Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana


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  • Thought Provokers: 6/19/2024

    Jun 19, 2024

    Our instincts often think of us as being taller than we are. Sometimes, you learn more from people who disagree with you than those who agree with you. The average lifespan is 76 years. Middle age isn’t 50 - it’s 38. People rarely have an accurate assessment of their abilities. Most either over or underestimate their strengths and weaknesses. The thing you’re looking for will always be in the last place you look. There are 8 billion people worldwide, but only 2 billion seconds to think about them all. The first cloned human will simul...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 6/19/2024

    GEORGIA|Jun 19, 2024

    Georgia, I have a question, My niece has been estranged from the family since her teens. After five years, she returned, wanting to be near family. We are trying to get to know her again, as she is not the same child we knew—pretty much a stranger. When she left, she was a beautiful, smart young lady, but now she states she will live as a hippie. My sister supports this. My niece has facial piercings, full underarm hair, and multiple visible tattoos. I have a question about my son’s upcoming wedding. My niece is excited to attend, but my son...

  • Connecting Point: The Wheel of Emotions

    BILL LANES|Jun 19, 2024

    As human beings, we “feel” a gamut of emotions as we journey through life. As a 53-year-old man, life is much different than when I was 35, I get tired easily and don’t always have as much gusto. Family has always been a priority for Dina and me, we’ve invested love and time into our four wonderful children, and each one is unique. We are entering the “empty nest” years these days and just became first-time grandparents in the fall. Our youngest daughter has graduated from High School, and transitions are happening around us. Like so many oth...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 6/19/2024

    Jun 19, 2024

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 It is important to have some deep conversations with a romantic partner to get to the root of issues that have come up, Aries. You may have an even deeper relationship after a discussion. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, if a particularly large purchase is on the horizon, you may need to adapt your budget accordingly. Start making small changes now so you’ll have the extra cash. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Suddenly, you are more mysterious than you were in the past, Gemini. You may be able to use this allure to make some new friends o...

  • EDITORIAL: A Moment to Humble Brag

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Jun 12, 2024

    Each year, the Montana Newspaper Association invites newspaper professionals to enter their best work in the following categories: Editorial, Design, Photojournalism, Advertising, Digital, and Special Publications. By reciprocal agreement, entries are judged by newspaper professionals and journalists from other state press/newspaper associations; this year’s contest was judged by volunteer members of the Utah Press Association. On June 3rd, the Whitehall Ledger was notified its entries has placed in the following categories: • Best Fea...

  • A Different Perspective: 6/12/2024

    LARRY HOFFMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Jun 12, 2024

    Last Saturday, I was headed back home to an antique tractor and engine show. A variety of perspectives always come to mind: the things that are so very different and the few that have not changed and never will, at least in my lifetime. The springtime mountains, still snow-topped down into their shaded valleys, and the greening hills and plains flowing away from them, with subtle hints and vivid splashes of wildflowers, coming back into the bloom of their endless life cycle. Mature cows and...

  • Dear Editor: Tester Testing

    JIM BUTERBAUGH|Jun 12, 2024

    Dear Editor, Tester tired...tired of the lies. I have grown accustomed to the fact that many politicians would rather tell an 'untruth ' than admit they are worthless. But the commercials I see on TV threaten my ability not to put my remote through the screen. I write of the commercials where you hear, "I am John Tester, and I approve of this message." Tester claims he has been after Biden to secure the border. Except Tester has supported Biden's open border policy. Tester claims...

  • Dear Editor: A Note to the Anonymous Note Leaver

    CHIARA SCHOBER, Whitehall Chamber of Commerce|Jun 12, 2024

    Dear Editor, I am writing in response to an anonymous note I recently received criticizing the appearance of our Chamber. The note, handwritten on a small piece of paper, stated: "This 'Chamber' looks awful! What a mess and embarrassment to this community!" As the only part-time employee of the Chamber, I want to address these concerns and share some context with our community. While I am not responsible for grounds maintenance, I understand the importance of our office's appearance and how it...

  • Thought Provokers: 6/12/2024

    Jun 12, 2024

    Humans are the most photographed species of animal. Eventually, there will be a game in which characters are powered by AI but believe they’re in the real world. The average dog owner will pick up over ten thousand turds during the life of the dog. Microwave companies and popcorn companies are in a strange disagreement about the popcorn button. The internet has given many of us an alter-ego that we wouldn’t display in real life. The initials of Seasonal Affective Disorder spell out how you feel when you have it. It’s funny how when you run t...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 6/12/2024

    Jun 12, 2024

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, you may have to shuffle your schedule a bit this week to accommodate some interesting ideas you have generated on the fly. It's a good thing you're adaptable. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, think about where you want to go in the upcoming weeks because you have some influential supporters who can help propel you in that direction. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, you may be involved in several different projects right now, but you often start things and do not finish them, which can be frustrating to others. Do not take on...

  • Connecting Point: Necessary U-Turns

    BILL LANES|Jun 12, 2024

    It was 1989, and I was in Helena, Montana, at a great restaurant, Frontier Pies. After enjoying dinner and of course, some pie I exited the parking lot with a friend in my 1979 Mustang. I turned right, shifting through the gears, and to my shock, about a block later, all I saw was oncoming traffic in both lanes! I immediately pulled a U-turn; this was necessary. Horns honking in the background and the dismay of other drivers caught my attention. Having never driven much in Helena, I was unaware of the one-way street. I most likely missed the...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 6/12/2024

    GEORGIA|Jun 12, 2024

    Georgia, I have a question, You probably won’t think this is a real question, but unfortunately, it is. Are MATERNITY TESTS real? I gave birth to our daughter two weeks ago. I have red hair and blue eyes; my husband has blonde hair and blue eyes. Our daughter has grayish-brown eyes and a tuft of dark brown hair; her skin is a bit darker than ours. My parents have very dark brown hair and brown eyes, like the rest of my Sicilian/Greek family, but I got the genetic mutation for red hair. This is only relevant because my husband apparently does no...

  • Thought Provokers: 6/5/2024

    Jun 5, 2024

    First-person camera perspective is surprisingly uncommon in movies and TV shows. Real empaths usually don’t tell people they’re empaths. Being at work is the closest most people will ever get to being in prison. A direct correlation exists between how crazy a person is and how many bumper stickers they have. People with addiction cannot stop. In contrast, people with depression cannot start. Most drinking establishments on TV are well-lit, relatively quiet, and do not have drunk people—the exact opposite of reality. The older you get, the m...

  • Dear Editor: God Bless the Baumeisters

    LAURA MCCARTHY|Jun 5, 2024

    Dear Editor, My name is Laura, and I live in Twin Bridges. My husband, Tom McCarthy, passed away two years ago this August. We all remember the winter of 2022 with all the snow. Tom was blessed to have Bart Baumeister as a friend and his boss at the Pipestone Quarry. He, his wife Natalie, and their son Gage helped me so much through my first winter alone. Anytime I needed them, they were there to help me. They cleared snow from my driveway, helped me with my firewood, and even bought and...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 6/5/2024

    GEORGIA|Jun 5, 2024

    Georgia, I have a question, My cousin uninvited me from her wedding, where I (17) was supposed to be a bridesmaid, because I asked if I could bring a plus one. All the other family members are allowed to bring their partners. However, she won’t let me bring my boyfriend since we’ve been together for less than a year. We’ve been together for three months, and that’s a long time for me, so I don’t understand what she is thinking. She believes that I’ll be glad he wasn’t in any of the photos when we break up. I think it’s unfair that she undere...

  • CONNECTING POINT: The Aroma of Forgiveness

    BILL LANES|Jun 5, 2024

    Have you ever been in a setting and observed the difference between an individual’s sincere emotion and pseudo-emotion? We all must be cautious about “reading” people because sometimes our take may be off; however, there are moments when we can truly “read the room.” This occurs in Luke 7 when Jesus is invited to Simon the Pharisee’s home. Jesus had an ability, unlike others, to understand the intentions of the heart. Simon was a cold-hearted keeper of the law, evident by his hidden motives towards the sincere woman washing Jesus’ feet...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 6/5/2024

    Jun 5, 2024

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Family obligations are swimming through your mind, Aries. It is time to sit down and hammer out a resolution that will appeal to everyone and lighten your load. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 A special person in your life is getting closer and closer to you every day, Taurus. This may be the companion that you have been hoping for. Continue to take things slowly. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, sometimes you have a tendency to make things more difficult than they need to be. Stop obsessing over every little detail this week. Things have...

  • Dear Editor: If You Don't Have Good People, You Don't Have Much

    May 29, 2024

    Dear Editor, If there is one thing every business owner, rancher, and manager agrees on, it's that if you don't have good people, you don't have much. And if there's one thing Montanans (and, increasingly, outsiders) know, it's how good our hunting and fishing opportunities generally are. They make life here special. They feed our families and shape our lives. We tend to assume these same opportunities will continue for our kids, regardless of income-but Governor Gianforte and Fish, Wildlife & P...

  • Dear Editor: I Support Stacy Zinn

    JIM BUTERBAUGH|May 29, 2024

    Dear Editor, I know this is two weeks too late, but better now than never. I am writing in support of Stacy Zinn, a candidate for the congressional seat Matt Rosendale left vacant. I have met with Stacy several times; when she was in town last week, I had lunch with her at the Two Bit. (great food, by the way). She is a small ball of fire. She has spent 23 years with the Drug Enforcement Agency. As an agent, she spent time at the southern border in operations targeting Mexican drug cartels. Duri...

  • Dear Editor: Response to Gary Marbut

    TOM HENDERSON|May 29, 2024

    Dear Editor, This is in response to Gary Marbut's Op-Ed "Is This a Canary in a Coal Mine?" "Oh boy, even though I'm a little bit mentally unstable, I can still go out and buy that machine gun." TOM HENDERSON Whitehall, Montana...

  • Thought Provokers: 5/29/2024

    May 29, 2024

    Every girl puts on the same voice when imitating a guy. No one ever sings Happy Birthday to a baby on their birth-day. There are numbers large enough that no computer can store them. Breastmilk is the only thing most adult humans don’t ever remember the taste of. Pipe cleaners are used more for arts and crafts than cleaning pipes. As you age, 4 AM goes from being late at night to being early in the morning. Meatballs sure sound better than balls of meat. You rarely see a user review for jails. It’s lucky for native English speakers that Eng...

  • A Different Perspective: 5/29/2024

    LARRY HOFFMAN, Whitehall Ledger|May 29, 2024

    The primary elections are just ahead, where perspectives collide, and some are eliminated in the rush to November. This may be the most emotional and anger-tainted campaign ever, with little agreement on any front. There are so many perspectives! In the olden days, like in the last century, the choices were fairly well-defined. The questions on the ballots were simple: Democrat, Republican, Independent, and maybe a Socialist or Green party thrown in as a token gesture. Now, none of those...

  • CONNECTING POINT: The Aroma of Forgiveness

    BILL LANES|May 29, 2024

    Humans can distinguish between 2000 and 4000 different odors. Some have a heightened sense of smell and can distinguish nearly 10,000 types of odors; they are supposed experts in the wine and coffee industry. I would like to claim expertise in one of my favorite fields, chocolate, but if you follow my logic, I could be more of a consumer than a professional who distinguishes the various succulent odors. LOL! Other odors are not glamorous to discuss, especially dirty and smelly feet. Over the centuries, innovation has brought breathable shoes an...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 5/29/2024

    May 29, 2024

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 You may have a chance to get to know someone better this week, Aries. Trust your instincts rather than listening to what is running through the rumor mill. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, you may be ready to shake things up in regard to your social life or even with a professional pursuit. Work out the path you want to take. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Following your curiosity may lead you down some interesting paths, Gemini. Things can change on a moment’s notice, so be prepared to respond. CANCER Jun 22/Jul 22 An intellectual d...

  • Op Ed: Is This a Canary in a Coal Mine?

    GARY MARBUT, Montana Shooting Sports Association|May 22, 2024

    A gun show scheduled in Hamilton, Montana, for the weekend of May 17th, 18th, and 19th was canceled because of the new regulation by the Biden administration and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE) redefining what “engaged in the business” is for selling one or more firearms. Typically, some vendors at gun shows have federal firearms licenses to be in the business of selling firearms and require all buyers to complete a federal background check before completing a transaction. Other vendors are private sellers, not...

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