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Dear Editor, This blog from Seth Godin seemed particularly relevant as the election season unfolds. The extraordinary advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Digital tools are going to create havoc with facts and our ability to perceive what is and is not true. I would encourage everyone regardless of political affiliation to fact-check the information they see on the web this year. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Lott Cardwell, Montana “CHECKING THE DATE. . . . After 2022, it’s hard to tell for sure. And going forward, public life is goi...
Georgia, I have a question, Do the British use forks or is there some kind of England-ish utensil akin to chopsticks? I’m going on vacation to Venice soon and don’t want to look stupid when I eat. Chopstick Challenged Dear Challenged, I feel that this question is the least of your issues. Use a fork, just as you do in the USA. FYI - Venice is in Italy, not England. Make sure you check your boarding pass to make sure you actually know where you are headed. With love, Georgia Georgia, I have a question, Am I older than my “older”sister? She was...
Theological debates have long been part of church history. Some scholars and even amateur scholars are well acquainted, prepared, and ready to battle different viewpoints within Christianity while others sit on the sidelines and ask “is this even necessary?” I simply contend that we must be Biblically balanced, recognizing our own personal opinions or presumptions with a key provision: God’s Word is the final authority and our theology must fall in line with the proper understanding and context. We should never try to force the Bible into...
ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Take a few deep breaths before forging ahead with a plan that you have in mind, Aries. You might need to think things through a little more in the days to come. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, when a new opportunity arises, you may feel like a fish out of water until you get into a routine. After that learning period, things will come more easily. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, do not wait around for change to come. Sometimes you have to get the ball rolling yourself. Put plans in motion and figure out who will join you. CANCER J...
People often misconstrue good fortune as talent, and even more confusingly- bad fortune as a lack of it. Good-hearted people are also usually naive. They don’t expect to be scammed because they wouldn’t scam others. Provided a hose is nearby, it’s better to step in dog poo barefoot than with shoes on. One frustrating thing about getting older is younger people not getting your references; the upside is they assume you came up with all those clever one-liners. Most humans have been correctly applying physics in their daily lives without ever...
Have you ever had a break in your train of thought? I’m not referring to one of those forgetful moments either, those occur for a variety of reasons. I’m talking about a moment when you pause from your line of reasoning by taking a short Segway to communicate another valuable thought. Well, Bible authors have written in a similar fashion often, all for an important purpose. We find this to be the case in the later verses of Hebrews 5 continuing into chapter 6. “We have much to say about this, but it is hard to make it clear to you becau...
ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Opportunity awaits you, Aries. You just need to know where to look to get the best deal. Start chasing after your heart’s desire because you could just get it this week. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 A financial windfall could be just over the horizon, Taurus. Stay the course over the next several days and wait and see what falls into your lap. You may be very surprised. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 People in your life want the best for you, Gemini. Accept their support and good wishes and use each as a guiding light when challenges a...
Dear Editor, It has been over 15 years since the AS&C of Jefferson County formed a partnership with Dr. Cory Tebay and Western Veterinary Service. This partnership was formed for the welfare of County animals and to educate their owners on the importance of vaccinating, as well as spaying and neutering pets. Cory and Western Veterinary Service have played a huge role in its success throughout the years by sponsoring the shot clinics and offering the vaccinations at a low cost for Jefferson County residents. The AS&C of Jefferson County would li...
Dear Editor, I’m writing this letter in response to the letter Superintendent Nieskins sent home to the Whitehall Elementary parents, as well as the Letter to the Editor Mr. Reiff had in the February 8 edition of the Whitehall Ledger. As a parent of two students who attend Cardwell School, I have two issues with these letters. First, I find it very unprofessional and unacceptable for a school district or a member of the school board to share information pertaining to another school district. If the letter had only contained data for the W...
Our two most standard ice cream flavors are beans. We somehow have pictures of the Milky Way galaxy despite the farthest spacecraft we’ve launched barely even leaving our solar system. As a kid, teenagers seemed so big and scary because in most TV shows they were actually played by adults in their 20s. Phone companies have managed to find a way to sell you basically the same product with slight modifications for $1k every two years. Coffee is technically a recreational drug, but we never look at it that way. Most men buried wearing a suit w...
Priesthood order has long been part of church history, dating directly back to the family line of Aaron (Exodus 28). The Old Testament is marked by a rich history of Levitical Law, customs, and traditions which hold true to this day for Jewish and other religious observers. “Priests” are generally understood to be one who is an agent between humans and God; they often perform certain rites and administer specific sacraments. The Epistle of Hebrews takes an in-depth view of the priesthood order and customs, one which is worth our con...
ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 You might feel caught up in a daze this week, Aries. Your mind continues to wander, but your thoughts will settle down soon enough. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Make an effort to bring more people onto your side, Taurus. You can’t possibly win everyone over, but others might be receptive to your ideas with the right approach. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 A sit down with a higher-up could be in order soon, Gemini. Explain your attributes and what you have been doing for the company and make an effort to compromise, if necessary. CANCER J...
Dear Editor, As you and your readers know by now, I despise politics, especially as they stand in this day and age where the almighty dollar seems to have taken precedence over our precious right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The latest furor concerning the proposed convention of states, in particular, the push for setting stricter term limits has gotten me thinking (I know, DANGEROUS). We’ve heard arguments, both in support of and against the proposal. As far as the arguments against setting (tightening?) term limits, they m...
Dear Editor, What a wonderful front-page story of the recognition of the Cardwell School being Montana’s number-one elementary school! That must be really encouraging to the staff at the school. In 1918, school districts 16 and 31 consolidated to establish the Jefferson Island - Cardwell School. This included a High School until 1934 when the High School district consolidated with the Whitehall Schools. Since the closure of the High School, students who graduate 8th grade continue their education in the Whitehall School system. Looking back, I...
Dear Editor, FACTS MATTER, especially when applied in and around schools that are teaching our kids. Even, perhaps especially, when they don’t tell us what we want them to. My family has lived and worked in the Jefferson Valley for over 125 years, and I have many family members that attended and graduated from Cardwell School, including my mom. So when I saw the front page of the Whitehall Ledger today I was very excited to hear that a school in our community was getting such great accolades. I am also a Whitehall School Board trustee, and a p...
One unforeseen aspect of becoming a parent is that suddenly you are open to a whole new genre of nightmares that involve losing your kid. You’ll never see your own ears attached to your head. You may see a picture or a reflection of them, but you’ll never see your actual ears. In our lifespan, we don’t even get to meet 1% of the human population. Dogs don’t wipe, and then we let them go sit on our couch. Perhaps we prefer soft yellow lit lamps over ceiling lights because they more closely resemble the campfires our ancestors found comfort...
Georgia, I have a question, My family was having a reunion and we had a big dinner. I was sitting next to an aunt that I’d only met one other time and she was talking about something really boring, and crying and wailing at the dinner table. I had to fart, so I let one out and it was really horrible. One of my brothers laughed and the aunt went hysterical and my mom sent me to bed without dinner. Why would this be considered rude? Tootie Toddy Dear Tootie, It sounds as if your parents did not inform you that bodily functions should be done i...
From west to east, Montana’s northern border stretches 545 miles. Then, more to the middle of the state along the freeway I-90 spans the greatest distance in one state at 552 miles across. Driving at a sane speed of 75mph, it takes close to 8 hours to make the trip—nonstop! I, for one, when it comes to road travel prefer to get from point A to point B as fast as possible. Just a few years ago family trips challenged me. Inevitably, I too soon heard from one of the kids, “I’ve got to go, bad! When’s the next stop, Dad?” All this to introduce C...
ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Excessive spending in recent days may have you feeling nervous about your finances, Aries. In addition to bills, you could be waiting to be reimbursed. Be patient. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, you may have been working so hard that you haven’t had time to spend with family and friends lately. Clear your calendar and make some time for recreation. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 This week you may lock yourself behind closed doors and enjoy some alone time for a change, Gemini. Relax with a good book or binge-watch some television. C...
Last week’s front page article reporting that Family Minded online had honored Cardwell School with Best Elementary School in Montana received a lot of attention. However, was it warranted? As you’ll see below, there are several Letters to the Editor regarding the article. The Whitehall School also sent out letters to all the elementary parents showing their test scores were better than Cardwell’s. However, I feel the point was missed. Last year the Screams Come True Haunted House I created was named best in Montana by Travel Pulse onlin...
Dear Editor, Jim Buterbaugh wrote a recent letter espousing the value of education in our country’s founding documents. To some, I know this makes me sound like a curmudgeon of old school-ism but it is true. Jim is right. Most arguments for the Convention of States about reigning in the Feds stem out of a lack of education/understanding of our founding documents. Anyone who has read those documents knows all the points COS promoters try to make are already addressed. The checks and balances are already there. They just need to be followed. W...
Dear Editor, Responding to Mr. Buterbaugh’s letter of January 25, 2023, we are in agreement with him regarding the desperate need for better education, especially with respect to the history of the country and our founding documents. We do take issue with this in the fact that until such education can be initiated much less set in motion and even provided in a meaningful and last way, we feel that our country will be already far and away down the proverbial “slippery slope”! The education system needs re-vamping and a first step would be to eli...
Dear Editor, What is a Living Constitution? Since I have gotten political (my youngest daughter’s fault), I have heard from time to time references to the Constitution as a living document. I have always thought of the Constitution as the law of the land. What our great country was based on and without it, the United States would just be another kingdom or worse. And of course, the only way to understand something is to learn about it. After many hours of researching Living Constitution I have come to the conclusion that it basically means that...
It isn’t knowing things that makes you smart. It’s how easily you learn new things and what you do with that information. For an organ that evolved to keep us safe from danger, the brain really likes activities that are dangerous. (e.g. doing drugs, driving fast, etc.) We spend around two years teaching our children how to walk and talk, then the remainder of their childhood trying to get them just to sit down and shut up. The reason why people hate ads more than commercials is that TV shows have built-in stopping points before commercials whi...
Montana’s 68th legislature is in session and is considering over 1300 bills to date. Most of us will only take note of a few high-profile bills that will have a direct and immediate impact on our lives. For example, tax relief bills, a couple of which will pass with little opposition. However, there is one bill if passed that could have significant, adverse, and long-term consequences for our state and country. This bill is flying under the radar with little or no attention. I’m referring to Senate Joint Resolution 2, (SJ 2). SJ 2 aims to inv...