Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana


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  • Connecting Point: Out with the Old, In with the New

    BILL LANES|Apr 12, 2023

    As spring approaches many individuals have an itch, it's time to start mucking through possessions. My friends and I helped another person in need of this kind of service, sifting through a lifetime of collections. Our community benefited from this as we set up an event to give back needed clothing items for free. I would venture to guess many readers have made some type of spring-cleaning plans. Letting go of items can be challenging for some but this often is necessary. Letting go of unnecessary traditions or practices can also be...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 4/12/2023

    Apr 12, 2023

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, your emotions may cloud your judgement in the days to come. It’s better to seek the advice of a third party who can guide you without the added drama. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Messages from the universe could come across as confusing or vague, Taurus. You might need someone with cosmic intuition to help you sort out what is going on. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 A stagnant energy has been surrounding you lately, Gemini. Fortunately, you are able to brush that away soon enough and feel rejuvenated. CANCER Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, i...

  • Thought Provokers 4/5/2023

    Apr 5, 2023

    People are afraid of AI treating humans like humans treat humans and other species. No other food falls to the ground more than popcorn. All screens are touch screens, but not all are react screens. There are two types of domestic house cats. Those that eat the head and those that eat everything but the head. A straw that doesn’t suck is a straw that sucks. It’s way too easy to steal at an airport luggage terminal. You will never see your death certificate. Hollywood continues to hire the same people over and over again, oftentimes putting old...

  • Dear Editor: Response to Saddle Club Letter

    Apr 5, 2023

    Dear Editor, We would like to take the opportunity to address the concerns and points brought forth by the Whitehall Saddle Club (WSC) in their letter to the Editor in the March 29 edition of the Ledger. The WSC letter stated that the "Town owns the land, but the physical structures and the arena belong to WSC." In fact, the existing lease agreement dated July 1, 2014, specifies, "The premises subject to this lease agreement is described as follows: That area of the Whitehall Recreational...

  • Dear Editor: Find the Goodwill to Work This Out

    RUTH LOTT|Apr 5, 2023

    Dear Editor, I am so distressed to hear about the discord between the Whitehall Recreation Complex Board and the Whitehall Saddle Club. I sincerely hope for the sake of all of us who have supported activities at the rodeo grounds with monetary donations and sweat equity that both the Rec Complex Board and the Whitehall Saddle Club will choose to find the goodwill to work this out for the benefit of the greater community and most especially the kids. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Lott Cardwell,...

  • Connecting Point: The Mystery Man

    BILL LANES|Apr 5, 2023

    Who in the world is Melchizedek and why does this matter? Well, in only three books of the Bible, a very big book that happens to have been edited over 10,000 times, more than any other book in the World, this side of eternity, do we find Melchizedek mentioned—Genesis 14, Psalms 110, and Hebrews 5-7. Melchizedek is controversial, should I say. I will say, I probably won’t be settling the matter. However, this specific debate gets us sidetracked from the entire premise presented throughout the Epistle of Hebrews; Jesus is the greatest and hig...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 4/5/2023

    Apr 5, 2023

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 A message from a romantic partner or business associate could come this week, Aries. Keep a watchful eye on your email inbox or the regular mail. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, this week you can expect to have an interesting conversation with someone about a topic you’re fond of discussing. It could spark a new friendship. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 You likely will have a lot of physical and mental energy this week, Gemini. Figure out a project you can stand behind and put that energy to good use. CANCER Jun 22/Jul 22 Keep an eye o...

  • Thought Provokers: 3/29/2023

    Mar 29, 2023

    Life has no actual rules. Adults who act like children for the majority of their life result in their children having to act like adults for the majority of theirs. No one has ever discovered an animal with the perfect camouflage. Technically speaking, execution by firing squad is the same thing as execution by stoning. Only the stones are going really, really fast. You never really notice how much sound-dampening your furniture does until you move. People born on February 29 on leap years never have golden birthdays. It’s completely normal t...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 3/29/2023

    GEORGIA|Mar 29, 2023

    Georgia, I have a question, How do I calculate the fair price of a girlfriend using asset pricing theory? I don’t want to spend too much money on dates if the woman isn’t worth it. Budget Minded Dear Budget, Your thought process astounds me. Calculating whether or not a woman is worth the money you spend on her in a mathematical equation - wow. Have you ever considered your worth? Would women find you at a fair price? With love, Georgia Georgia, I have a question, Is it possible to reduce your eyesight in a natural way? I really want gla...

  • Connecting Point: Recon Man

    BILL LANES|Mar 29, 2023

    The Epistle of Hebrews demands attention from serious people in search of, God, eternity, and truth. Jesus is more than a Jewish invention of conflict. In fact, Jesus is given a distinction that surpasses anyone in history—high priest forever. In chapter six the author also describes Jesus as “our forerunner.” The Greek word prodromos best translates, I’m told to our “reconnaissance man,” a term that entered the conversation during the Napoleonic wars. In essence, Jesus goes before us so that we in turn can follow him: “We have this hope as...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 3/29/2023

    Mar 29, 2023

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Requests from friends, associates, and family this week can have your nerves on end, Aries. You may have to escape the crowds to recharge. Plan a getaway in the next few days. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 You are awesome at staying on track when you need to be, Taurus. That is what makes you a potentially ideal fitness guide. Try to inspire others to be regimented as well. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 There is nothing wrong with putting rose-colored glasses on from time to time and looking at the world in a more positive way. A more...

  • Dear Editor: The WSC and the Rec Board's Vote to Terminate its Lease


    Dear Editor, The Whitehall Saddle Club (WSC) was founded in the early 1920s with the express purpose to promote equestrian activities in the Jefferson Valley. For several decades the WSC has been located at the Recreational Complex. There, the WSC has hosted countless events over the past few years, including Barrel Racing, O-Mok-Sees, Horse Shows, Rodeos, and countless other equestrian events. The WSC’s presence at the Complex was made possible through a lease agreement with the Town. The Town owns the land, but the physical structures of t...

  • Thought Provokers: 3/22/2023

    Mar 22, 2023

    We know more about most animals than they know about themselves. James Bond wouldn’t last 30 seconds as a real spy. We created a society that is so hard to live in, that in order to not live in a constant state of anxiety, some of us need marijuana or anti-depressants. Mathematics are confusing because of the language, not the concepts. Even if we all spoke the same language we wouldn’t understand everyone. A downhill battle sounds just as bad as an uphill battle. Everything does happen for a reason, but people never acknowledge that those rea...

  • Dear Editor: Thank You to All, from 4-H

    JARI WOCK, Hillbillies 4-H Club|Mar 22, 2023

    Dear Editor, On behalf of the Hillbillies 4-H club, I would like to draw attention to the generosity of all our local, county, and state-level individuals, families, and businesses that support 4-H. As sponsors and supporters, your contributions allow members to have many opportunities that would not otherwise be possible. These opportunities allow us to build life skills where we “learn by doing” in areas such as science, health, art, leisure, agriculture, and civic engagement just to name a few. Recently, we would like to specifically tha...

  • Connecting Point: Promises Kept - The Letter to the Hebrews

    BILL LANES|Mar 22, 2023

    Has someone made you a promise and failed to follow through? Have you ever broken a promise? If we are honest I would presume all of us can answer “yes” to both questions. The simple truth is we are broken people living in a broken world; however, we have hope. Perseverance and grit are Christ-like characteristics to develop throughout the course of our life. Although we have no way to know exactly, most reckoning suggests that by the time this letter was penned, the larger following of Jesus was already in the thousands. In this document con...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 3/22/2023

    Mar 22, 2023

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 It is very important that you do not count your chickens before they hatch, Aries. Something you suspected was a sure thing may not pan out this week. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 You have a secret desire that you want to let out, Taurus. But you’re not sure of the timing. Stop letting your head dictate your heart and put plans into action. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Friendships could falter due to your insecurities, Gemini. Others want to be around you for good reason. Try to see the value in relationships and make the effort to s...

  • Dear Editor: Say No to Publicly Funded Private Schools

    TERRY MINOW, Big Sky 55|Mar 15, 2023

    Dear Editor, Republican legislators just passed the biggest tax cut for the wealthy in Montana’s history, a whopping One Billion Dollars. That’s a billion, not a million. Meanwhile, the needs of regular Montanans, like affordable housing, care for the elderly, and child care for workers, are pushed aside under the pretense of “we just can’t afford it.” At the same time, this Republican legislature wants to create a new system of private schools for their kids that you would have to pay for. These private schools would not require certified...

  • Thought Provokers: 3/15/2023

    Mar 15, 2023

    It must be weird being a twin and getting hellos from strangers and not being sure if they are people you’ve met and forgotten about. Life insurance in the Purge universe must be insane. In the future, looking back at Google Street View from 50 years ago will be a fascinating glimpse into the past. Darwin in Amazing World of Gumball is named Darwin because he’s a fish with legs. Common sense is what everyone needs, not what everyone has. The majority of life is doing something you don’t want to do for X minutes so that you can do somet...

  • Connecting Point: Let's Be Frank

    BILL LANES|Mar 15, 2023

    Have you ever had a frank and candid talk with someone that you had to prepare for? Perhaps it fell to you to bring something to a friend’s attention, and you did not know how your friend would react. Well, in the Letter to the Hebrews, I kind of think that the author’s name was “Frank.” LOL. Hebrews has had more than its share of attention over the past decades, even centuries. While the entire theological community is in upheaval, it’s clear the author delivers multiple warnings regarding persevering in one’s faith. He obviously has their t...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 3/15/2023

    Mar 15, 2023

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 So many things are moving your way, Aries. As the week progresses, your energy level could rise and you will get much more done. Leave time for meaningful encounters. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, connect with nature this week. Go hiking at a national park or visit a zoo and take in the exotic animals. Fresh outdoor air is just what you need. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, this week marks a new cycle for you. This means you should focus your energy on your ideas and try to narrow down prospects as much as possible. CANCER Jun...

  • Dear Editor: A Thank You from a Meadowlark Manor Resident

    Mar 8, 2023

    To the Residents of Whitehall, A big warm thank you. We are so fortunate to live in this area with so many thoughtful people. Where shall I start? During the Christmas holiday season, we had visiting carolers – 4H groups of youngsters and their families, choir groups from churches, and just a small group of women from town. So wonderful to hear (and some even brought along delicious holiday cookies and candies.) Then there were the lovely handmade Christmas and Valentine’s Day cards from the students of the Whitehall Elementary School. The Whi...

  • Dear Editor: Stress, not Technology, is the Real Killer


    Dear Editor, Over the past week, more or less, I’ve been doing a bit of thinking on the subject of this generation’s reliance on technology and the detrimental effect it had. I originally wrote, “technology is killing us,” though I DID acknowledge later that it’s actually stress that’s the real killer! This is true enough, but when it comes down to it, we really must admit, we’re doing it to ourselves! Over the past century or so, technology has made great leaps most seemingly, or purportedly, for the better. In fact, many of the leaps made we...

  • Dear Editor: No more Low Cost Spay/Neuter Clinics

    ASC of Jefferson County|Mar 8, 2023

    Dear Editor, With sadness in our hearts after 15 years, the AS&C of Jefferson County will no longer be able to provide the bi-annual low-cost spay and neuter clinics to Jefferson County residents. The traveling Vet services are currently unable to travel for one-day clinics. We still feel this is a much-needed program, so our temporary solution is the AS&C of Jefferson County Spay & Neuter Program will provide discount coupons for County residents to be redeemed at Western Veterinary Service or Jefferson Veterinary Services. Rest assured, the...

  • Thought Provokers: 3/8/2023

    Mar 8, 2023

    The number of people older than you never increase. History is the longest-running game of Telephone. Paying for life coaches who end up scamming you must be the most ironic life lesson ever. Of the four fundamental forces, gravity is responsible for the most human deaths. The only difference between a collector and a hoarder is a theme. People living in optimal climates accomplish more in conversation because they don’t need to talk about the weather. Light is both invisible and visible. Most ice cubes aren’t cubes. Professional chefs are act...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 3/8/2023

    GEORGIA|Mar 8, 2023

    Georgia, I have a question, How often does Judge Judy hand out death sentences on her show? I’ve watched every episode, I think, and I’ve never seen her deal with more than debts, who is the father questions, and mundane things like that. Where are the serious cases? Wanting More Dear More, Well, darling, you see...well, there’s a lot it seems you need to see. While Judge Judith Susan Sheindlin was formerly a prosecutor and Manhattan family court judge, she is now a court-show arbitrator. Her judgments are legally binding, but the proce...

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