Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana


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  • Dear Editor: Dams - I really like them

    ROLLIE MILLER, Vigilante Electric Cooperative|May 3, 2023

    Dear Editor, Dams – I really like them. As the manager of Vigilante Electric Cooperative, I am very thankful for the 31 federal hydroelectric dams that the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) uses to supply us with low-cost, renewable, carbon-free power. In addition to this power being low-cost, renewable, and carbon-free the driving force is reusable and is used several times to generate power before it reaches the Pacific Ocean. Unlike large nuclear and fossil fuel generation sources, with these hydroelectric dams, the generation is more e...

  • Thought Provokers: 5/3/2023

    May 3, 2023

    People who are brutally honest seem to always get more satisfaction out of the brutality than the honesty. There’s no reason we cannot drink any type of beverage with a mug, except mere aesthetics. Once A.I. videos get perfected, criminals can claim that the footage evidence is A.I. generated. Since self-service checkouts invariably require a staff member to authorize stuff, they aren’t really self-service at all, they’re just bad service. Almost every insect in your life you will only see once. The fact that we haven’t evolved longer and sli...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 5/3/2023

    GEORGIA|May 3, 2023

    Georgia, I have a question, If you write a book about failure and it doesn’t sell, is it a success? Failed Success Dear Failed, Oooooh, good one! So many ways this could go one way or the other - but you did PAY to have the book printed which no one bought, so therefore, fail! With love, Georgia Georgia, I have a question, My girlfriend and I went to watch Avatar in 3D when it was released. This was her first 3D movie experience. When she came out of the theater, visibly overwhelmed, she asked me, “Don’t you think the world would be much more...

  • Connecting Point: Endurance and Recollection

    BILL LANES|May 3, 2023

    For word history, the Cambridge Dictionary shines as one of the best, and those folks say that Endurance is “The ability to keep doing something difficult, unpleasant, or painful for a long period of time.” I’m betting, immediately, you’re thinking of a time when you worked tirelessly. You felt the urgent motivation to endure. I want you to ponder that thought for a moment. Several years ago, I was snowmobiling with a friend in the windy mountains outside Libby, Montana. After a morning of some fun in the snow we made a poor decision to run...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 5/3/2023

    May 3, 2023

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, even though you have been making great progress, you have some more work ahead of you this week. Overcome any distractions that get in your way. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, you may want to avoid crowds this week. Use this opportunity to enjoy some quiet, alone time to recharge. There will be time for socialization in the weeks ahead. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 You may be called in as a mediator this week, Gemini. It may be challenging to remain impartial, as you are friends with both people involved. Tread carefully....

  • Dear Editor: Just Winging It

    SUE PASINI|Apr 26, 2023

    Dear Editor, Not wanting to ruffle any feathers, I would like to comment on the proposed ruling in Whitehall, limiting the number of domestic chickens. First, that is a poultry (paltry) number. Chickens do not lay every day, so a homeowner may not get many eggs from a few birds. Furthermore, I don't know of anyone opposed to chickens in Whitehall. Who eggzactly is complaining? And who hatched this proposal? What is the pecking order for ordinances in Whitehall? I honestly think the City has...

  • Dear Editor: CHICKEN


    Dear Editor, Most of your readers probably remember the 80s TV show Who's the Boss? That's the subject of this short rant. I vaguely remember writing something to this effect previously, though it's been some time, but "Who IS the boss?" The overwhelming majority of our public servants, those who are elected to represent (NOT rule) us seem to have forgotten that all-important principle. Oh, sure, many or most will publicly acknowledge they are appointed to serve the best interests of the...

  • Dear Editor: Mountain Horizons Subdivision

    BARBARA LIEN|Apr 26, 2023

    Dear Editor, I'd like to clarify my comments regarding the Mountain Horizons Solar Subdivision, as paraphrased in the Ledger on April 19th. The "trailer park" comment came across as a snobby insult, and I apologize to the residents and developers of that subdivision. It wasn't meant quite that way. The subdivision variance we were discussing will allow four single-family homes on a 0.65-acre lot that had been designated for one single- or multi-family home on a previous plan. My comment was...

  • Thought Provokers: 4/26/2023

    Apr 26, 2023

    Pulled pork is pulled apart, therefore, sausages are pushed pork. It’s simultaneously ironic and sad that so many teachers are terrible with children. Mountain Dew and Sierra Mist taste very different for two things that are named after the same thing. ‘Number’ is often abbreviated as ‘No.’ despite not having the letter O in it at all. In Star Wars, the guys who won brought swords to gunfights. It’s more important to get your health right for retirement than get your money right. Every single human ever is living in their own delusional...

  • Op Ed: Whitehall Poultry Ordinance: Solving a Common Problem or Vastly Overreaching?

    CHRISTIAN ROSA|Apr 26, 2023

    I will hopefully be reading this aloud at the town meeting but may not be and I felt my opinion is important to share. On July 4th, 1776, members from the 13 colonies together signed a document creating our great nation. That document has a total of 1,320 words, the proposed ordinance contains 1,715 words establishing a more in-depth document than what was used to forge a nation. Government needing to justify its existence aside I feel these proposed changes are no more than a mere petty dispute between someone with chickens, and someone on...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 4/26/2023

    Georgia|Apr 26, 2023

    Georgia, I have a question, What is the difference between an admirer and a stalker? The girl I am in love with told me I’m a creepy stalker but I don’t think I qualify as that description. Somewhere In-Between Dear In-Between, If someone thinks you are a “creepy stalker” you have crossed that line from an admirer. You are no longer making the object of your “love” feel safe and therefore should stop immediately. Apologize, learn from your actions, and move on. With love, Georgia Georgia, I have a question, How does one describe “nothing?...

  • Connecting Point: Seated on the Job

    BILL LANES|Apr 26, 2023

    Seems today that we sit more and more. Our jobs, of course, are the culprits; and for youth, particularly boys (but increasingly girls too) gaming occupies us. Then, there is office administration, taxi services, computer programing. In the past generation, schooling has become longer and longer, increasing sitting. Then there are occupations that require physical exertion and strength, such as the construction arts, athletics, delivery services and much more. For those in the later style of work it would be frowned upon to constantly sit on...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 4/26/2023

    Apr 26, 2023

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, figure out where your priorities lie, then position yourself in the right corner to get things done effectively. It could take some time before you see progress. Remain patient. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 It’s best if you can keep tight control of your emotions and not let others see what is brewing behind your stoic demeanor, Taurus. This will give you an advantage in negotiations. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, if you’re too pragmatic this week, you may miss the opportunity to do something spontaneous and really enjoyable w...

  • Thought Provokers: 4/19/2023

    Apr 19, 2023

    People are impressed by the uniqueness of snowflakes but potatoes are equally unique and no one cares. Given pay rates, humans clearly value entertainment over necessity. It’s ridiculously easier to ruin your life than to improve your life. At some point in their life, anyone born on 6/06/06 has to consider if they were destined to become the Antichrist. People with one leg amputated double their number of useful socks, but with both legs amputated the number drops to zero. It’s a shame that if a negative person meets another negative per...

  • EDITORIAL: Censoring Social Media...for Adults

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Apr 19, 2023

    On Friday, April 14 Montana became the first American state to ban TikTok after the Montana House of Representatives voted 54-43 to ban TikTok from all personal smartphones and tech devices within the state. SB419 is not in effect quite yet, as it must be signed by Gianforte. However, Gianforte has previously banned TikTok from all state-owned official government devices; in January of this year, he publicly urged the Montana University System to follow suit with their own administrative TikTok ban for official educational devices — which it d...

  • Op Ed: Farmers, Ranchers, and Irrigators Urge Opposition to Permanent Water Court Bill

    CARL DE VRIES, Rock Creek Water Users Association|Apr 19, 2023

    I have been blessed to be operating alongside the 5th generation of our family ranch in Roberts, Montana. Ranch families like mine understand the importance of neighbors, community, and keeping decision-making at the most local level possible. That’s why we are deeply concerned about an effort by attorneys to jam a bill through the Montana Legislature that would take away local power and hand it to unelected statewide bureaucrats who do not live, work, or recreate in our communities. Currently, when water disputes or questions arise, M...

  • Dear Editor: 406 Organix

    DAN HAGERTY, Jefferson County Commissioner|Apr 19, 2023

    Dear Editor, I have received numerous concerns about the soon-to-be-opened 406 Organix marijuana dispensary located at 3 Robbins Lane. Many of the concerns centered around where the building is located. I conferred with my fellow Jefferson County Commissioners and County Attorney, as well as the Jefferson County Sanitarian and Planner. It was determined that the location of the dispensary is legal, as there isn’t any zoning in that area and it is outside Whitehall town limits. The Montana Department of Revenue oversees the operations of all d...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 4/19/2023

    Georgia|Apr 19, 2023

    Georgia, I have a question, How do I teach my 16-year-old daughter not to cry when I yell at her for doing something wrong? I can’t handle her emotions. She needs to man up. Even when I’m not yelling at her, she’s emotional when we talk because I tell her what a baby she’s being. Help. Strict No-Tears Policy Dear Strict, Keep yelling at her, I dare you. Watch as she learns to bite her lip to keep her tears back. Watch as her voice drops to a whisper when you raise your voice, and her whole body freezes. Listen as she slowly stops telling...

  • Connecting Point: Is the Devil in the Details?

    BILL LANES|Apr 19, 2023

    Are you into details? Maybe you know an aproned tart whose apple pie recipe is to die for? A mechanic so honest he loves making old cars hum? A cabinet builder whose biggest thrill: seeing the happiness in the customer’s eyes when first she sees the new kitchen? Then there are those artists who paint with breathtaking precision. I’m married to a woman who is an aficionado perfecto; organization is her cup of tea. Are you familiar with the old proverb “The devil is in the details?” After some research, I discovered that Gary Martin points...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 4/20/2023

    Apr 19, 2023

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 You don’t want to have mundane tasks hanging over your head, Aries. Try to check as many of them off your to-do list this week as you can. This will free up a lot of free time. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, you may be planning a much-needed vacation at the present time. Figure out a place you’ve never been and then fill your itinerary with plenty of fun things. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 You likely will have to devote a lot of attention to practical matters in the days to come, Gemini. This includes taking a hard look at your spe...

  • Thought Provokers: 4/12/2023

    Apr 12, 2023

    The machinery of our body (moving, breathing, thinking, food processing, cooling) is exceptionally quiet for its capabilities. There’s a generation of people who enjoyed watching the word DVD bounce slowly across the screen. Fast food is no longer cheap. The only thing it still has going for it is that it’s convenient. The amount of sugar in beverages isn’t a surprise to people who have made Kool-Aid, only those who haven’t. The older you get the longer Monopoly games last because all players become more fiscally responsible. Q-tips are one...

  • Dear Editor: Support Our Own Country's Financial Economy

    POD MORIARTY|Apr 12, 2023

    Dear Editor, The fake news media calls it a “Pandemic.” The definition of a pandemic is “a widespread occurrence of infectious disease.” A very good description of COVID-19. But let’s call it was it really is – China chemical warfare. This was no accident. This is proof that China, which cares little for its own people, can and possibly will use deadly chemicals to take over America and other nations that don’t abide by the Communist China regime. Yet, America is doing huge business with Communist China. Most American citizens are guilty of...

  • Dear Editor: Turn and Face the Strange


    Dear Editor, Turn and face the strange... Some of your readers may recognize these words from the refrain of David Bowie's Changes. I begin in this manner because of the changes coming to our small town, both in the near and not-so-near future. Two fairly recent changes we should all be aware of by now were front-page news this past Wednesday. First and saddest is Settings by All Things Montana closing its doors by month's end. If they haven't already, I highly encourage anyone reading this to...

  • Dear Editor: No Joke Campaign

    NICOLE PALMER and BARB REITER|Apr 12, 2023

    Dear Editor, Jefferson County Southwest Prevention and Tobacco Use Prevention services have presented throughout JC a social norming campaign called "NO JOKE." The campaign message is: MOST TEENS DON'T DRINK OR SMOKE! As you frequent local businesses, medical facilities, restaurants, schools, etc. you will see large posters with various messages: "Don't you know that stuff makes you an airhead?" - Most teens don't approve of smoking marijuana. "Nothing erases your brain cells faster than...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 4/12/2023

    Georgia|Apr 12, 2023

    Georgia, I have a question, Do my parents have the right to call my children whatever they want as names, even if that isn’t what I named them? Long story short, my parents think my twins - Ezra and Esme - have “immature” names because they aren’t traditional. So both of my parents have started calling them Theodore and Winifred. Isn’t this wrong of them to do? They don’t seem to see it as a problem. Double Named Twins Dear Double, Wow. I’ve heard of grandparents giving their grands a nickname, but never an ENTIRELY different name! Yes, th...

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