Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana


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  • Two Perspectives on Electric Vehicles (EVs)


    To anyone considering purchasing an electric vehicle, I urge you to reconsider. These vehicles are incredibly dangerous on our streets and highways and can be deadly to drivers and passengers. They are not as eco-friendly as the marketing would have you believe. This month local firefighters had the opportunity to learn about the dangers of electric vehicles and the impact they have, taught by a national company, presented to towing companies and emergency responders. EVERY firefighter needs this class and government officials should become...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 9/21/2022

    Sep 21, 2022

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Teaching what you know to others is a continuous theme for you this week, Aries. You want to impart wisdom any way that you can and you’ll have the opportunity to do so. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, you’ll finally gain greater control over your thoughts this week when someone close to you helps you see the bigger picture. Now you can focus on important things. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Your love life may seem confusing this week, Gemini. It may wax and wane from fevered passion to apathy. Rough patches are not unusual and you nee...

  • Dear Editor: Cafe 1889 Permanently Closed

    RON STOLBA|Sep 14, 2022

    To all Café 1889 friends, patrons, customers, supporters, and even critics: We have been closed for a while and planned to reopen on September 20th, but as the date got closer, we realized that the passion for pursuing our dream just wasn’t there anymore and decided against reopening. The rigors of running a Café are too overwhelming for both of us. So, beginning Friday the 16th at 10 AM, we will be having a sale of all our equipment, tables, chairs, dishes, appliances as well as a variety of household items. Everything must go. For...

  • Dear Editor: Help Registering to Vote Available

    MARGARET RANKIN|Sep 14, 2022

    Dear Editor and Jefferson County residents, Saturday mornings, under the flag-bedecked canopy just west of the fishpond in Legion Park, representatives of the non-partisan League of Women Voters (LWV) are offering registration forms and help, if needed, in filling out voter registration forms. Weather permitting, the booth will be available on Saturday, September 17 and 24 from 9 AM until 11 AM. The Whitehall Community Library will also offer space to LWV representatives with voter registration forms and assistance on Tuesday evenings,...

  • Blessed to Pay It Forward

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Sep 14, 2022

    On the Saturday of Labor Day Weekend, one of my best friends contacted me. She works for ABC FOX Montana and had been given quite a few tickets to Montana's Biggest Weekend in Dillon, Montana for the rodeo. She asked if I knew anyone who wanted to go. After posting quickly on Facebook, the people to the right got to attend! I love being able to pay it forward. In this industry, many times I am gifted with tickets to events, discounts on items, etc. in exchange for the actual payment of...

  • Thought Provokers: 9/14/2022

    Sep 14, 2022

    Generally speaking, when you feel stupid it’s because you just got smarter. Queen Elizabeth’s birth was probably announced via a telegram and her death via a Tweet. There’s something profound in the fact that wolves went from being our bitterest enemies to our closest friends. Bond 26 will be the first James Bond film where he officially serves a king. Giving a book as a present is a great idea; you can read it yourself before wrapping it up. Life starts as a whole bunch of firsts, but slowly without us noticing becomes a whole bunch of lasts...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 9/14/2022

    Georgia|Sep 14, 2022

    Georgia, I have a question. I’m Gen X and I have a huge problem with how I am left carrying the weight for Millenials. For example, I’m 42 and my daughter is 22. She decided a while ago she does not want any kids. She’s actually getting a procedure for sterilization next year. But those souls needing to come into our family for ancestral or karmic reasons still need to be born. So I’m stuck birthing and raising two babies who should have been born to her but can’t be because she’s too selfish to have kids. We joke how my 1.5-year-ol...

  • Connecting Point: Mission Ready

    BILL LANES|Sep 14, 2022

    When the subject of heaven and hell come up, some people listen intently, almost as if they are searching for an answer. But, others seem to run and hide. Over the last two months of columns, I have walked this journey with you, the reader. I want to say now, here at the end of struggling with you, the matter boils down to God’s grace and justice. Either we will confront our sinfulness and acknowledge the need for Christ to be our personal Savior, or we will face God’s justice by rejecting his grace and thus spend eternity in isolation and lon...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 9/14/2022

    Sep 14, 2022

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, think about waking up very early or staying up late to enjoy some quiet time. You can improve upon this sense of peace by enjoying the respite outdoors. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 You may be tempted to live the week in a fantasy world, Taurus. However, there are too many pressing issues that need your attention for you to tune out. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, this will be a week to focus on financial gain, but don’t put too much swagger into your business negotiations; otherwise, your plans may backfire. CANCER Jun 2...

  • Thought Provokers: 9/7/2022

    Sep 7, 2022

    The odds of being born are 1 in 400 trillion but there is no one in the world who hasn’t beat those odds. Given Elvis Presley’s popularity, it’s surprising more people aren’t named Elvis. Western Boomers were underqualified people who had the chance to do great things. Western Millenials are the most overqualified people, forced to do menial things. So many things were invented because people were lazy, but so many things weren’t invented because people were lazy. People who live in climates with four seasons probably appreciate summer we...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 9/7/2022

    Georgia|Sep 7, 2022

    Dear Georgia, After years of shopping at Walmart, I have become aware that the acceptable shopping attire at these stores is pajamas, of varying sorts, and to one degree or another. I’m not mentioning any place names or my age, but in the time and place where I grew up, this would not have been in the least acceptable. However, times DO change, and as they say, When in Rome... So anyway, my question. Since most days I wear pajamas all day since I work from my home office, do I need to change into my nighttime PJs before I head out to W...

  • Connecting Point: Eyes Wide Open

    BILL LANES|Sep 7, 2022

    If you have felt discouraged and overwhelmed at times consider the often quoted Billy Graham: “The Christian life is not a constant high. I have my moments of deep discouragement. I have to go to God with tears in my eyes, and say, ‘O God, forgive me,’ “Help me.’” Help me, indeed. In my sermons and thoughts lately, I have attempted to be of encouragement. I continue today’s introspection by reminding you to keep your eyes on heaven. First, you are valuable to God. Jesus spoke in parables to help his audience and us understand God the Father. F...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 9/7/2022

    Sep 7, 2022

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 This week you may need to carve out some alone time to get yourself centered again, Aries. Too many things have been pulling you in different directions lately. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Don’t feel the need to conform to what others expect from you, Taurus. You don’t have to fit into a mold. Figure out what works for you and go with it. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, some heavy issues may be coming your way and you’ll need to work through them. This may be something that requires collaboration with others. CANCER Jun 22/Jul 22 Do...

  • Thought Provokers: 8/31/2022

    Aug 31, 2022

    Of all of the common household flies people have killed so far in our existence, flies have not evolved to avoid humans. You are probably still ‘it’ from an unfinished game of tag. Driving safely is less about how you drive, and more about how you predict other people will drive. Humans are the apex species on the planet yet the majority of us have never hunted prey to feed ourselves. The human brain is so powerful that it can overpower the will of itself. People can’t use you if you’re useless. We spend all our teenage lives longing for the...

  • Guest Editorial: To Your County, O America

    DARIN GAUB, Cofounder of Restore Liberty|Aug 31, 2022

    AMERICA’S RUBICON. On January 10, 49 B.C. Caesar and his army crossed the Rubicon River. By formally entering the Roman Empire he knowingly committed treason as it was against the law to cross the river with an army. Since that event, the phrase “Crossing the Rubicon” means reaching a point of no return. Through his actions, Caesar ignited a Civil War that signaled the end of the Roman Republic, and once again history would pivot around the fall of one of the world’s greatest empires. When the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago they crossed their own Rub...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 8/31/2022

    Georgia|Aug 31, 2022

    Dear Readers: Jo has retired from her column, at least for the time being. Please welcome Georgia, our newest satire etiquette advice giver! Georgia, I have a question, How do I convince my cousin, who is dead set on a home birth, NOT to do an at-home circumcision on her son? Her husband is training to be a veterinarian and currently crops ears and docks tails, so she thinks he should be able to perform a circumcision just fine. This makes me very nervous for the baby! Signed, What to Do?!? Dear What, WHAT!!!???!!! Ears and tails are NOT the...

  • Connecting Point: Erasing Hell

    BILL LANES|Aug 31, 2022

    You’ve observed no doubt that nature provides us with many parallels: a butterfly has two wings. In thinking of eternity, many fear death—that parallel with life. Joy and contentment contrast with loneliness and despair. Throughout history, we have faced harmful teachings, and this reality is no different today. Popular writers and “preachers” have been attempting to erase away the doctrine of hell. Those who reduce everything to nonbelief, we call them annihilationists, espouse the unredeemed will either cease to exist upon death or (after the...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 8/31/2022

    Aug 31, 2022

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Listen to the people around you as well as your inner voice this week, Aries. With all the information at hand, you can make some difficult decisions with confidence. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, it may prove challenging to figure out where inspiration will come from next. Rather than seeking it out, wait for things to unfold more organically. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, do not be afraid to think outside the box this week. The stars are spurring you in a particular direction that could influence various components of your...

  • Connecting Point: Is Hell Real?

    BILL LANES|Aug 24, 2022

    Often, controversial topics scare us. But just because a matter is uncomfortable, sometimes it’s an unintended consequence for clergy when they are motivated by caring, caring that includes caring for people. So, Jesus spoke about Hell even more than Heaven. Christ is quoted 70 times in context with Hell. Take heed. In the case of my profession, my heart gets closer to the sleeve than in almost all other professions. I have been at the pulpit for thirty years now. I throw misunderstandings and misconceptions to both the profession and my h...

  • Not Ready For This School Year

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Aug 24, 2022

    It's the cliche statement we hear every year. Summer went by too fast. Whitehall School starts today and summer is over. I've always enjoyed the start of a new school year. My son gets a haircut, he dresses up in his new school clothes, and school spirit is at its highest - at least for the first few days. But this year, I can't. I'm not ready. I blinked and I missed it. This year my son is a senior. What happened? This past Sunday I took him to have his senior photo consultation. He expressed...

  • Up In Arms About Something Normal

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Aug 17, 2022

    The internet is all abuzz about a recent video showing Chef Gordon Ramsay saying it's "oven time" and "yummy yum" to a lamb he's selected to eat. Why is this so funny, to me at least? Because of its timing, as we finish the Madison County Fair and move on to the Jefferson County Fair. Each year hundreds of 4H club members select, raise, and then sell their animals - with most buyers intending to slaughter and eat them. Bidders come from far and wide to see whose animal will weigh the most and...

  • Dear Editor: Pandemic a Blessing in Disguise?


    Dear Editor, These are just a few thoughts running through my head for a couple of years now. What if the recent so-called pandemic (some say Plandemic) has been a blessing in disguise?! Now, whether one believes there’s anything to all these conspiracy theories floating around or not, one must admit though it has been quite painful, much if not all of what has been revealed in the past years is eye-opening. And that is, to say the least! When this pandemic hit our shores back in early 2020, after spreading waves of terror around the world, d...

  • Thought Provokers 8/17/2022

    Aug 17, 2022

    There are lots of people that don’t get any compliments because everyone already thinks they get complimented. A lot of people have stung their eyes from opening them underwater after seeing people on TV do it flawlessly. The crust is bread armor. The more sleep-deprived you get the more dreamlike everything becomes. Rule breakers, anarchists, eccentrics, nonconformists, selfish people, and megalomaniacs; whether we like it or not, they drive society forward and ensure we continue to evolve and survive. Before TikTok and Instagram, it was f...

  • Go Ask Jo: 8/17/2022

    Jo|Aug 17, 2022

    Dear Jo, I was just daydreaming and thinking a lot today. I was thinking about how crazy it is that a person has walked on the moon and on Mars. Do you think a person will ever walk on the sun? I know it’s really hot but I am thinking if they went in the wintertime when the sun is only like 30 degrees they could probably do it. What do you think? Sunny Daydreamin’ Dear Sunny, Hmmmmmmm...maybe we need to revisit our basic knowledge of science and the universe. While life on Earth would not exist without our huge hot glowing ball of gas, lif...

  • Connecting Point: A Free Gift

    BILL LANES|Aug 17, 2022

    Some echo the words “There is nothing free in life” The pessimist opines, “In one way or another there’s some sort of catch.” Sadly some relationships are founded on play for play or a hard fast IOU. Power and greed infect our lives way too easily. Here’s some refreshing news: the Bible teaches us there is a far better way. In a world enamored with self-centeredness, God’s kingdom is quite opposite. God offers each of us a free gift. Jesus through an act of selfless love paid the price for our sin. This grace is offered to any person, no ma...

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