Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana


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  • Thought Provokers: 1/17/2024

    Jan 17, 2024

    It’s interesting that in crystal therapy, none of the crystals do bad things. There are two types of people: those who make the tip a round number or those who make the total a round number. No matter how serious the conversation, you can never be 100% certain the person you’re talking to isn’t holding back a fart. Some people don’t live the life they want because they are too afraid of having a difficult conversation. Hairless cats are commonly seen as the ugliest feline but we are the hairless cats of the ape world. People talk about extinct...

  • A Different Perspective: 1/17/2024

    LARRY HOFFMAN, Contributing Writer|Jan 17, 2024

    Just to make it clear, right from the start, I’m 78 years old, which is as good a reason as any for writing some thoughts down from this perspective. Perhaps others will find them interesting, maybe not, but I guess we’ll find out. The theory of relativity, in its simplest form, says that things are different, depending on where they are and where they’re being observed from. In real life, it also depends on who is doing the looking. Throw in the added element of personality, and relat...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 1/17/2024

    GEORGIA|Jan 17, 2024

    Georgia, I have a question, I am on Tinder - often. And I tend to lean towards the hardworking men I find who work at Walmart. Why? Why am I drawn to labor-intensive workers who bring us the many household goods we know and love at WallyWorld? I can't get enough of the blue smocks with the yellow logo on the back, the calluses on their hands, and the love of mid-morning meetings. Why can't I be attracted to a doctor or a lawyer? Why a WallyWorld Worker? Walmart Lover Lover, You are a lover, not a fighter. Don't fight against those you have a...

  • Connecting Point: No Hometown Hero

    BILL LANES|Jan 17, 2024

    How many of us have welcomed a hometown hero back from a duty post or deployment? Maybe you’ve joined others honoring law enforcement or emergency services personnel for a special occasion. Since I’m the proud son of a Vietnam Veteran and know some of the sad history of our nation in which many men and women were rejected as they returned home back in the late 1960s and 1970s, I tend to have some compassion for anyone who serves the public. In my opinion, negative sentiments toward those who lay their lives on the line or give through vol...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 1/17/2024

    Jan 17, 2024

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, if resolutions seem slow-going, give it time to get into a groove and become part of your routine. You can handle anything when you put your mind to it. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, there is a lot going on in your life at the moment, and you may need to accept that you can’t do it all alone. Start farming out tasks to people you trust. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 How will you know if you can do something unless you give it a try, Gemini? Be adventurous this week, whether it is enjoying a new ethnic cuisine or trying a new a...

  • Dear Editor: Info from County Treasurer

    ROBERT BUSHMAKER|Jan 10, 2024

    Dear Editor, I received the following response about additional property tax. I asked Jefferson County Treasurer Terri Kunz if we be receiving a second request for additional property Tax. Her reply is below, which your readers might be interested in: "The details have not been worked out. At this moment we will be rebilling the 2nd half tax statements to include the additional tax. "If you paid in full then it will be a supplemental bill for the difference. If you pay by a mortgage company...

  • Thought Provokers: 1/10/2024

    Jan 10, 2024

    It’s bizarre that cars come with pre-installed cup holders but not phone holders. U is the only vowel without its own laugh. We have HAHA, HEHE, HOHO, HIHI, but no HUHU. 2024 is already 1% over. Depression has always existed but humans only just realized it. Dinosaurs existed for a good 165,000,000 years; meanwhile, we’ve only existed for some 300,000. Q-tips/cotton swab sticks are a million-dollar industry due mostly in part to people misusing the product. No matter how you pronounce Uranus, someone is gonna this it’s funny. You forget how m...

  • Connecting Point: Temptation 101

    BILL LANES|Jan 10, 2024

    A Scottish church leader from the 1670s said, “Observe your hearts all times but especially under temptation. Temptation is a fire that brings up the scum of the vile heart: Do you carefully mark the first risings of corruption?” Some have incorrectly attributed this quote to William Shakespeare; however, the subject of temptation is always valid no matter what century an individual has lived in. I promote sticking to the basics, we can never go wrong when we hold that line in the wide range of life’s practices. There’s only one person I know...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 1/10/2024

    Jan 10, 2024

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, watch out because you are hot stuff this week. Coming off the excitement of the holidays, you’re still in the mood to socialize. The invitations to various social events will still flow. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Hopefully you’ve made progress on the various organizational projects that you have had in mind, Taurus. Now is the time to get those resolutions moving. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, how is your to-do list coming along? If you haven’t yet gotten moving, a coming slowdown could make the perfect time to get crack...

  • Thought Provokers: 1/3/2024

    Jan 3, 2024

    A majority of people’s last word of the year is “one.” Most people’s first word of the year is “happy.” There are billions of birthdays, but only 365 birthdays. People who can read minds in fiction rarely take the opportunity to read an animal’s mind. In 20 to 30 years, nursing homes and assisted living facilities will be playing Gangsta Rap. 100% of people who don’t understand the difference between causation and correlation will die. One of those songs you listen to might be your pet’s favorite and you have no way of knowing. Future g...

  • Connecting Point: The Family Tree

    BILL LANES|Jan 3, 2024

    Ancestral genealogies are often searched today. Our youngest son has been looking into our family’s history recently. I just knew it, there is a “Thor” dating back to our Scandinavian side! In the age of the Internet, a person has multiple resources when it comes to a detailed family tree, all at a click and most likely at a cost. Luke, one of the disciples of Jesus, was meticulous as a personal physician. He also sought to investigate the claims and teachings of Jesus Christ thoroughly. In chapter 3 of his account, he includes a compr...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 1/3/2024

    Jan 3, 2024

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, someone you care about or admire could come under scrutiny this week. Whether it is deserved or not, this person will be in the hot seat and can use your support. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, you could project an intensity this week that has other people running for cover. Consider adding a little sugar to your presentation. You’ll still get your point across. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, make an effort to gain greater control over your finances. Develop a budget and stick to it. Soon you’ll enjoy a new level of fin...

  • Editorial: A More Well-Rounded ME in 2024

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Jan 3, 2024

    Every New Year’s I set myself up for failure. I’m going to lose 30 pounds this year! I’m going to wake up early and go for walks every morning! I’m going to cut sugar, wheat, milk, and all things fattening out of my diet. Yeah...right. However, this year feels a bit different. My best friend Stevie, when we were making New Year’s plans, stressed me out when she said she wanted her NYE to be “intentional.” What does that mean? But it turned out to be an evening of girl talk, Love Island Games, and creating 2024 vision boards. We ended the eve...

  • Thought Provokers: 12/27/2023

    Dec 27, 2023

    To our pets, with their sensitive sense of hearing, we must sound like a battalion of Stormtroopers as we stomp through our houses. Be careful around really funny people. They’re funny because they’ve seen shit and developed a defense mechanism.. Being the only sober person among your friends, you can go from having the least fun to having the most fun in a matter of hours. Most people think things are generally getting worse and yet most people are optimistic about a better future. All light pollution can disappear in a fraction of a sec...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 12/27/2023

    GEORGIA|Dec 27, 2023

    Georgia, I have a question, I own my own business and was forced to work on Christmas Day. My boss is a real piece of work - now he wants me to work on New Year’s Day. How do I tell him to kiss my you-know-what? Don’t Wanna Work Dear Don’t Wanna, Let’s start at the beginning...YOU OWN your own BUSINESS? Doesn’t that mean YOU are the BOSS? Are you asking me how do you tell yourself off? Well, if you need someone to tell you to take the day off - I will do that. Take the day off and enjoy the start of the new year - and get on better terms wit...

  • Editorial: Changes This Holiday Season

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Dec 27, 2023

    When you have a child, that first Christmas is magical...and so is the second, third, fourth, and so on. And then, suddenly, that little bundle of joy is a full-grown adult. This year marked the first Christmas of my son’s adulthood. He’s out on his own, having moved to Manhattan in mid-December, and is working at the Bozeman airport. Being the newbie at work, he had to work both Christmas Eve day and Christmas Day. I texted him mid-day Christmas Eve when he got off work, asking whether he thought he could make it over. for Christmas Eve tradit...

  • OpEd: Protecting Our Nation and Honoring Those Who've Already Done So

    SENATORS Bogner Fuller Tempel and Usher|Dec 20, 2023

    For years, Montana has had one of the highest rates of military participation and veterans per capita in the nation. The 2023 Legislature took many steps to both help our men and women in uniform protect our state and country going forward, as well as recognize and honor their service. First, we passed a new law that prohibits foreign adversaries from owning critical infrastructure and agricultural land in Montana. This is crucial to national defense, making it illegal for hostile competitors like China to buy land near our nuclear missiles at...

  • Thought Provokers: 12/20/2023

    Dec 20, 2023

    Gucci’s target audience is the person who can’t afford Gucci. The worse inflation gets, the more we sound like our grandparents. In certain solar systems, you might never live to be a year old. One day, we’ll all buy a food item with a longer expiration date than us. Almost everyone has never killed anyone. Some humans have never experienced the concept of a cold beverage on a hot summer day. When space travel becomes commonplace we’re going to see some of the flat earthers best work to explain it all. People with food allergies must be annoyed...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 12/20/2023

    GEORGIA|Dec 20, 2023

    Georgia, I have a question, I am an average-attractive single woman who just moved here. I am frequently approached by men of other races when I’m out and about in Bozeman and Butte, who flirt with me and try to get my phone number. How do I tell them I am not interested without offending them? I stick to my own kind. Sincerely, No Thanks No Thanks, It is fairly easy to say, “No, thank you.” But if you truly want to repel these interested men, you could tell them the truth: “No offense, but I’m a racist.” They should leave you alone after...

  • Connecting Point: Missing

    BILL LANES|Dec 20, 2023

    Allow me to paint an all too familiar scenario with you for a moment. Families are out in the holiday rush, it’s festive and the crowd is quite large and pressing. In all the excitement it appears that a child (a son) is missing, but the assumption is he’s ok and close by with another family member. Dad and Mom fan out and start backtracking as anxiety builds. To the parents’ surprise, their son is, in fact, missing, nowhere among friends or family. Panic strikes and the search goes on, extending into several days. What would that situa...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 12/20/2023

    Dec 20, 2023

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 This week you may be interested in unusual art forms or creative things in nature, Aries. Therefore, try to enjoy outings that may bring you to exhibits by local artists or craft shows. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, an old friend may come to visit for the holidays and you can rekindle your relationship after many years. Even though it’s been some time, you’ll be glad to see one another. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 An unexpected invitation comes your way, Gemini. It may include a short trip to visit someone or a brief vacation to...

  • Dear Editor: What's Lurking Down There?


    Dear Editor, You all know the maze where the mouse is sitting on top of the maze and the cheese is at the bottom. I think that is what the sewer system looks like in the city of Whitehall. A few months ago my sewer was very plugged up. The plumber thought they might have to call the city and begin to dig. But thank God they got it unplugged. Then it plugged up again while I was in the hospital. I just told them to go in the back door and do whatever they had to do. When I got home the plumber's...

  • Dear Editor: Thanks for the Local News

    KATIE SMITH|Dec 13, 2023

    Dear Editor, Just want to let you know how much I enjoy your paper. You and your staff put in a lot of hard work, which I'm sure you all sincerely enjoy. I much appreciate that you give us some news from both in the community and outside our area. Newspapers are becoming few and nearly extinct! I and many others like our cup of coffee or tea and actually read the paper! I had a good laugh at the Christmas Interview with Kindergarten children. Thank you - hope you keep up the great work!...

  • Thought Provokers: 12/13/2023

    Dec 13, 2023

    People find it weird pagers and fax machines are still being used, but not that radios are popular. There is no human-threatening sky predator like there is on land and water. In science fiction, robots are usually depicted as immortal; in reality, we rarely see any piece of electronics still being used after 20 years. It’s a blessing that we only start forming memories at around three years old. Cheeseballs don’t taste like cheese. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world, yet you really don’t hear that much about it. You loo...

  • CONNECTING POINT: The Gift You've Always Wanted

    BILL LANES|Dec 13, 2023

    Think of a time in life when you wanted a certain gift. Maybe you expected something specific in return or had to wait for a long period of time? What about a time when you never received what you wanted? Many of us have had these experiences. It’s my viewpoint that all the marketing of Christmas in our society has shaped an unbalanced mindset, targeting the constant need for self-gratification. Could we be a bit too self-centered today? Possibly. Now, I’m not a Scrooge and believe that gift-giving has its place, being generous is at the hea...

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