Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana


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  • Horoscope: 3/24/2021

    Mar 24, 2021

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Don’t shy away from the issues that keep cropping up this week, Aries. They may cause a few headaches, but they also are making the days much more exciting. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, many people like to live by the mantra “don’t judge a book by its cover,” but many times appearances matter. Don’t regret picking out a nice outfit or a trendy restaurant. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Change may take you in unexpected directions this week, Gemini. The good news is that things are finally turning around for you. Enjoy this exciting ti...

  • Dear Editor: Letter from a Horseman

    Mar 24, 2021

    This is a letter from a horseman. Any horse person who has tried to buy some round bales of hay probably has heard the same story from the hayman or cattleman. They say some guy came and bought it all. This all started last October and no telling how many years this will last. Maybe when the cattlemen get done trying to punish the packers. Personally I think this is very selfish on their part. What’s next? Oh yeah...the great land grab. Robert Lack Whitehall, MT...

  • Dear Editor: Another Mass Shooting...

    Mar 24, 2021

    Dear Editor, Another mass shooting in America (four more shot, wounded, or killed) this time in Atlanta. From January 1, 2021 to March 20, 2021 there have been 101 mass shootings. Total number of gun deaths, all causes, is 9,197. That is 115 a day. Two hundred and ninety were kids aged 0-17. Guns are the 2nd leading cause of deaths for that age group and the #1 cause for black children. Three times that number were shot and survived. Oh, that Second Amendment doing just what it was designed to do. In 2019, four hundred and seventeen mass...

  • Decisions, Decisions...Adulting is Hard

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Mar 24, 2021

    This week has been loaded with decisions, big and small, important and mundane for me. Do I get the COVID-19 shot? Do I dye my hair to cover that little stupid gray strand?’ Should I check my oil today or can I make it one more trip to Bozeman without worrying about it? Do I make the paper bigger by four pages each week, and if I do, can I handle that? So many decisions, so little time. Wouldn’t it be great if the voices in our heads guiding us to make the decisions could also foretell the future and all the problems that come with the dec...

  • A Source is a Source is a Source....

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Mar 17, 2021

    The Ledger recently received an anonymous letter with information regarding a potential story to cover. After looking into the supplied information, I was able to get to the truth of the matter. However, with an anonymous letter - how do you let them know you did your job, investigated, but will not be pursuing further for the newspaper? You can’t. I also received information and documentation regarding a story from last week’s paper about the Town’s tax issues. The person who gave the information wanted to remain anonymous. A few weeks ago,...

  • Dear Editor: Police Essential

    Pati McLaughlin|Mar 17, 2021

    Dear Editor, Did I read the article correctly that the town of Whitehall is considering cutting the hours of our law enforcement? I was under the impression that the main object of our law enforcement officers was to protect and serve the community of Whitehall and surrounding area, not generate revenue. I see our officers’ presence as a deterrent. Maybe that’s the reason they’ve not written many tickets. Their presence before and after school keeps our children safe. When my daughter and I were almost run down while walking to school by a per...

  • Dear Editor: Finest Commentary

    Tim Morgan|Mar 17, 2021

    Dear Editor, The article “Woke Cancel Culture, Racism, and Me” is one of the finest commentaries on the present condition of the world that I have read in a very long time. If people would re-learn how to interact on a non-confrontational basis, we could see that we have more in common than we are given credit for. As a white male born in the 50’s, my heroes included Bill Russell, Wes Unseld, Rod Carew, and Joe Greene. Also included were my father, Kent Hrbek, and George Carlin. Color doesn’t matter, the quality of the person does. Tim Morgan...

  • Go Ask Jo: 3/17/2021

    Jo|Mar 17, 2021

    Dear Jo, I am not sure how to say this, I guess the best way is just to get it out. I love my horse more than my husband. There it is, in black and white. I want to keep my husband, and of course, my horse. I am feeling guilty and wonder if I need to admit to my husband that if I had to choose, it would be my beloved horse. Is that a terrible thing? Should I come clean and tell my husband? I think he knows, he is often jealous when I head out in the hills without him. Please help me. Signed, Giddy-up Girl Dear Giddy-up, Well, this is a first, a...

  • Who IS Jo?

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Mar 17, 2021

    I’ve heard that Jo’s mysterious identity is driving many a soul in Whitehall a bit crazy with guesses! I thought I’d give a bit of insight into this intriguing figure of etiquette wisdom. Yes, Jo is a Whitehall resident - your questions are being answered by someone right here in town. You’ve probably stood beside Jo in line at the Post Office, been parked behind Jo at the A&W/KFC drive through; you’ve probably waved at Jo as you drove by. Is “Jo” this person’s real name? Absolutely not! I’ve heard guesses that Jo is JoLynn Fleege (who does...

  • Horoscope: Week of 3/17/2021

    Mar 17, 2021

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Concern about the plight of the less fortunate could be on your mind, Aries. You may have many questions about humanitarian issues and be wondering how to get involved. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 You normally are a very active person, Taurus. Figure out ways to channel that activity into something for the greater good as well as something that can benefit you. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 This week you will enjoy a break where you can relax and decompress for a change, Gemini. Maybe you can use it as an opportunity to be introspective and...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 3/12/2025

    Mar 12, 2021

    ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, you are in a leadership position this week, whether you realize it or not. Your confidence may inspire others to follow your lead. Just be sure not to micromanage. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, stability is vital to you. This week, you may find yourself craving a deeper connection. Explore the different types of relationships in your life and make a plan. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 This is an excellent week for networking and making new friends, Gemini. However, be careful of overcommitting, as it is easy to fill up yo...

  • CONNECTING POINT: Count the Cost

    BILL LANES, Whitehall Assembly of God|Mar 12, 2021

    If you’ve ever built a home or embarked on a major home remodel project, I bet you’ve crunched the financial numbers to see if you can make ends meet. Recently, the cost of goods and services, especially construction supplies, has spiked. One thing is for certain: No one generally sets out to start a project only to abandon it halfway through the process. Sometimes, this occurs either for economic reasons or personal reasons. An interesting example is the Ryugyong Hotel in Pyongyang, North Korea. in 1987. Construction began as this mag...

  • What's in a Name? A Lot...

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Mar 10, 2021

    The question of the day: What’s in a name? My answer: a LOT, especially when you get the name wrong. We’ve all said the wrong name to someone when we see them out in public – called them Sam instead of Stan or Mary instead of Amy. We’re thinking too quickly, and our minds aren’t where our mouths are. Some of us are smarter than that, saying a simple “Hi, Sweetie” or “Hey, Handsome” when the name eludes us. My parents taught me my manners well and I use it to my advantage when it comes to names, calling someone “Ma’am” or “Sir” when I can’t r...

  • Dear Editor: Please Help the Reeds

    Carol Biedermann|Mar 10, 2021

    Dear Editor, Many know Patti and Jerry Reed. They are the loving, giving of their time and resources duo, who help cats and dogs in need. Be it surgery, the unwanted, elderly; they step up and take the animals in, many times at their expense, and love and care for them until death unless adopted out. For 10 years, they’ve been a wonderful addition to Whitehall and now the rescue part of this business has ended. You may have read it in the Ledger. It has cost them financially and that cannot be sustained any longer. The debt is over $9000 for t...

  • Dear Editor: Haters are Going to Hate

    Gerald L. Johnson|Mar 10, 2021

    Dear Editor, After reading the somewhat new and improved Whitehall Ledger over the past month, I’ve got to say...redneck bullies who have little else to do other than harrassing, threatening and attempting to intimidate the Owner/Editor of the Ledger need to get a life. A “real” life! Based on truth. Not propogranda and conspiracy theories. Haters are going to hate. That’s what they do, that’s who they are. Resist those who seek to promote division. I, and 80 million fellow Americans, did just that on November 3, 2020. Have a good day! Gera...

  • Dear Editor: The Health Department Is With You

    Erin Ritchie RN, Jefferson County Health Department|Mar 10, 2021

    Dear Editor, To those of you who have been struggling with the uncertainty of this virus, we have struggled with you. We have struggled with how best to protect our community. We have debated policy and procedures. We have followed the best practices laid out by our country’s and the world’s top health professionals. We have listened to the concerns of our community members. We have tirelessly put together constantly evolving plans that best fit our communities needs and kept us all as safe as possible. And we will continue to fight this virus...

  • Go Ask Jo: 3/10/2021

    Jo|Mar 10, 2021

    Dear Jo, I could really use some advice. One of my very good friends is on several dating sites. She uses a picture from about 15 years (and 40 pounds) ago. She will often share stories of this “great looking”, “super buff”, “really rich” guys who she is meeting online. I am skeptical about online dating to begin with, but how can she believe these guys really are what they are saying when she herself is not being truthful? Also, if she agrees to meet someone, how will she explain her profile? Should I talk honestly with her and warn her th...

  • Dear Editor: My Fellow Americans...

    Todd F. Green|Mar 10, 2021

    My fellow Americans, I am wondering if you are as curious as I am to know who is running our country. Even the casual observer can see and hear that Joe Biden is not anywhere near up to the job. He is unable to speak intelligibly, make decisions or answer questions about what he is being led to do. This reminds me of the Wizard of Oz. A grand kingdom being run by the mysterious and unapproachable Wizard, a mere man behind the curtain pulling all the levers. Behind a curtain, in the basement – what’s the difference, no one sees who is doing the...

  • Dear Editor: Preserve Free Speech

    Leslie Alley|Mar 10, 2021

    Dear Editor, After reading the political debate going on in the Ledger Viewpoint page, it is good to see that freedom of speech is alive and well in Whitehall, Montana. Unfortunately, this is not universally the case in our country as we read of people being shamed, ostracized, censored, and even fired from their jobs simply for expressing their beliefs. Debate in the public square is a hallmark of a free society; those living under totalitarian/communist regimes know only too well the value of free speech and the consequences of its loss. Immi...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 3/10/2021

    Mar 10, 2021

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 This week some of the puzzle pieces in your life may not fit correctly. That’s okay, Aries. You will find a way to make things work even if they don’t exactly line up. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Your thoughts may be focused on the spiritual for much of the week, Taurus. This is an opportunity to get in touch with meaningful things in your life. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, if things haven’t been going as planned, perhaps it’s time to reevaluate some of your choices. Have confidence that you will find a solution that works....

  • Ah....The Whitehall Rumor Mill

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Mar 3, 2021

    What would we do without gossip and rumors? would probably be a lot less dramatic, the news would be a bit more reliable, but life might also be a bit boring. Don’t get me wrong, I love gossip magazines, reality television and that type of contrived gossip. Those are actors and personalities whose lives make them money. Their fame depends on people talking about them, and sometimes negative press is what brings in the big bucks. While I love celebrity gossip, I myself am no celebrity and I’ve heard quite a bit of chatter about my...

  • Dear Editor: Geri Dorvall Responds

    Geri Dorvall|Mar 3, 2021

    Dear Editor, July 24, 2018: Trump quote “Just remember what you are seeing and what you are reading is not what is happening – just stick with us, don’t believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news.” Most of my information about Trump comes from one source – Trump himself. I watched his speeches live when possible and then did follow-up research on any claims he made. He lied many times to the American people. Trump said, “You’re not paying for those tariffs. China is paying for those tariffs.” Tariffs are picked up by the Ameri...

  • Dear Editor: Our Health Department is Super

    Barb Reiter|Mar 3, 2021

    Dear Editor, We have a super Health Department - aren’t we lucky? I wish to add my voice to all those who have expressed gratitude to the Jefferson County Health Department for their tireless efforts to keep us all safe during this COVID pandemic. In addition, I have great appreciation and respect for our county health board and officer for issuing a mask directive for Jefferson County. Thanks for keeping us safe and focused on what is important – the health and safety of all residents. Bar...

  • Dear Editor: Kelly Hencz Responds to County Health Volunteer

    Kelly Hencz|Mar 3, 2021

    Dear Editor, This is in response to the letter from the volunteer, Jefferson County Health Clinic, from the February 24, 2021 issue. After reading this letter, my first thought was, “why is this volunteer afraid to state their name?” Was it really a volunteer or could it have been the unelected officials at the Jefferson County Health Clinic attempting to push their agenda and mask mandate by assuming they alone know what is best for we, the people, and our entire county? Liberals often state, “my body, my choice”. So, a man and woman can the...

  • Go Ask Jo: March 3, 2021

    Jo|Mar 3, 2021

    Dear Jo, Great paper again this week – I love reading it. My favorite person in the world is Patricia Ann DeBack, I call her “Mom”. She always tells me to make sure I wear clean underwear in case I get into an accident. My second favorite person is John Wayne, I call him “Duke”. He always said “A man’s got to have a set of codes, laws to live by. I won’t be wronged. I won’t be insulted. I won’t be laid a hand on. I won’t do these things to others and require the same of them.” My third favorite person is your editor, I think I will call her ...

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