Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana


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  • A Different Perspective: 8/14/2024

    LARRY HOFFMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Aug 14, 2024

    I had a reunion last week with a friend I will have known for 60 years at the end of this month. We were freshmen in the Montana School of Mines dormitory in 1964. Although we kept in touch, primarily via email, we had not seen each other for nearly thirty years. Over a few days, we relived our early time together, much of it wasted, and shook our heads in amazement at the things we did without thinking. It’s an established fact that young men’s brains don’t fully develop their reasoning and sel...

  • Montana's Politicians Have Lost Their Ties to Land

    JOHN CLAYTON, Writers on the Range|Aug 14, 2024

    Tim Sheehy, the Republican seeking to unseat Montana Democratic Senator Jon Tester, is a business executive born and raised out of state. That same description applies to Troy Downing, a Republican running for one of Montana’s two Congressional seats. Same for Montana’s Republican Governor Greg Gianforte and his challenger, Democrat Ryan Busse. I have nothing against out-of-staters moving to Montana or working at a business. I fit both categories myself years ago. But I think this change in politicians’ backgrounds reflects a change in how M...

  • CONNECTING POINT: Overcoming Obstacles

    BILL LANES|Aug 14, 2024

    You may have noticed the 2024 Summer Olympic Games are underway. This tradition dates back approximately 3,000 years to the Peloponnese in Ancient Greece. This year, there are 45 sporting events with more than 200 representatives from various nations. Go, Team USA! Writers in the New Testament often used illustrations or themes associated with Olympic events, and they understood the relevance closely associated with Christian life. Over the past few weeks, I’ve dedicated this column to examining Hebrews 12 in-depth, “Therefore, since we are...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 8/14/2024

    Aug 14, 2024

    ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, you hold the key to success right now, so everyone wants to be in your corner. Take things in stride and maintain your focus while accepting all the support. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, it is important that you streamline your workflow this week; otherwise, you may not meet the deadlines imposed upon you. Start implementing a new strategy. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 This is the week to take the road less traveled, Gemini. Blaze your own trail, get out into the wilderness and possibly expand your horizons. A...

  • Dear Editor: New Gold Mine Near Norris

    KATHRYN SMITH|Aug 7, 2024

    Dear Editor, To my dismay, as it should be for all Montanans, a new gold mine using cyanide washing near Norris, Montana. The Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) okayed the Bear Claw mine. The cyanide ban law was passed in 1998. According to the DEQ, the permit was issued without public notification before the banned law! This is a new mining company; therefore, the ban law should be in place. The new mine is 1.75 miles from Hot Springs Creek and the Headwaters of the Madison River...

  • Thought Provokers: 8/7/2024

    Aug 7, 2024

    There is probably a tiny percentage of identical twins who received their names a short time after birth, were mistakenly switched when they got home, and no one realized. When you’re poor, no one wants to give you a credit card or loan, but when you’re rich, you are pre-approved for credit cards you don’t want. The magic school bus could be in your bloodstream right now, and you wouldn’t even know it. It is impossible to see the exact current version of yourself. It seems that cereal companies no longer think their products should be eaten a...

  • Op-Ed: 2024 Social Security Trustees Report

    DON LEPINSKY|Aug 7, 2024

    Dear Editor, Any uninformed or misinformed extremists who are spoon-fed their political views can save time and stop reading this short op-ed. Go ahead and turn to the comics section of this publication. My intent is to reach out to individuals who are open-minded, exercise a little forethought, and, most of all, are able to think for themselves. This week I have several comments based on the 2024 Social Security Trustees Report which can be read at Thanks to a stronger economy based on wage and job growth, more money than expected is...

  • CONNECTING POINT: Cringeworthy Cliches

    BILL LANES|Aug 7, 2024

    Who among us hasn’t thrown out a cliché or two? Merriam-Webster defines cliché as “a trite phrase or expression.” Some clichés are untimely, and others can be inappropriate for a situation. In Christian circles, clichés are common and, at times, can be misguided. Some include “Let go and let God,” “When God closes a door, He opens a window,” and one that I particularly refrain from using: “God will not give you more than you can handle.” In my opinion, the last phrase is far from the truth; life is filled with challenges or hardships. The Bib...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 8/7/2024

    Aug 7, 2024

    ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, keep moving forward when you find yourself in a challenging situation. It’s best not to linger but to find a path forward. Wait for the dust to settle before getting involved. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, you tend to go overboard at times. When a task falls in your lap this week, perhaps take a more middle-of-the-road strategy. Give it time before acting. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, you have a lot going on in your life right now to keep you busy. With so much happening, try not to worry about what is h...

  • Op Ed: The Credit Card Competition Act Threatens Montana's Tourism Industry

    SENATOR MARK NOLAND, Senate District 5 in Flathead|Jul 31, 2024

    We call Montana “The Last Best Place” for good reason. Millions of visitors come to share in our state’s breathtaking landscapes and vibrant communities each year, supporting nearly 50,000 Montana jobs and bringing at least $5 billion to our state annually, according to a study by the University of Montana. This revenue fueled our post-pandemic recovery, providing a lifeline to our hotels, local restaurants, and countless small businesses. I know how crucial these visitors are to our state’s economic health. Many tourists can afford trips t...

  • Dear Editor: MT Must Have Judges Who Put Political Leanings Aside

    MATT REGIER, Speaker of the Montana House of Representatives|Jul 31, 2024

    Dear Editor, Two weeks ago, a former president and leading political candidate was nearly assassinated. For a brief moment, political pundits, television hosts, and celebrities retracted their baseless claims that President Trump was a modern-day Hitler and wished him well, ultimately confessing their accusations were manufactured, designed only to instill fear to get votes. Unfortunately, they have since returned to their aggressive and unfounded rhetoric in their desire to win this historic race. Montanans usually remain uninfluenced by...

  • Thought Provokers: 7/31/2024

    Jul 31, 2024

    It’s impossible to always experience higher than normal call volumes. Removing episodes of TV shows deemed “inappropriate” or “offensive” will result in a new version of the Mandela effect. People have gotten crueler, not kinder, since the pandemic. Cashiers at liquor stores could more accurately diagnose alcoholism in a person than their doctor could. Most Americans who work in India make more than most Indians ever will, and most Indians who work in America make more than most Americans ever will. The unofficial accepted minimum speed for...

  • CONNECTING POINT: What Hinders You?

    BILL LANES|Jul 31, 2024

    The Bible portrays Christian life as a long-distance race, and sprinting is a poor example due to its short time span. It seems to me that in the 80s, many of my proteges looked to sprinters as the “jocks,” but I recall that notion changing as long-distance runners started breaking the four-minute mile. Any long or short-distance, dedicated runner who trains hard is an amazing athlete. Soon, the Olympics will have our attention as records are shattered and the competition is formidable. Because God intends the Christian’s journey to be a life...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 7/31/2024

    Jul 31, 2024

    ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Your feelings this week may not be entirely trustworthy, Aries. You could worry for nothing and be pulled into difficult situations for the wrong reasons. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, if you are feeling a little lost these days, it could be that you need a change in perspective and location to help you get inspired. Plan a short trip to recharge. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 You cannot mediate or help friends establish harmony if you are all over the emotional map, Gemini. Work your way through your emotions before offering...

  • Dear Editor: Why I Endorse Shannon O'Brien for Superintendent of Schools

    DOUG JAMES|Jul 24, 2024

    Dear Editor, As a parent, grandparent, and advocate for public education, I urge you to support Shannon O'Brien for Superintendent of Schools. Shannon is the only candidate who can bring the change we desperately need to support our teachers, parents, and students. Under Elsie Arntzen's leadership, Montana's education system has suffered. Our state ranks last in teacher pay, contributing to a severe teacher shortage. Susie Hedalen, Shannon's opponent, served as Elsie's deputy and is complicit...

  • Dear Editor: Congratulations to PRCA Coordinators

    RUTH LOTT|Jul 24, 2024

    Dear Editor, Congratulations to the people who brought the PRCA Rodeo to Whitehall last weekend. It was great to hear some noise from the rodeo grounds again and even better to be a part of it. I took my sister-in-law and her grandchildren, who live in Singapore - and they loved it. It was a huge thrill for Harvey and Louisa to see cowboys and cowgirls in action - and beyond fun to have Jack Dawson there to explain what was going on and Halle Downey to keep track of the kids when they weren't...

  • Op Ed: Medicaid Unwinding


    The Area IV Governing Board and Advisory Council oversees older adult services in Broadwater, Gallatin, Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, Meagher, and Park Counties. We implore Governor Gianforte’s administration to prioritize improved resources to deliver Older Americans Act services in our six counties. Montana’s Medicaid unwinding process has largely ended, and we are concerned about significant harm and unintended consequences to elders nationwide. Specifically, many older Montanans should never have lost their benefits and were unn...

  • Horoscope: Week of 7/24/2024

    Jul 24, 2024

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, show off your true colors and let others see who you are and what makes you tick. You are now given the spotlight to shine and get noticed even more. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 The full equation may not be revealed this week until you unravel some of the pieces, Taurus. You will need to remain patient as the process plays out. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, you are discovering more people you can trust and who have your best interests at heart. Continue to surround yourself with these winning individuals. CANCER Jun 22/Jul...

  • Thought Provokers: 7/17/2024

    Jul 17, 2024

    You pay for many holes on your belt but only ever realistically use one to two. If you start a job on a Monday, your 10-year company anniversary will fall on a Saturday or Sunday, no matter how the leap years fall. Many modern advancements in transportation technology seem like they’re intended to recreate the train without anyone noticing. People complain about life not being fair only if it’s negative to them, but people don’t realize that life not being fair can be positive for them as well. On the road, you’re constantly reminded how une...

  • EDITORIAL: When Volunteering Becomes a Chore

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Jul 17, 2024

    Two weeks ago, the Whitehall Country Store received a “donation” to the store - in the form of several broken air conditioners, refrigerators, and other items with freon. The dump charges a fee to dump these items - and, since it was obvious these items no longer worked - these individuals brought them to the Country Store instead while the Store was not open. After the Store received these items and they were found to be defunct, the Whitehall Country Store's volunteers then had to PAY the fees to the dump to dispose of the items. Is this fai...

  • Dear Editor: Jefferson County Republican Central Committee Meet and Greet

    KERRY BUTERBAUGH|Jul 17, 2024

    Dear Editor, The primaries are over. Campaigns are now beginning in earnest. Opposing parties are flooding the media to ask for your votes 24/7. One sits and wonders: "What can I do? I'm only one person, and my vote doesn't matter anyway. It's all so overwhelming." You can do something! Did you know Jefferson County has a Republican Central Committee? This is one way a person can get informed and involved. Anyone can come to the meetings. A meet and greet will be held on August 11 at the...

  • A Different Perspective: 7/17/2024

    LARRY HOFFMAN, Whitehall Ledger Contributing Writer|Jul 17, 2024

    In the last couple of weeks, the artificial intelligence craze seems to have become part of my life, for better or worse. On the positive side, a couple of investments in the technology sector are doing very well. On the other hand, it ushers in an era of great uncertainty, blurring reality and even history. This has already occurred in the digital age, in that significant information recorded only electronically gets lost as systems are updated or sites cease to exist. I find myself getting...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 7/17/2024

    GEORGIA|Jul 17, 2024

    Georgia, I have a question, Our nanny quit on us Thursday night. She was involved in a car accident on Thursday morning and let us know right away that she could not make it that day as she had a broken femur and a cracked rib. I reminded her that she doesn’t have any sick days when watching my children and told her she needed to be available by Friday morning; otherwise, I would begin looking for a new nanny. She told me I was rude and inconsiderate and should have asked if she needed something or if she was okay instead of forcing her with a...

  • CONNECTING POINT: Company of Faith

    BILL LANES|Jul 17, 2024

    I grew up in the era of the “Bad News Bears” culture, iconic movies that inspired the underdogs to keep in the game. Most people like an inspiring story because the topic resonates in our lives differently. You may have been one of those kids who was awkwardly picked last on the school playground. Or you might be self-conscious and strive to over-achieve because you received little or no affirmation. My point is that we need someone in our corner to encourage us not to give up. In time and with age, we have learned that life is much more tha...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 7/17/2024

    Jul 17, 2024

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Secrets troubling you may come to a head this week, Aries. Try not to let your emotions get the best of you now; otherwise, relationships could be damaged. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, your mind is all shaken up right now, so it should be no surprise that you are distracted. In the days ahead, you should see things settle down, and you’ll be able to refocus. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 This week is likely to be pretty quiet for you, Gemini. You may have to drum up your own excitement. Start looking at event calendars or live m...

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