Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana


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  • Dear Editor: Property tax increases and local spending demand efficiencies

    TERRY FALK, HD 8 Representative|Jul 5, 2023

    Dear Editor, Property tax increases and local spending demand efficiencies Property values are up, that's not news. Will property taxes follow? All of us need to have a conversation with your mayors, school boards and county commissioners, soon! Property tax bills have not been decided yet. Just because values are up does not require property taxes to rise also. Has the need for services increased? For sure. And so has the number of new developed properties that pay a large amount greater...


    BILL LANES|Jul 5, 2023

    Bob’s childhood was very difficult, certainly unexpected, considering that his parents were part of a ministry organization that traveled around the world preaching the saving grace of Jesus. But at home: intemperateness. Bob’s father was absent in many respects, and during those important developmental years, the boy wilted under hurtful insults and outbursts of anger directed at him by his father. For years the young man lived in fear and worse, internal strife. He developed several health issues, including acute obsessive-compulsive dis...

  • Horoscope: Week of 7/5/2023

    Jul 5, 2023

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 This week you are surrounded by a heightened sense of romance. It could be from reading a favorite book or watching a beloved movie, Aries. Use it to spice up your love life. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, something you desperately need seems to be missing from your life right now. It’s more than a misplaced item. Focus your attention this week on figuring out what it is. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Try not to listen to any gossip this week, Gemini. It will only frustrate you and could put you further out of sorts. Avoid people w...

  • Guest Editorial: Increasing Air Travel Options for Western US Makes Sense for Montana

    JANE GILLETTE, House District 64|Jun 28, 2023

    It is an excellent time to be a business owner in Montana. Americans from all corners of our nation are beginning to get back out and adventure and many of them are coming to our great state. This increased traffic, combined with our burgeoning technology sector here in Bozeman, has made for a stronger and healthier economy. A key factor in the economic growth of the Gallatin Valley is access to air travel. This year Congress can help facilitate additional growth in air travel options for...

  • Dear Editor: Thank you from JVSAR


    Dear Editor, Jefferson Valley Search and Rescue would like to thank the Whitehall community for their continued support of the Father's Day Pancake Breakfast. It was a successful event! JVSAR would also like to thank the Whitehall Town Pump, Three Bears Alaska, Butte Walmart, and the Butte Safeway for their donations, as well as Bobbie Fleege, and the Whitehall Senior Center for the use of the facility. And finally, a thank you to Dana Brunet and Kari Herrera for volunteering their time as...

  • Dear Editor: Climate Change Court Case

    REX KOENIG|Jun 28, 2023

    Dear Editor, Montana's 1972 constitution guarantees its citizens a right to "a clean and healthful environment in Montana for present and future generations." The 2023 trial of Held V. State of Montana, a lawsuit brought by 16 Montana youth, attempts to show how the state government's longstanding energy policies violate this constitutional right by favoring fossil fuel industries with high carbon emissions. The lawsuit is named for plaintiff Rikki Held, age 22, a fifth-generation Montanan...

  • Thought Provokers: 6/28/2023

    Jun 28, 2023

    We dress up for people we want to be undressed with. Kids are much more accepting of other people than adults are. Comparing an animal’s intelligence with a kid's age sounds cool, but comparing a kid's intelligence with certain animals sounds awful. It’s a good thing we can’t hear our eyeballs move inside their sockets. People care more about animals than humans in games and movies. Every big city has had a point in its history where there was only one high-rise in the entire city and it must’ve looked super awkward. Paper cuts will become...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 6/28/2023

    GEORGIA|Jun 28, 2023

    Georgia, I have a question, I (46m) am getting married to my fiancee (39F). We have been together for three years; I have two daughters (18F, 6F) from my previous marriage - my ex left when my youngest was three. My fiancee is a very sophisticated woman and has exquisite taste. She also does not really care for young children and this has created tension between her and my youngest daughter. Our wedding is going to be very lavish and expensive. My fiancee also wants the wedding to be child-free. We will, however, be inviting my oldest daughter...

  • Connecting Point: Waste Not Fresh Tears Over Old Griefs

    BILL LANES|Jun 28, 2023

    Monica’s first story is one of balance tragic. At 22 she brimmed with life. Her fiancée and she planned to go into ministry. Then suddenly he broke the engagement, and the rejection sent her into a spin. Having grown up a quiet girl and mostly introverted, uncomfortable around strangers, she withdrew and turned to comfort in alcohol. She met a man in the party scene, attempting to cope with past rejection—a manipulative predator. He took advantage of alcohol and her youth. Then abandoned her. For months her human prison of despair, dark...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 6/28/2023

    Jun 28, 2023

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, you will likely be giving much thought to your future and strategies that may increase your financial security. Reach out to your network for advice. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, if communication has been difficult in the past, you will find that things change for the better in the days to come. You will gain a deeper understanding of others. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, useful information reaches you this week, which helps you make important decisions about your finances. Use this opportunity to make changes. CANCER...

  • Thought Provokers: 6/21/2023

    Jun 21, 2023

    Quantum describes matter at the smallest subatomic scales. A “quantum leap forward” should really mean the smallest and most insignificant advance possible. Being a pre-civilization chef was a very deadly guessing game. Not all colorful plants are created equal. Until proven otherwise, every day is your last day alive. The fact that guys still ask for nudes even though the internet has unlimited images demonstrates that they actually do care about the personality associated with the body. Within a decade, there will be a bunch of confessions or...

  • Dear Editor: We Can't Blame It All on Gen X


    Dear Editor, We can't blame it all on Gen X. Although much could be directed toward the generation in question, this is a generalization; it's not quite fair to say all people from this particular era are at fault. It's also not quite true that Gen X, or ANY particular generation, can claim sole responsibility for the mess which we are witnessing in this day and age. The mess: the irresponsibility which seems to be almost proudly or maybe just brazenly exhibited lately. Not only is there a...

  • Dear Editor: We will not stand by as carnivores are slaughtered

    HELENA EDELSON, Large Carnivore Fund, Montana|Jun 21, 2023

    Dear Editor, This month Montana's Fish and Wildlife Commission moved to sharply increase the kill of mountain lions in the state, up to 40 percent of the population in many areas. The move came over the objections of mountain lion hound hunters, sporting groups, and conservation interests. FWP Biologists did not support this increase. The Commission's justification was that mountain lions are killing too many big game species and action is needed to recover these populations. If this sounds...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 6/21/2023

    GEORGIA|Jun 21, 2023

    Georgia, I have a question, My neighbor has been getting several packages per day. If I switch our address plates just temporarily so that I get one of the packages and can inspect it, can I be held liable? Curiosity Killed the Cat Curiosity, WTH is wrong with you? Your neighbor’s packages are none of your business! Inspect it? Inspect it for what? Something illegal? Wait, maybe you should call your local police department and tell them that because your neighbor gets packages, he must be a criminal. It’s always good to warn the local cops abo...

  • Connecting Point: God & Nature - What is a Loving Relationship?

    BILL LANES|Jun 21, 2023

    Once upon a time, Americans agreed that to THRIVE every individual went the short route by identifying what we longed for and what we craved. It was agreeable and married people, especially married old couples, learned the secrets and they were precious. Christian marriage had been proved. It wasn’t something to argue over, Why was this? Well, from conception to early years, a mother and father slaved and sacrificed everything for their children. Why? For what? For food, shelter, clothing, and, yes, for love. Today, it’s still clear, we are...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 6/21/2023

    Jun 21, 2023

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, sometimes you do not have to take action to fix problems. Certain issues will work themselves out on their own. Don’t feel the need to rush in and find a quick solution. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Right now the spotlight is on you and your talents, Taurus. You have a large group of admirers who are looking to see what you can produce next. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 You will recover quickly from disagreements with others, Gemini. These situations may give you a new perspective and compel you to change a few things for the b...

  • Dear Editor: You Can't Fix Stupid Drivers

    SUSAN CONNOR|Jun 14, 2023

    Dear Editor, I would like to make a comment about the way people in town drive. Somebody in a red truck pulled out to make a left turn right in front of me today at the Conoco station intersection and if I hadn't slammed on my brakes, I would have T-boned him right in the driver's door. I have had a big dump truck pull out right in front of me coming out of the side street by Family Dollar without even stopping at the stop sign. I always drive 25 mph as posted in town and there is always...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 6/14/2023

    GEORGIA|Jun 14, 2023

    Georgia, I have a question, We are concerned our only son isn’t having children. Every time we bring it up with him, he seems to have a new excuse. Recently when we tried to discuss this with our daughter-in-law directly, she said her high-powered career would be severely impacted if she didn’t plan child-bearing carefully because she doesn’t get paid parental leave at her workplace. We tried to encourage her by saying that she doesn’t even need to work since our son is very successful and we have considerable means. This seems to have offende...

  • CONNECTING POINT: What Do You Long For?

    BILL LANES|Jun 14, 2023

    We are created by God with natural longings. Some of these longings are honorable and pleasant within the safe boundaries taught in the Bible. Other longings are harmful, even destructive to ourselves or others as warned against in the Bible. Author and speaker, Ben Bennett states “Failure to address legitimate longings is often behind our unhealthy thoughts and destructive behaviors.” Ben founded the Resolution Movement- a global movement helping people overcome hurts and struggles to thrive in life, check out this initiative at res...

  • HOROSCOPES: Week of 6/14/2023

    Jun 14, 2023

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, despite your best efforts, you cannot seem to get much work done this week. Your head is in the clouds with matters of the heart. Soon enough your focus will return. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 This week you may tire from charging into battle and prefer others to do the fighting for you, mighty Taurus. You can use a rest from always putting yourself out there. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Adopt a more serious tone this week, Gemini. Your actions may be judged without your knowledge, so lay low. Put the most professional foot forward...

  • Dear Editor: Thank you for painting the W

    ARCYLLE SHAW|Jun 7, 2023

    Dear Editor, A BIG THANK YOU to the class of 2023 for painting the “W”! Ron and Sandy Hunt and their crew used a lot of muscle to restore it origianlly. It’s great to see it get some care. Maybe it can become a senior class tradition? ARCYLLE SHAW Cardwell, Montana...

  • Thought Provokers: 6/7/2023

    Jun 7, 2023

    The weight of a human can vary by a few hundred pounds, yet an airline will charge you extra if your luggage is five pounds over the limit. Your future self is talking smack about you. Club goers in the John Wick universe are extremely blase about gun/knife/tomahawk fights going on around them. Every jock, bully, or thug you’ve ever seen in a movie has actually just been a theater kid pretending to be one. Attractive women are usually portrayed as drivers of convertibles, but old people driving them is way more common. The movie about a mermaid...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 6/7/2023

    GEORGIA|Jun 7, 2023

    Georgia, I have a question, My son is very troubled and physically ill. He is pale and sometimes vomits blood. Could he be possessed by a demon? Concerned Dear Not-Concerned-Enough, My goodness! Take him to a medical doctor for an exam immediately! There are many things that could be physically wrong with him that are not demonic possession. There are parasites that can enter and live in the stomach and other internal organs that could cause these symptoms! Get him to a doctor! With love, Georgia Georgia, I have a question, Would it be immoral...

  • Connecting Point: Starting Point - TO THRIVE

    BILL LANES|Jun 7, 2023

    Our friends at Merriam-Websters define thrive as: to FLOURISH, or to progress toward or realize a goal despite or because of circumstances. With spring in full swing, I’ve noticed the dandelions thriving. I’ll be treating them real soon. Most of us want to thrive in our businesses, but, more than this, we want to progress, it’s human nature. On the other hand, reality teaches us that we do not always get what we want. No one is promised the world. Many circumstances are beyond our control, especially when other people are brought into the m...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 6/7/2023

    Jun 7, 2023

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, things may not progress the way you want them to unless you become a little more persistent. Figure out how to walk the line to achieve your goals. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, many things are going right with your life. But now it’s time to get a handle on your love life. You may have to put in some extra effort, especially this week. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, keep things on the lighter side when conversing with coworkers this week. Now is not the time to delve into controversial discussions in the workplace. CANC...

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