Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana


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  • COLUMN: Tourney Time

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Feb 26, 2020

    Over the past several years I've covered a lot of high school basketball games in gyms across the western United States. Easily one of my favorite parts about this has been covering the annual 5B District Tournament in Belgrade and last week was no different. It is always filled with a lot of passion from both the teams and fans and an atmosphere that is hard to match. My first experience at the tournament five years ago was definitely an eye-opener and I had no idea what to expect. After a...

  • COLUMN: Giant Jam Sandwich

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Feb 19, 2020

    While there are certainly nights I can hop right in bed and fall asleep there are also those nights where I toss and turn for hours. It often times has to do with some stress for work but other times it is for a really mundane or strange reason and this was the case last week when at 2 a.m. I was thinking of a giant sandwich. The night had started off pretty good as I wondered to go to bed at 9 p.m. That may sound a bit early for some but not for me. I don't mind going to bed early and in fact,...

  • Column: Funeral Potatoes

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Feb 12, 2020

    Each year in my household the “Super Bowl” serves as a wonderful opportunity to have some wonderful “game day” type food. I would like to say it is also a chance to also watch football but that isn’t always the case for everyone in the house. While the game was going on, the two teenaged girls in the house had no interest and were instead went into the family room to watch what they wanted which was certainly not the Kansas City Chiefs or San Francisco 49ers. We used to make them sit with us and watch but they were miserable the entire ti...

  • Column: Wait, never a Big Mac?

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Feb 5, 2020

    I think it is probably safe to say that nobody in my house is a morning person and the rides to work are usually pretty quiet. Every now and then I will badger Shayla on the way to work with a bunch of random questions that drives her up the wall. She turned 13 on Monday so she is at the age where she is fussy all the time and over some of the stupidest things so the random questions really can light a fuse under her. Although it is kind of like poking a bear it can still provide some laughter...

  • Column: Braveheart

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Jan 29, 2020

    There were probably a lot of people I graduated high school within Wyoming that instantly matured as they took their next steps in life, but this was certainly not the case for myself or my trusted crew The couple of years following high school were very eventful, never dull, and included a lot of pranks. Looking back, it may seem a bit childish now, but my friends and I went back and forth so hard at each other with our pranks that I once was left screaming in the bathroom at 4 a.m. because of Mel Gibson. Probably my biggest partner in crime...

  • Column: The Flu

    Jan 22, 2020

    It’s never fun to get the flu, and it is even worse when it hits you like a Conor McGregor left on your busiest day of the week. This was certainly the case last week when I struggled mightily and am still unsure how I got both of the newspapers sent to the printer. While I think the absolute biggest stinker of a time to get the flu would be on vacation, a Monday for me is pretty close to being stuck in a tiny bathroom on a cruise ship while the rest of those on board have a ton of fun. I had been pretty lucky to not have been sick for a while...

  • Column: Unsteady Work

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Jan 15, 2020

    It's always an exciting yet scary time when moving to a new community and this certainly was the case when I lived in Washington a few years ago. Normally when I had moved in the past, I had a job at a newspaper lined up, but this time was different, and I was very much in need of a job and in need of one quickly. I applied at a huge daily newspaper and while I did make it to the interview process, I did not land the gig. I wasn't discouraged and kept applying everywhere I could and a few weeks...

  • Column: Bowl Mania

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Jan 8, 2020

    A few weeks ago, I talked about how I would do my best to stay up until midnight to ring in the new year, but I was in bed well before the new decade. I remember my Grandpa once telling me nothing good ever happens after midnight, so I probably didn't miss anything too positive and I was also rested for a day off in the middle of the week which is a rare treat. If it was a decade ago, I probably would have spent my New Year's Day with a headache and watching football, but football on January 1...

  • COLUMN: The Remote

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Jan 2, 2020

    When I was growing up, I never usually had much say in what television show was being played in the house. In the days before the remote control, I would certainly have to be the one to get up and change the channel but that was my extent of being a decision-maker. I guess I was the remote control. If it was my older sister in charge it would be either soap operas or MTV when it used to play music videos instead of the garbage reality programs that have seem to find quite the niche with today's...

  • COLUMN: Discombobulated

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Dec 26, 2019

    In a few days, people across the world will stay up until midnight to welcome the new year. I most likely will not be one of them. In fact, it has been several years since I stayed up that late that night. This was not always the case and I can remember spending about 20 straight watching the "ball drop" at Times Square or singing and shouting with a great group of friends or family. New Year's Eve always was a way to bring a great group of friends together and always made for an interesting...

  • Column: The Currency of Gum

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Dec 18, 2019

    I was watching a television show about how stuff is made, and they had an episode about gum. While I still enjoy a piece every now and then, it brought back memories of my childhood. As a little kid, I would always try to get a pack of gum at the store. If I found out I would not be getting one, I would throw a major tantrum which usually didn't help, but every once in a while, it would result in a brand-new pack or two. I'm still not sure why to this day I would oftentimes prefer gum over...

  • Column: Turkey, Turkey, Turkey

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Dec 11, 2019

    Anyone that knows me well certainly understands how much I understand a traditional turkey dinner. If I was ever kidnapped for a ransom and told I could only pick one meal this would certainly be it, but I’m sure that after few hours of taking me the guilty party would give me back because they were sick of me. I normally like to have turkey dinner several times of the year, but this did not happen from November of 2018 to November of this year. I moved to a new place in 2019 so that took most of the energy I had so I didn’t want to deal wit...

  • Jane Ann (Yost) Hanson

    Dec 11, 2019

    On December 3, 2019 Jane Ann (Yost) Hanson surrounded by her children, became an angel due to her oversized heart. Jane was born November 20, 1942 in Faribault, Minnesota to Ernest and Marjorie (Brock) Yost. She grew up in St. Paul, MN with many fond memories, such as ice-skating adventures with her father and many visits to the Brock family farm in Newton, Iowa. Following in her mother's footsteps, she found her calling with a degree in elementary education and started her teaching career in...

  • Column: Secret Shopper

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Dec 4, 2019

    Since I started studying journalism in college, I've been able to have a lot of very interesting newspaper jobs. While they were not always as much fun as I would have liked, I always learned a lot and from a wide variety of people. I just had a friend who just left a newspaper job she had for around 15 years and I really think that is quite the accomplishment in the field of journalism, but I'm glad that I took the route of a literal roving reporter. During my travels, I've had mostly jobs at...

  • Column: Christmas in July

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Nov 27, 2019

    I was scrolling through social media a few weeks ago and saw a picture of my buddy's kids with Santa. This really struck me as odd considering it was only a few days after Halloween and a bit too early for kids to be making a visit to Mr. K ringle asking him for a Pokémon or whatever it is kids like these days. I guess it's just another example of people trying to make the Christmas season a couple of months affair. I was actually excited for Halloween to be over for another year. Ever since I...

  • Column: Ham and Beans

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Nov 20, 2019

    I really enjoy cooking and the weekends are my favorite time to put some time and effort into creating a great meal. It's never as much fun on weekdays because after a long day I really don't want to spend much time in the kitchen. A few weeks ago, I decided to make ham and beans and I started out early in the morning by putting some ham hocks in some stock, spices, beans, and vegetables and after a few hours, the house was really starting to smell good. I had purchased some pre-cooked ham and...

  • Column: Goat Heads

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Nov 13, 2019

    While I certainly don't mind being outside for a hike or spending a few days camping without any technology or a care in the world, I also very much like to be sitting on the self-created divot on my couch and binge-watching a television show or a football or basketball game. Over the years, I have also really grown to love mixed martial arts and have gone to six UFC events in the past decade. Watching a fight card live is a magical experience and the energy in the arena, especially for a...

  • Column: Grub's

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Nov 6, 2019

    Every few months I will have a dream of a small little diner in my hometown of Rock Springs, Wyoming. After the dream, I will always wake up hungry and craving a double shamrock and fries with from Grub's Drive-In. While it may make some people giddy to dream about food, I will always wake up angry because the food in question is a bit more than a quick trip downtown or a short trip to Bozeman or Butte. I still remember the first time I ever stepped foot into the little diner that has counter...

  • Column: Miserable

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Oct 30, 2019

    Southwest Montana is a really wonderful place to both work and live and I'm truly blessed to call the Treasure State home. I've lived and worked all over the western United States and Montana truly is a special place. I wish I could say that about everywhere I've worked, but I can't. When I was a little bit younger, I was more than a little bit impulsive and I would get "ants in my pants" and never want to stay at the same newspaper job for too long. I wanted a new adventure and I would go on...

  • Column: Green Hair Don't Care

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Oct 23, 2019

    When I was a senior in college, I was taking classes through the University of Wyoming Extension office in my hometown and waiting tables at a local restaurant. I had a steady girlfriend, a great group of friends, was making pretty decent money and probably learning a little bit at the same time. Despite my happiness with my lot in life, I would always apply when my hometown newspaper had an opening for a reporter. I really wanted the sports opening but would also apply when anything else...

  • Column: Peaches

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Oct 16, 2019

    It was just about nine years ago when I first spotted "Peaches" walking near my home in Washington. I had never been a cat person in my life, but I instantly felt for him as the little kitten followed his mother. I knew in a heartbeat that the life of a stray cat would not be a good one and I wanted to give him a better home and for nearly nine years I did just that. Peaches instantly became an important part of my life as I learned the intricacies of cats. We soon were inseparable, and he would...

  • COLUMN: Lonely Shopping

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Oct 9, 2019

    With the kids both in activities this fall there have not been many family trips to the grocery store. This is probably a good thing. For some strange reason they don't seem to like all the embarrassing things I will do to draw attention to us at the store. They are both at the age they want no part with this innocent fun at the store. As far as they are concerned in the next aisle could be a "cute boy" and it would an outrage if they heard me talking in the voice of one of my cats or doing a...

  • Column: Stinky Tiger

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Oct 2, 2019

    I was watching a football game the other day and witnessed a mascot going absolutely bananas on the sideline and it reminded me of my senior year of high school. For the two and a half years of school, I had often watched the "Tiger" at my high school at games and it was usually a very dull performance. Finally, after watching the mascot spend most of the time sitting on the ground at a basketball game, I decided I had enough, and figured out what I needed to do to be the mascot. I was told by...

  • Column: Button Fly

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Sep 25, 2019

    I don't really get home to Wyoming to visit family and friends as much as I would like. It's not necessarily the seven-hour drive that is a burden, it is instead falling way too behind at work which is never fun. Earlier this month I had a good friend getting married and I decided to make a quick trip to attend his wedding. I had not been home in nearly two years and would have liked to stay for a few days but instead would arrive in my driveway 33 hours after I had left. Considering 14 hours...

  • COLUMN: Falling For Fall

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Sep 18, 2019

    Fall has arrived in Southwest Montana and I must say it is easily my favorite season the year. I love to leave the house for work on a crisp morning and see the temperature slowly rise to a comfortable high later in the day. To me there is just something special about the colors of fall and it also means the start of football season which also gets me fairly excited unless I have to try and take pictures again in a driving rain storm which was a nightmare. I still don't think my camera is dry. H...

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