Some renovations could provide a whole new look and even outlook. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Figure out a way to show support for a valued colleague, Gemini. Sometimes just a kind word can transform someone’s day. Your kindness will be repaid. CANCER J...