Sorted by date Results 676 - 700 of 1648
Dear Editor, Responding to Mr. Buterbaugh’s letter of January 25, 2023, we are in agreement with him regarding the desperate need for better education, especially with respect to the history of the country and our founding documents. We do take issue with this in the fact that until such education can be initiated much less set in motion and even provided in a meaningful and last way, we feel that our country will be already far and away down the proverbial “slippery slope”! The education system needs re-vamping and a first step would be to eli...
Dear Editor, What is a Living Constitution? Since I have gotten political (my youngest daughter’s fault), I have heard from time to time references to the Constitution as a living document. I have always thought of the Constitution as the law of the land. What our great country was based on and without it, the United States would just be another kingdom or worse. And of course, the only way to understand something is to learn about it. After many hours of researching Living Constitution I have come to the conclusion that it basically means that...
It isn’t knowing things that makes you smart. It’s how easily you learn new things and what you do with that information. For an organ that evolved to keep us safe from danger, the brain really likes activities that are dangerous. (e.g. doing drugs, driving fast, etc.) We spend around two years teaching our children how to walk and talk, then the remainder of their childhood trying to get them just to sit down and shut up. The reason why people hate ads more than commercials is that TV shows have built-in stopping points before commercials whi...
Montana’s 68th legislature is in session and is considering over 1300 bills to date. Most of us will only take note of a few high-profile bills that will have a direct and immediate impact on our lives. For example, tax relief bills, a couple of which will pass with little opposition. However, there is one bill if passed that could have significant, adverse, and long-term consequences for our state and country. This bill is flying under the radar with little or no attention. I’m referring to Senate Joint Resolution 2, (SJ 2). SJ 2 aims to inv...
Christian organizations and city government, both businesses that I know best, strengthen their purpose by reviewing, and at times rewriting, their mission statement. From this then flows, among other things, planning, then long-term goals and disbursements. At times entities can get off mission. It might seem an oversimplification, but drawing back to the Bible, and Christ’s very simplicity has helped the church not just a few times. I’m a strong proponent of Biblical values and find that the Epistle of Hebrews makes a firm case for per...
ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, it’s important to focus on progress and not necessarily on money that can be made. See what you can learn along the path you choose. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 You have high hopes that your efforts will be well received this week, Taurus. Before you move full speed ahead, run your ideas by a trusted group of confidantes. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 You don’t learn by getting things right all of the time, Gemini. A few mistakes along the way provide an opportunity to grow and figure out new ways to do the job. CANCER Jun 22/...
Making fun of short people is the last social taboo seen as acceptable. Murder is universally despised, and yet assassins are deemed cool. The actual reason children are a boundless fountain of energy is that they don’t have to use their brains constantly as adults do. A job interview feels like a conversation between two liars, both of which knows the other is lying. It’s important to keep your most hated pair of underwear so you know exactly when to do laundry without going commando. Flesh-eating zombies are a great example of equality bec...
Dear Editor, Whether you are for or against the Convention of States (COS), please take a moment to read this and consider heavily what I have to say. I was at the Helena Capital building to absorb the words of others and testify against the COS. As I listened to those in support, I could feel the strength of their belief. They talked of budget requirements, term limits, and restricting the federal government. That sounds so compelling, doesn't it? The supporters stated that those who oppose...
Dear Editor, I am by no means a lawless person, but neither am I one of those who say "there outta be a law." In the interest of peace and positivity, I'm not going to point fingers here, or name names; in essence, no religion or person, in particular, will be called onto the carpet! It should be noted, however, that not just in this town, but around the country, if one practices any religion but the prevailing religion of any given region/area (if indeed there is one), then that person, or...
Georgia, I have a question, I have many men pursuing me. Many MANY men. My mom thinks this just isn’t right and that I should pick one and go from there. But why should I settle with one man when I have so many men chasing me? Hot Commodity Dear Hot, It’s okay darling, cheap stuff attracts the most customers. With love, Georgia Georgia, I have a question, I just had a baby and he is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. My parents bought me a stroller for him and it is just, well, hideous. But then I saw someone with the ugliest baby eve...
Have you ever complimented someone for being a great person? What about speaking to others highly about another individual? We all have a certain person we admire, which is fairly standard. Dating back for centuries the Jewish people have looked up to Moses as one of the greatest leaders of all time. “Moshe Rabbeinu,” Moses, our teacher is their title for him. Known for standing up to Pharaoh and demanding he let the Jewish people go, he is revered for parting the Red Sea and securing their escape. Is there anyone greater? The author of Heb...
ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, make a concerted effort to focus your attention on something that interests you. This may require that you find something new to stoke your passion. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 It’s a week for love and you have all of the resources available to take advantage and explore your feelings, Taurus. Work things out in your head before taking action. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, currently you are playing a much smaller role at work than you would like. It is not that you aren’t capable, but it’s a matter of paying your dues before...
In 2023 I’m looking forward to some travel with family and friends and yes, that means the office will occasionally be closed. However, I do know those dates and will always put them on the calendar, giving everyone a heads up to when the Ledger office will be closed. Next week I will venture with my best friend to the wilds of New Orleans to be engulfed in Cajun history, Creole food, and more. While it is not quite Mardi Gras, it is Carnival season and we are looking forward to lots of fun. I have been once before for work; I plan to do no w...
Dear Editor, We are now finished with week two of the legislature. It has been very busy and successful. I have had several bills moving within the House and Senate. House Bill 86, the Wildlife Habitat Improvement Program (WHIP) reauthorization has passed the House and will be heard in the Senate FWP Committee next week. This bill deals with controlling noxious weeds on large landscapes that support priority wildlife habitats. The Ruby Valley Conservation District has an ongoing project in the upper Ruby, in cooperation with multiple...
Dear Editor, The 68th Montana Legislature is officially in session, and the House has already gaveled in. This year the state faces the unique challenge of deciding how to spend a $2 billion surplus. As Leadership of the Montana House, our response to that challenge is supporting House Bill 192, introduced by Representative Bill Mercer of Billings. The bill entails three initiates: refund taxpayers on overpaid income taxes, alleviate the property tax crunch, and reduce the state’s debt. This session we are committed to returning Montana t...
Making fun of short people is the last social taboo seen as acceptable. Murder is universally despised, and yet assassins are deemed cool. The actual reason children are a boundless fountain of energy is that they don’t have to use their brains constantly as adults do. A job interview feels like a conversation between two liars, both of which knows the other is lying. It’s important to keep your most hated pair of underwear so you know exactly when to do laundry without going commando. Flesh-eating zombies are a great example of equality bec...
Georgia, I have a question, I’m planning to go on a weekend trip with a couple of my girlfriends. I’m going to be bringing my baby; she is seven months old and is strictly breastfed, so obviously, I have to bring her. One of my friends wants to come on the trip as well but wants to bring her almost two-year-old. The two-year-old uses cups and is self-sufficient. I feel like that kind of defeats the purpose of a girls' trip without children. I don’t want her to bring her child! How do I tell her without sounding rude or mean? Please help. Only...
The Letter to the Hebrews provides a clear review of Christ all in one spot! You might like to get your Bible out and read it. It is not long. In 2013 authors Steven Skiena and Charles B. Ward wrote Who’s Bigger? Where Historical Figures Really Rank, (Cambridge University Press), is a book examining a wide scope of data on who are in fact the most influential people. The top five included; 5-Abraham Lincoln, 4-William Shakespeare, 3-Muhammad, 2-Napoleon, and 1-Jesus Christ. Written some time close to the Destruction of the Temple in AD 70, Hebr...
Dear Editor, Thank you, Mr. Buterbaugh, for the information on the massive budget bill. The current spectacle of the House of Representatives is another example of what seems to be the inability to use reason. Joy Des Rosier Whitehall, Montana...
Dear Editor, I attended the Special Meeting of the Whitehall Town Council on Jan. 4th, listened to the Recreational Proposal, and participated in the comments about the history of the current Recreation Complex. When the Town received the land from the County, there was no plan in place to maintain the facility. All maintenance was done by volunteers, primarily by members of the Saddle Club. Other groups had wanted to use the facility but did little to develop their areas. With limited funds from the Town and volunteerism primarily from the...
Dear Editor, At the January Town Council Meeting, I voted in favor of the proposed Rec Board Amended Resolution for several reasons. At our previous special meeting, there was overwhelming support from around our community to make collaborative improvements to the facility. In addition, the efforts proposed include a plan to pursue more funding options, larger representation to give input on the board itself, specific organizations are not left out (existing or future) and there will be future input by the public on the project. That Complex...
Nothing is stopping any of us from going to a different restaurant every day and saying it’s our birthday for a little free cake. The only reason monsters don’t exist is that whenever we discover a real monster, it immediately becomes an animal. We don’t actually remove parasites when we cook meat, we just kill them. You are eating dead parasites. With eggs being so expensive, that weird person on your street that has their own chickens is finally vindicated. Despite the main demographic for Pokémon being 20 to 30-year-olds and continually grow...
At the beginning of winter not long ago, fishermen Jose and Ezequiel went to sea off the Mexican coast as was their routine, but that afternoon a storm pounded their small vessel and had its way with them. They survived, but a day and a half later the men were far adrift and captive to the will of nature. Without a compass, they were left to survive the elements. Ezequiel died almost exactly four months after they set out. Jose continued to drift day after day. For several days he spotted ships that might rescue him, but no one ever saw him....
ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, you are willing to take risks and never afraid to try new things. This benefits you as you seek new solutions regarding how to get things done. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, figure out a new goal to pursue and start to make a list of how to get to the finish line. You may need to recruit a few volunteers to help along the way. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, when a project at work lands on your desk, you may be ambivalent about it. You appreciate the challenge, but already have a long list of things to do. CANCER Jun...
Soy milk and soy sauce are two very different liquids derived from the same bean. There are so many different kinds of apples that all taste different, yet there’s only one apple juice flavor. The best part of cucumber tastes like the worst part of a watermelon. If you really think about it, French toast and egg salad on a sandwich are essentially one and the same. Heavily buttered pasta with grated Parmesan and chicken chunks is vaguely the same as Chicken Alfredo. Cheez-It crackers and a V8 juice for lunch are deconstructed grilled cheese and...