Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana


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  • Column: Storm People

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Mar 6, 2019

    When a severe winter storm hit recently, I didn't think it would stick around for nearly a week. I'm over the freezing cold, horrible roads, snow everywhere, crappy drivers and everything else that has to do with winter. For the first time I really understand snow birding and how all the local residents must really be enjoying the warmer temperatures while the rest of us adjust the pillows in our igloos. While I own a 4-wheel drive vehicle, it has a problem with the battery, so we have had to...

  • Column: Bleacher Butt and Romper Room

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Feb 27, 2019

    When I first started in journalism, I always thought a dream job would be a major movie critic. Several times a week I'd be able to watch movies and then would get the opportunity to write about them. I don't watch nearly as many movies as I used to, I've kind of transitioned to binge watching television shows, but at a time I would spend multiple hours a week watching a wide variety of cinema. I think for a year or two I was going to try and work my way into a position where I could be a movie...

  • Column: Social Media

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Feb 20, 2019

    I'm a little bit ashamed of how much time I spend a day on social media. I cannot imagine how productive I would be without it, but it does connect me with friends and family from afar, and is also useful for work, so it does have value. It also drives me crazy when I see the same things over and over and have recently been thinking about the type of posts I see on a day-to-day basis and figured I'd share this information in a column. These are certainly not trying to bash on anyone, in fact I...

  • Column: Adam & Janet

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Feb 13, 2019

    In the days after the Super Bowl social media was on fire and it wasn't about the actual game that just so happened to be probably the least exciting championship affair in recent memory. Instead of talk about how the Patriots defense played or how the Rams had trouble getting a first down, it was instead about the Super Bowl Halftime show and Maroon 5 lead singer Adam Levine. While the ladies at my house may have swooned a bit when he removed his shirt, 99 percent of what I read was negative...

  • Column: February in Moscow

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Feb 6, 2019

    The past few days of below zero temperatures reminded me of growing up in what is known as the "high desert" of Wyoming. It is full of wide-open spaces and plenty of outdoor opportunities and also has some cold temperatures during the winter months. Even more so than the temperatures, I grew up with biting winds that could make even a fair day feel awful. Over the past week I have seen multiple news reports of the crippling cold front that hit the Midwest with the force of a Mike Tyson punch...

  • Column: 5 Minutes

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Jan 30, 2019

    A few years ago, my mother Janet retired after working many years at a coal fired power plant in Wyoming. While it was a great job with outstanding benefits, she was very eager to move on with her life. While many people have an elaborate list of things, they want to accomplish during retirement she kept it pretty simple. There would be a little bit of traveling, organizing her 40 year's worth of recipes, spending time with family and her dog Bella Mia and wine. After seeing her make the daily c...

  • COLUMN: "K"

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Jan 23, 2019

    'm a little late to the party for a "New Year's" column, but there are certainly some things I would like to see unfold a little bit different in 2019. Don't get me wrong, I'm completely happy with my life, I would just like to see few minor things changed in 2019. I would love to say that the year will see people start using their phones a little less, but I know that is never going to happen and I'm sure I'll probably once again miss a few huge touchdowns or three pointers because I was taking...

  • Column: The Top

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Jan 16, 2019

    I'll be the first to admit that I sometimes find myself so busy that I will forget to truly enjoy the little things that can make life so enjoyable. Last weekend I learned a valuable lesson from my kitten Jerusha that was a great reminder to always take time to spend a few moments each day finding something small that can bring a smile to my face. It didn't take long after finding Jerusha as an abandoned small kitten in the summer of 2017 for her to become part of the family. At her age she...

  • Column: Garry

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Jan 9, 2019

    A few days before Christmas I received some saddening news about the death of a longtime friend in Wyoming. In my time knowing Garry Gouger he was a co-worker who I would later work directly for. He was a mentor and someone who always made me laugh even if I was having the worst of days. He had no filter, a huge heart, and showed me that work should be fun not a horrible place you dread going to. I first met Garry when I was a hired as a full-time reporter at the daily newspaper in my hometown....

  • Column: Christmas Eve

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Jan 2, 2019

    With Christmas falling on a Tuesday in 2018, I really needed to be on top of things so that I could have the newspaper sent to the printer by early on Christmas Eve. On a normal week, I will usually have the pages ready to go by early Tuesday afternoon, but in order to spend time with family I needed to make sure they were done last week by early Monday morning. I knew to accomplish this I would have to spend my weekend working which is nothing out of the ordinary, so I woke up early Saturday...

  • Column: The Elevator

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Dec 26, 2018

    In last week's column I wrote about how much I missed my big green trunk full of collectibles from my youth. While thinking about the contents of the trunk I remembered one of the favorite books from my childhood. It was a book about the 50 states, and I can remember spending hours reading it and learning the state capitals quite possibly before I learned cursive. I'm not sure I ever learned cursive correctly, but there was a time I could rattle of a capital quicker than most adults. When I was in grade school, we had a project in geography tha...

  • Our View: Ground breaking a great day for WPT

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Dec 19, 2018

    Since it's inception in 2011, Whitehall Public Transportation has provided an amazing service for local residents. During a special groundbreaking ceremony last week, WPT came one step closer to the completion of their new bus barn. The Richard (Dick) Gustin Memorial Bus Barn will be a huge asset to a service that is a huge asset to the community. For those unfamiliar with Whitehall Public Transportation, they are the only provider of transit for the general public locally. While their primary f...

  • Column: My Big Green Trunk

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Dec 19, 2018

    When I was around fix or six years old I received a present for Christmas that I really did not know what to think of. A few weeks before Christmas a large wrapped box had been placed under the tree with my name on it and I was ecstatic. I can remember thinking about all the wonderful possibilities and could not wait to tear off the wrapping paper to see what was surely something amazing. When it came time to open presents, I immediately opened this gift and was shocked to see what I would find...

  • Column: Christmas Memories

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Dec 12, 2018

    As a child there was always a magical feeling during the Christmas season. It was usually after Thanksgiving that I started to count down the days which seemed to get longer and longer as it inched closer to Christmas. I never minded the last few days of school before break because there was always a fun celebration and nothing productive was ever accomplished. I'm sure the teachers were also as eager to get a break from the kids who were getting crazier with each passing day. The wait between...

  • Column: Chicken in a Can

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Dec 5, 2018

    It always makes me laugh when I'm watching a "true crime" show and someone will describe their community as a small town. I recently watched a show where Fort Collins, Colorado was painted as a small college town and I could not believe what I was hearing. Having lived there I can 100 percent say it is far from a town and probably has a population close to 200,000. I guess since so many people live in major cities, they probably lose sight of what a small town really is. When someone references...

  • Column: Stuck in the window

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Nov 28, 2018

    In my line of work, I've established a routine that makes it a lot easier to get the job done. Any little change will throw me out of my comfort zone and last week was a perfect example of this. With the Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday, I had to change things up to get two weekly newspapers to the printer by Monday and it was a battle. I knew my best bet would be to write as much as humanly possible on the Wednesday and Thursday before, but things don't always go as planned. Instead I was...

  • Our View: Fire department needs volunteers

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Nov 20, 2018

    The word "hero" has a different meaning for everyone. In my eyes, a "hero" can mean anything from a past or present member of the military to a teacher who does their best each and everyday to help ensure the future is bright for a younger generation. There is also no better definition in my eyes of a hero than the local residents who are members of law enforcement, firefighters, EMS personnel or involved with search and rescue. The past few weeks in California have been a harrowing example of...

  • Column: Tacos?

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Nov 20, 2018

    I must have missed the memo, but somehow it feels as if society has immediately transitioned from Halloween to Christmas. I drove by a neighbor's house the other day and his yard was full of decorations. I wasn't quite sure if I wanted to throw up or pull the car over get in the back seat and sob because Thanksgiving seems to have gotten thrown out like yesterday's trash. I'm not sure if it is because "Black Friday" has turned into such a massive Pre-Christmas event, but I feel society is...

  • COLUMN: It's Over

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Nov 14, 2018

    I think it's probably safe to say I'm one of many that are excited the 2018 General election is done. For the past several months it has been darn near impossible to sit and watch a football game or one of my favorite shows without at least three or four commercials during each break ruining what should be a relaxing time. The federal races were so bad that there would be a commercial by one candidate followed by a commercial from another. The next break would be chalk full of commercials from...

  • OUR VIEW: Whitehall needs Halloween event

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Nov 7, 2018

    A few weeks ago, members of the Whitehall Chamber of Commerce discussed the idea of hosting a Halloween festival. This is not only a great idea, it is something that is very needed for the community. Halloween has changed quite a bit over the past several decades. It used to be that trick or treating was the culmination of events and streets would be lined for several hours with kids eager to fill their bag full of enough sugar to make their parents crazy until Thanksgiving. Things are...

  • Column: Home chef

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Nov 7, 2018

    I really enjoy what I do for a living, but at the same time often think what it would be like to have picked another career. While I certainly love sports about as much as one can, the fact I can barely go up or down the stairs without falling, I knew early on I would never be able to take that path. In fact, the other day I was super excited to take a glass of chocolate milk and a bowl of popcorn down the stairs the other night, slipped halfway down and the mess was horrific. I'm still finding...

  • Column: 6 things...

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Oct 31, 2018

    There are days when I can produce up to 10 stories without a care in the world, and other days where I struggle to write even the lead to one. Whenever I'm struggling with a block, I will usually start with my weekly column and go from there. Sometimes I will easily come up with an idea based on something that happened in my day-to-day life or at the newspaper, while other times I will spend a few minutes on the Internet reading about a variety of topics, often probably wasting way too much time...

  • EDITORIAL: I-186 is a bad idea for Monatna

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Oct 31, 2018

    In a little under a week, voters in Montana will go to the polls to decide the fate of Ballot Initiative I-186. Simply put, I-186 is a horrible idea for the state. It could not only have a detrimental affect on all of Montana, the consequences would be even more dire in the Whitehall area. Montana is a state that has the proper balance between environmental protection and economic prosperity and this initiative threatens to upset this in a devastating way through the loss of jobs and a direct blow to the economy. With the recently approved...

  • Column: I appreciate you!

    Oct 24, 2018

    Each week I have a column in the Whitehall Ledger and the content can range from serious to absurd. There are also certainly and more often than I like columns that seem may seem a little bit cranky with my observations on day-to-day life. This week I would like to change it up and put a much more positive spin on my 500ish words. Probably the favorite place I have worked at is the Green River Star weekly newspaper in Wyoming. It was a tight knit staff of people who truly did care for each other...

  • Column: Hitchhikers

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Oct 17, 2018

    It's pretty safe to say that the warmer are days of 2018 are long gone and the next few months will have some chilly days. As idiots drive by way to fast on the Interstate people will long for the days when there were warmer temperatures and clear roads. As someone who spends a lot of time on the road, I prefer them clear although the warmer temperatures bring out the seasonal hitchhikers. I would not say I scare easily, but I do admit that each and every time I pass a hitchhiker I immediately...

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