Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana


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  • Dear Editor: Thank You From AS&CC

    Apr 21, 2021

    Dear Editor, The AS&CC Spay and Neuter Program would like to specially thank everyone for their constant help and support making our Low Cost Spay & Neuter program such a huge success. A BIG shout out for Cory Tebay of Western Veterinary Services for his constant help and support. We are very fortunate that our local Jefferson County Veterinarian Cory Tebay of Western Veterinary Services and his partnership with Elanco Animal Health continues to sponsor our clinic’s offering vaccinations at a very low price for Jefferson County Residents at our...

  • Dear Editor: Public Lands Bind Us

    Apr 21, 2021

    Dear Editor, Once again, the Rally for Public Lands at the State Capitol was proof that our public lands and outdoor way of life bind us. The numbers bear it out: 89% of Montanans visit public lands every year. 64% hunt or fish. 79% consider themselves conservationists. 89% say public lands positively impact our overall quality of life. These values are the common ground on which we build strong families and pass on the traditions that shape us. But some fringe state lawmakers don’t seem to share these values. These lawmakers are attacking o...

  • Dear Editor: Response to Truck Driver's Wife #2

    Dana Brunet|Apr 21, 2021

    Dear editor, Dear editor; to begin, I would like to say I think the Editor of the Whitehall Ledger is doing an outstanding job on covering the news, events, and all points of view in a professional manner! As for the wife of a truck driver (I will leave my personal feelings aside)... As a local business owner on Legion Avenue, I agree that semi trucks and automobiles need to slow down on Legion. There are too many children, elderly and businesses that utilize parking on both sides of the street! I am also an active CDL holder who drives...

  • Dear Editor: Thanks to Neighbors

    Joel Andrews|Apr 21, 2021

    Dear Editor, Around 6pm on Sunday, April 18th, I headed up to our MT Web business location on Noble Street. When I pulled up the hill, I saw a fire with flames about three feet high spreading south rapidly through the grass. I called my wife and told her to call the fire department while I began to stomp at the edge of it to keep it from spreading. However, it jumped the alley with a big gust of wind, carrying it to Chris & Gretchen Tavenner’s lawn. I ran over and began stomping the area out, got two areas put out, then began working on the m...

  • Go Ask Jo: 4/21/2021

    Jo|Apr 21, 2021

    Dear Jo, I try to keep myself well-groomed and looking sharp, so I shave every couple of days. For the most part, this works out fairly well, but I sometimes ‘nick’ (sorry, Nick) myself and end up bleeding like a stuck pig. How would you suggest I keep it clean without bleeding out or forgetting to pull the toilet paper off my cuts? Signed, Clean-shaven but NOT cut-free Dear Clean and Cut, Being well-groomed and looking sharp IS important. I have two suggestions. First, are you taking your time while you do your grooming? You may be trying to...

  • Horoscope: 4/21/2021

    Apr 21, 2021

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Some things are entirely out of your control, Aries. You may come up against some such obstacles this week. Focus your energy on the things you can control. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, if you’re seeking new horizons, establish a game plan and then do your homework. This will help determine if it is practical to make a move. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Your expressiveness and affections are drawn out this week, Gemini. It could put you in the mood to push some limits socially or creatively. Chances are things will work out well. C...

  • Editorial: Assumptions Are No Good For Anyone

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Apr 14, 2021

    My editorial this week is in response to the letter below, commenting on my previous editorial from two weeks ago “Holy Cow, Slow Down!” As the author of the letter to the Editor did not sign their note, I can only address it here, in public. We all know what they say about assuming, and there are many assumptions in her letter. I also made my own assumptions in my previous editorial. She assumed I was talking about ALL semi drivers; I assumed readers would understand I was talking about vehicles speeding who need to slow down. If her hus...

  • Dear Editor: Wife of a Truck Driver and Damn Proud of It

    Unknown|Apr 14, 2021

    Dear Editor, This letter is in response to an article written by you in your newspaper regarding “all the big trucks speeding down past your office.” I am a wife of a truck driver. You have no idea how many hours and miles a truck driver drives so that you can have a lot of the necessities that you require in life. They are some of the ones that worked non-stop during the COVID pandemic so that everyone had what they needed to live. They were not working from home, they were out in the public working every day and night to deliver products to...

  • Dear Editor: Keep the Skatepark Clean

    Stephanie Burtch Vinson|Apr 14, 2021

    Dear Editor, After a trip up to Ringing Rocks with my three small children and some friends last Saturday, we decided to drive into Whitehall for a frosty treat from the KFC/A&W. After getting our treats in the drive-through, we made our way over to the town skate park and gazebo to let the kids eat their ice cream and run off their wiggles before our trip home to Dillon. I was shocked to see how much trash was laying on the ground in the park! There were pieces of push brooms, a broom head on the roof of the gazebo, innumerable bottles, cans,...

  • Go Ask Jo: 4/14/2021

    Jo|Apr 14, 2021

    Dear Jo, Can you please advise me on a family situation? I recently moved to Montana in order to be closer to my aunt. She is a remarkable woman whom I love and respect. Her son, my cousin, recently moved back to Montana also. I enjoy time together with both. However, every time I go out to eat with them, he hits on the waitress. Now this may not seem like such a bad thing, but seriously, it is so bad that certain restaurants send men to the table to take our order his reputation is so bad. It is not funny, but is embarrassing and makes the...

  • Horoscope: 4/14/2021

    Apr 14, 2021

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, if you feel like every day is the same thing, then figure out a way to add some spark to the week. Invite friends for an adventure or embrace a new hobby. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, find ways to entertain your family and yourself without breaking the bank. Recreational centers and parks are often free and have many possibilities. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, explore more creative pursuits in the days to come. You can find many great ideas and starter kits for arts and crafts projects at your local craft store. CANCE...

  • Dear Editor: Gun Control in my Hometown Paper

    Doug Milender|Apr 14, 2021

    Dear Editor, The subject of gun control seems to be everywhere these days. Even my hometown newspaper. Guns are evil. We must choose between guns and our children’s safety. Really? Here is another man’s opinion. The anti-gun argument often fails to recognize any benefits of “civilian” ownership of firearms. In our daily lives we routinely make decisions using a cost /benefit analysis. If I want to drive to Bozeman for a day of shopping, I understand there is some risk associated with a hundred mile round trip in a car. So I weigh that against...

  • Dear Editor: Letter for a Horseman

    Robert Lack|Apr 14, 2021

    Dear Editor, This is from a horseman: I am really glad to see fourty-four farms in Texas have partnered with Walmart to procure Angus based cattle for Walmart to process and package their own line of meat in their black plastic tray. So they don’t have to rely on four major packing houses - some issues in the beef business are self inflicted. And some are totally not fair. But consumers get to vote on whether they like beef every single day. Cattlemen should jump in and try to figure out how to cooperate with the complete supply chain in o...

  • Dear Editor: Focus on Abortion, Not Gun Control

    Arcylle Shaw|Apr 14, 2021

    Dear Editor, Mr. Johnson, you are to be commended for your concern of deaths of children by guns. The abortion industry has killed millions of babies in the womb and without guns. Those babies need defending. They have had their lives taken with funding from the U.S. government. Murder with a gun is illegal and comes with an arrest, etc. Not so, with all of those baby deaths. Guns are not ‘treasures’, they are one of our freedoms. Arcylle Shaw Cardwell, Montana...

  • Volunteers Make the World Go 'Round

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Apr 7, 2021

    This past weekend while working on the Whitehall Chamber’s Easter Egg and Scavenger Hunt, I had many people ask how they can get more involved. Such a great question! The need for volunteers gets greater and greater each year with new events added. The Chamber of Commerce is a huge source of events in the area and always in need to volunteers for events such as the Easter Egg & Scavenger Hunt, Frontier Days, Fall Festival and Christmas Stroll. You don’t have to be a Chamber member, or even a business owner, to volunteer your time or res...

  • Dear Editor - HB 325

    Don Lepinsky|Apr 7, 2021

    Dear Editor, If passed by the voters, HB 325 would amend MCA 3-2-101 to do away with state at large elections for supreme court justices, and provide for elections in newly created separate districts. In my opinion, the bill is severely flawed. The current state at large elections grants citizens the right to vote for all seats on the court. HB 325 significantly erodes voting rights, by restricting individuals to vote for only one seat on the court for the district in which they reside. For this reason alone, this bill should be rejected....

  • Dear Editor: COVID "Vaccines"

    Kelly Hencz|Apr 7, 2021

    Dear Editor, All the outright lies pursuant to the alleged COVID “vaccines” need to be exposed to the public and stopped immediately. Drug companies have been working on a vaccine for Coronavirus since 2002 and could never bring it to the market due to the fact they could not prove “safety.” The Pfizer and Moderna “vaccines” are not vaccines but merely shots which are injected with small pieces of genetic material, which has never been done before. The Johnson & Johnson shot actually uses aborted fetal tissue from either the retinal or...

  • Dear Editor: "Protect Children, Not Guns"

    Gerald Johnson|Apr 7, 2021

    Dear Editor, When or if your readers read “Protect Children, Not Guns – An Initiative” in today’s Ledger, everyone should understand that it is not an Op-Ed by me. It is not an opinion. It is a fact and a reality faced by all of America’s children every day. It is my hope that many of you will “download” the entire publication of the Children’s Defense Fund’s “Protect the Children, Not Guns” and ask yourself, do I “treasure” my child/children - warm, loving, creations of God; or do I “treasure” my gun/guns – cold, hard, tools of Satan? “Fo...

  • Dear Editor: Outraged

    Charles Haddon Shank|Apr 7, 2021

    Dear Editor, I have recently become aware of a disturbing event that happened the other day. The Ice Cream Lady, who is a good friend of mine, was just finishing up her route for the day, when her vehicle was blocked in & she was verbally accosted by a very upset man, who, for whatever reason, was obviously having a bad day. While this man, who remains anonymous, had quite a few complaints against my friend, none of which were grounded, he was apparently grasping for straws, so to speak. My friend, who showed herself to be a real lady,...

  • Go Ask Jo: 4/7/2021

    Apr 7, 2021

    Dear Jo, Manners, I want to talk about manners. Does anyone have manners anymore? I find that I don’t even practice the kind of manners I was raised with. I see people have less reverence for our elderly, less respect for their parents, less understanding and care for those around them. I know that I am not alone in this belief. What can I do to make a change? Signed, Make a Change Dear Change, “Be the change you want to see in the world”. I can’t find the initial source of the saying, but have seen it several times. It always hits home. W...

  • Horoscope: 4/7/2021

    Apr 7, 2021

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Now may be a great time to reevaluate your finances, Aries. Investments could be the right path for now, but you may want to seek some professional advice. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 A message from a business partner could bring welcome news, Taurus. This might be the break you are waiting for at this juncture in your life. Career changes could be in store. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, expect to engage in a very interesting conversation this week. This person has not crossed your path in a while, and the reconnection sparks new...

  • Holy Cow - Slow Down!

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Mar 31, 2021

    Something has got to be done about the speeding on Legion Avenue. There has got to be some creative ideas out there that will make the semis slow down and still appease the Montana DOT by keeping Legion Ave a functional part of the highway system. Two days in the past week I came into my office, which sits on Legion Ave, and found my frames, which hung on the back wall of my office, shattered to pieces. I laughed it off the first time – wow! The K-Bar got crazy last night and must’ve had a humdinger of a bar brawl. But then it happened again. I...

  • Dear Editor: About the Rock Lady

    Charlotte Lombardi|Mar 31, 2021

    Dear Editor, As a sibling and friend of the community’s beloved rock lady, I wanted to add a little more to the profile that came out recently! The profile touched on Pam being a nature lover, and oh boy is she. As children, I remember her going out after a fresh rain to save the worms that had crawled out of the Earth. She’d pluck them off the sidewalks and put them back into the grass where they could safely return underground. Nowadays, you can find her helping calve in the spring, floating the river in the summer, rock hounding in the fal...

  • Dear Editor: HB176 and County Support

    Rebecca Johnson|Mar 31, 2021

    Dear Editor, Why are our county election administrator Bonnie Ramey and state representative Marta Bertoglio supporting voter suppression bill HB176, which eliminates same day voter registration on Election Day? 60,000 Montanans registered and voted on Election Day over the past 15 years. Montanans have shown their support for this same day registration law when they voted to keep this law in place several years ago. Now, our elected officials support taking away this voting right from thousands of Montanans for every future election. This is...

  • Dear Editor: Response to Gerald Johnson Letter #1

    Arcylle Shaw|Mar 31, 2021

    Dear Editor, This is in response to Gerald Johnson’s comments on gun control. Guns don’t kill people. People kill people. They use knives, their hands, etc., etc. According to Jeremiah 17:9, “The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.” Another Scripture from the mouth of Jesus: “For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts murders, adulteries, fornications, (immoral behavior) thefts, false witness (lies) and blasphemies.” Matthew 15:19. It’s man’s heart that is the issue. Arcylle Shaw Cardwell, MT...

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