Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana


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  • Thought Provokers: 8/10/2022

    Aug 10, 2022

    To pretend like we are yelling, we make our voices quieter. The best and worst part about the internet: it’s pretty easy to find people who act and think as you do. There are two types of people: those who stop the microwave with 1 second left, and those who let it beep. Someday, a murder suspect will use their presence in Google Street View as an alibi. You don’t have to be a great pilot to be a kamikaze pilot. You just have to get to your destination. Bumping the price up to $1.25 completely ruins the Dollar Stores' business ideology. Whe...

  • Murder (and fun) at Gunslinger Gulch

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Aug 10, 2022

    This weekend three of my ladies and I went to Gunslinger Gulch in Anaconda and participated in a murder mystery game, along with 23 other individuals. This 52-acre ghost town brought us all the fun this past weekend and I just wanted to let others know about it! Gunslinger Gulch is one of those Montana places you hear about but don't really take notice of until you're there. Did Google Maps get us there on the first try? Definitely no! Did we dress up? Of course! Did we guess the correct...

  • Connecting Point: All Things New

    BILL LANES|Aug 10, 2022

    Who doesn’t like new things? I recall the day we brought home our first family puppy, Oreo. The kids grew more ecstatic with each new day in the beginning. They made promises of how they would care for her, including pooper scooper patrol, feeding times, walks, etc. In a short amount of time, the grandeur of the new puppy faded. Any guesses of who primarily cared for Oreo? Now that three of the four kids are out of the home, Oreo is still a big part of our daily routine. My wife, Oreo, and I stroll around the neighborhood almost every m...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 8/10/2022

    Aug 10, 2022

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, your energy levels are elevated this week and that’s just the start of the positive energy floating around you. Harness your energy and use it to complete a project. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 A quiet week is ahead, which is the perfect opportunity to sort through your feelings and thoughts, Taurus. Not every day has to be a “get up and go” adventure. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, you will have plenty of time to meet new friends and acquaintances this week, whether in-person or online. Networking is an important skill...

  • Go Ask Jo: 8/10/2022

    Jo|Aug 10, 2022

    Dear Jo, I was brought up in a fairly strict household, but ever since I moved out of my father’s house, I have progressively gotten better! The further I distance myself from said household, both geographically and spiritually, the more my status as the black sheep of the family appeals to me. I don’t mean to completely cut off any part of my family, but is it wrong to enjoy the hell out of my chosen identity?! The Black One Dear Black Sheep, Listen to your inner wooly voice! You know what is right and what is baaaaaad for yourself! Sig...

  • Dear Editor: Move by the GOP Unconscionable

    JASON SALVAGNI|Aug 3, 2022

    Dear Editor, I’m used to hypocrisy, but this move by the GOP was unconscionable. On July 27th, Steve Daines joined 40 of his Republican Senate colleagues and voted against the PACT Act, a pro-vet bill that had already passed the House. The next time our California-born junior Senator bloviates about supporting Montana vets, please remember how Steve Daines (R) just betrayed those same sick and dying veterans; seemingly all for a political stunt. Supporting our veterans should NOT be a divisive issue. If, like me, you’re wondering why Steve pul...

  • Dear Editor: Regarding Paul Cartwright's Opinion Piece

    TERRY MURPHY|Aug 3, 2022

    Dear Editor, Regarding the Opinion piece by Paul Cartwright, I would beg to differ. I served in the Montana State Senate with Matt Rosendale. While Matt and I didn’t vote the same on every single bill I knew that his votes were cast after thoughtful consideration. I found him to be reasonable and respectful. To condemn him for voting against appropriating another 100 billion dollars of borrowed money to blow up in somebody else’s war in Ukraine is goofy, at best. I would feel my tax dollars are a lot safer with Congressman Rosendale than wit...

  • Dear Editor: Take a Look at Gary Buchanan

    GRANT GODBOLT|Aug 3, 2022

    Dear Editor, Take a look at Gary Buchanan. During these dog days of summer take some time to focus on Gary Buchanan. He is an Independent running for the Second Congressional District of Montana. The Second Congressional District or Eastern Congressional District covers Jefferson, Broadwater, Lewis and Clark, Teton, Pondera, Toole, and most other counties east. Gary Buchanan would best represent Montana in Washington D.C. and get something done. He served three Republic Governors and three Democrat Governors and is endorsed by former...

  • Dear Editor: A Big Thank You...But We Need Your Continued Help


    Dear Editor, A big thank you from the ladies at the Country Store, to the people who donate clean beautiful clothing, shoes, baby clothes, books, blankets, sheets, working appliances, pots and pans, furniture, and too many more items to mention, Although there are only a few ladies who volunteer at the store, our task is to provide clean, workable merchandise to our community. We are proud of the role we play in the Whitehall community and would like some help from you. We would like your help: PLEASE don’t donate your garbage, your ripped a...

  • Go Ask Jo: 8/3/2022

    Jo|Aug 3, 2022

    Dear Jo, It is hot, hot, hot! I have sweat in places I cannot mention. I never thought I would say this, but I am thinking of trying those new deodorant products for private areas. I actually saw one that is called “Lionbutter!” What?! I keep seeing the commercials (which I have laughed at, by the way). Have you tried these products? Do you know if they work? Signed, Sweaty and Hating It Dear Sweaty, No, I have not tried those particular products. I think their sales must be skyrocketing though. I have made use of every fan in Jefferson cou...

  • More Than Streets of Gold

    BILL LANES|Aug 3, 2022

    Who hasn’t wondered what heaven will be like? If you are like me you have had an image at one time in your life of an angelic afterlife. The Bible provides a strong Christ-like understanding of heaven. Author Lee Stroble provides us with two kinds of heaven based on evidence in scripture. One, the intermediate state, described by Jesus in Luke 23:43, “Today you will be with me in paradise.” This is a place after our bodies die, but our spirit remains alive and is in the presence of the Lord. Luke gave us this example and Christ was dying on th...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 8/3/2022

    Aug 3, 2022

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, try to focus on simple pleasures this week. You don’t have to travel to foreign lands or handle complicated hobbies to find happiness right now. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, seek opportunities to focus your mind, which is bubbling with creativity lately. Dabble in artwork or jewelry making. Cake decorating also may appeal to you. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, you may need to dig down deep and find your motivation for a new project. A change of scenery could be the catalyst for change. Book a short venture to r...

  • Dear Editor: Thankful for Cardwell General Store

    RUTH LOTT|Jul 27, 2022

    Dear Editor, I am writing to say how much I appreciate the changes Curt and Laurie Perry have made at the Cardwell General Store. Although it’s only a couple of miles from my place I never went there because the few times I did they didn’t carry what I needed. I had friends visiting recently and needed some condiments and milk for the cookout I planned. The construction going on in Whitehall spurred me to try to find what I needed in Cardwell and sure enough, I did — and in the brands I wanted. Bruce and Chad do a terrific job at Jeffe...

  • Go Ask Jo: 7/27/2022

    Jul 27, 2022

    Dear Jo, My cat has tasted human blood...should I put her down or is there a spell to save her from becoming a cannibal? I was playing a juggling game with her when I miscalculated the height and she landed on my head, bit my ear, and scratched my scalp. Later, I saw her licking my blood from her claws. I have mice, birds, and fish in my house, so naturally, I don’t want to live with a blood-thirsty killer cat. I watched that Cujo documentary this weekend and I am really scared. Do you know any spells? Thank you, Afraid to Sleep Dear Afraid, My...

  • Connecting Point: Faith in Heaven, Our Foundation

    BILL LANES|Jul 27, 2022

    Both my grandfather and grandmother were fond of saying, “Oh for heaven’s sake.” Lately, in SW Montana, I have not heard the expression. A poll of Americans finalized in November of 2021 by the Pew Research Center revealed that approximately 75% said they believed in heaven, while of those who categorized themselves as “religiously unaffiliated” only 37% claimed to believe in heaven. The subject of heaven brings up many important questions. Funerals continue to be one of the largest gatherings of people, following the death of a loved one...

  • Opinion: Building the Airplane While It's Flying

    PAUL CARTWRIGHT, Former Helena City Commissioner|Jul 27, 2022

    Gary Buchanan is on the ballot as an Independent running for the Second Congressional District. I helped a little by gathering the necessary signatures. It was a curious adventure. When the signature drive started, the political operatives all nodded sagely and said, no way, he’s doing everything wrong. They had a point. Gary signed up at the last minute, the very day candidate filing closed. He hadn’t decided to run until a week or so earlier. And he only filed as a matter of duty, because our current representative had so embarrassed Mon...

  • Some People You Can Never Thank Enough, They Do So Much...

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Jul 27, 2022

    Some people do things simply out of the goodness of their hearts, not wanting anything in return. Several of these wonderful people came into my life last week. The crew of Expedition Church (the vendor booth giving out the free fans with filters, for those of you wondering whom I'm talking about!) brought over a dozen volunteers to the Whitehall community, just to help in any way they could with Frontier Days. Not only did they help check in vendors, sponsor the rodeo, play music on the Main...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 7/27/2022

    Jul 27, 2022

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 This week you may find yourself taking on a teaching or mentoring role, Aries. It is one way to volunteer in the community and pay it forward. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, this week it may be challenging for you to relate to others on a certain level. Try to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and see things from a different perspective. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 It’s possible you will find people to be extra aggressive this week, Gemini. Try not to react to what they are putting out. Instead, deflect that negative energy. CAN...

  • THOUGHT PROVOKERS: 7/20/2022

    Jul 20, 2022

    Too many people in the world think they can pet any animal like it’s a dog. It was SO much easier to stumble upon horrifying, unforgettable websites 15 years ago. Humans will feed wild animals, which is harmful, but won’t feed other humans, which is helpful. A bad horror movie is usually funnier than a bad comedy movie. In the future, people will be forced to work during the night when it’s cool and sleep during the day to avoid heatstroke. Technically, you never actually look someone in the eyes. You look them in the eye. 3 AM feels more...

  • Sometimes the Office Just Needs to Be Closed...

    Jul 20, 2022

    In the last few months, the Ledger office has been closed several times, more than ever since I purchased the paper. There are several reasons why, both professional and personal, and I thought I’d give everyone a little insight into my life. In February, my husband and I both turned 40 within five days of one another. To celebrate we took a wonderful excursion to Las Vegas where we ate fabulous food, were awed by Absinthe and Cirque Du Soleil “O”, and enjoyed one another’s company. In June, my best friend married her soul mate and I was hon...

  • Go Ask Jo: 7/20/2022

    Jo|Jul 20, 2022

    Dear Jo, This weekend I was invited to attend a baby shower for a coworker's daughter. Several other coworkers attended as well. None of us had actually met the daughter. When we were introduced to the daughter, we all congratulated her on her upcoming bundle of joy....only to be told she wasn’t pregnant YET. Not only was she not pregnant, but she also was not even trying to get pregnant. Our coworker told us her daughter was down in the dumps since so many of her friends were pregnant and having parties, so the mom threw this faux baby s...

  • Connecting Point: Last Breath

    BILL LANES|Jul 20, 2022

    “When will I die?” is almost a universal question. After all, at some point, we do die. I try to approach the topic with sensitivity. I do understand that as this column reaches readers some are dealing with the death of a family member or a friend. Certainly, our families and communities have grappled with death in the past and it is part of life. Still, it tops the difficult subject list. The Bible reminds us, “Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment,” (Hebrews 9:27). There’s no escaping this reality. Can we h...

  • Opinion: It's Time for FWP to Follow the Law on Elk Management

    DEBBY BARRETT, Former Senator Debby Barrett|Jul 20, 2022

    Montana’s elk population has tripled over the last 40 years. For decades we have exceeded the sustainable objective levels in most hunting districts. FWP’s goal is 92,000 elk in Montana, but today there are an estimated 175,000. That excess elk population causes immense damage to family ranch operations in overpopulated areas, and it’s a problem that grows worse every year. What’s frustrating is we saw this problem coming years ago and set policy to address it. In 2003 I sponsored House Bill 42, which mandated that the Montana Fish & Game Co...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 7/20/2022

    Jul 20, 2022

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Financial inspiration could arrive this week, Aries. Instead of repeating old cycles in your life, think of minor tweaks you can make that will have an impact on your bottom line. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, if you are in a rebellious mood, find an outlet that will not get you into too much trouble. Engage in challenging pursuits, like puzzles or sports games. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, your relationship status is about to reach another level. Welcome these changes as they come and enjoy the ride. Don’t hesitate to s...

  • Thought Provokers 7/13/2022

    Jul 13, 2022

    The most dangerous type of man is one that feels that he is superior but feels like he’s viewed as inferior. Arguing online is a form of turn-based combat. A perfect circle can never exist on a screen since it’s made of square pixels. You need to prove you can drive well to get your license, but you only present it when you drive poorly. The insides of our bodies are completely dark. Your favorite song might not be the one you’ve played the most, but the one you’ve skipped the least. The world isn’t getting more dangerous; it’s getting mor...

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